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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. No film is perfect. Somewhere in the 90's it became OK for summer films to pander to the lowest common denominator. Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay pretty much ruined the summer movie experience. Story matters. Writing matters. Acting matters. Big robots, super heroes, and big explosions don't make the lack of these ok. The summer movies I grew up with in the late 70's and 80's make most of this stuff look like made for SyFy crap.
  2. So it's mindless schlock with lots of big booms, like everything else we've seen this summer?
  3. Ace Combat: Infinity coming to the PS3 (only platform listed). Infinity Teaser
  4. Looks like a cross between arcade Strider and NES Strider.
  5. I like Idris Elba, but I thought he has several bad line readings in this movie. Certainly not one of his better performances.
  6. Capcim just announced a new Strider game, being developed by Double Helix.
  7. HG has liberated us from the ignorance of our youth. Imagine if we all still thought RT was good, and knew little about the original series it was based upon. How sad would that be?
  8. Or climb. Or just plow through it. That story device makes no sense, and is just bad writing.
  9. This is supposed to be out in what, 4 months? Millions of units? And they haven't already started production on them? And an additional 4GB of RAM? Uh, yeah, how much of a loss does MS plan to take on this thing?
  10. Logically speaking, that makes no sense. But then again, the first movie has it's share of illogical nonsense.
  11. "Sorry our previous BD encode was substandard. Here, you can buy the new and improved one'!" No thanks.
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