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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. Not to step on anyone's artistic toes, but is there any chance you guys could take the fan art to another thread? Hard to talk about the movie when every other post is a picture.
  2. And another thing: "Elbow Rockets." Really? It may not have been a classic example, but that moment screamed out for "ROCKET PUNCH!"
  3. You know what this movie was missing? A moment or character that induced a "gar" state in the audience. No manly tears, and no testosterone explosion of manliness that made you want to jump up and start cheering (and/or squealing). Perhaps that would have been too over the top for a live-action movie, but it's one of the few tropes they missed.
  4. This statement makes no sense whatsoever. Is this your way of saying they have no depth or character? Because that would be pretty accurate. Arguably the movie's greatest strength, excellent work done there. The antithesis of Bayformers.
  5. Blatant double-dip. A remaster of a show that was produced and broadcast in HD? Seriously? You spend your money on this you deserve to have it taken from you.
  6. Which is the problem. If this were an anime movie, it wouldn't even warrant a thread here. We're awed by the special effects work and a real-life take on the genre, but the script is just not good. Every time someone starts talking, you just want them to move on to the next set piece or fight.
  7. True enough. Giant inter-dimensional monsters attacking the cities along the Pacific knock down fewer buildings than two Kryptonians in Metropolis.
  8. Ok, so, what works? Fight scenes (duh) Anime tropes (and they hit ALOT of them) Physical setpieces Ellen McLain (we needed more of her, really) What doesn't work? Frankly, any story bits that aren't anime tropes are rather stupid Too many flat performances and poor line readings A few horrid performances (Clifton Collins is flat out bad, and Charlie Day is a hideous cross between JJ Abrams and Bobcat Goldwaith) I really don't care about any of these characters Post-credits scene is worth a chuckle (A7, you really should delete your spoilers) I want to give it a 6/10, but the old anime geek in me says give it a 7/10 and be happy.
  9. Frak it, I'm watching sharks all day on SyFy! Edit: I'm not sure I can do this...
  10. What's "fun" about a movie that's widely regarded to be flat out bad?
  11. Money grab. Look one post up. Had he intended it to be best viewed in IMAX 3D, he'd have used IMAX 3D cameras. He didn't--he filmed it in 2D.
  12. Reminder: Pacific Rim was not filmed in 3D. The post-conversion job is a money grab by the studio, and not an artistic choice by del Toro. In other words, it's meant to be viewed in 2D.
  13. If it's good, hope it does well. If it's bad, hope it flops. Bad movies doing poorly discourage studios from investing in similar shite. In principle, anyway.
  14. Currently at 75% on RT, but we still have four days until release. Anything north of 60% would be a good sign in my mind, as it's clearly a genre film that doesn't have universal appeal. I'm nervous but hopeful.
  15. It's the first thing to chose to point out; it was your lead. Simply saying its not true.
  16. Depp is not recognized as having any Native American blood, and it was something he hasn't mused about in some 20 years.
  17. No, he's not "acting like" he's a Native American; he's doing a caricature, and that is what is offensive. See: Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
  18. I disagree. The movie is getting it's ass handed to it.
  19. You clearly haven't seen many westerns. And red face is what Depp is doing in this movie. It's the Native American version of black face.
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