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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. They haven't ever re-released the original Jetfire, why do you think a "settlement" on an alledged rights infringement would change that?
  2. Sounds like its truly excellent going into the final act, and then becomes your standard cgi bash-em-up and ends with a thud.
  3. Fluff piece. I've seen Shadow Chronicles, and that "review" is not accurate to the quality of the product.
  4. I think what Disney has done to many of these classic stories is offensive, and generally speaking, they make kids movies that talk down to their audience. I also take real issue with the lack of credit they give to the original authors.The problem we have with this movie comes from the fact that we know the story, and have eagerly been awaiting its release--especially after it was pushed back a year. We were expecting something more classical, and instead we are getting some fantasy piece filled with the usual special effects bullshit.
  5. I'm a film geek, thanks. It's my passion. 47 Ronin gets so much wrong in its Hollywood re-imaging that its practically offensive.
  6. Generally speaking, they didn't rely on the script for Drive too much.
  7. I care who writes them, I care who directs them, and yes, I care who is in them. And I'll say again. Who is giving Disney movies a free pass? The Lone Ranger and last 25 Pirates movies are generally considered to be pretty bad.
  8. No, they're bad because of the "talent" that produces them. And I'm not sure what this free pass they are getting is. Did I miss something?
  9. No, because I know and love the work of the writer/director. Cuaron is a true talent who doesn't turn out glossed up turds that offend our intelligence.
  10. 1. We know the real story of the 47 Ronin, 2. It's likely several of us have seen previous films about the story, and 3. Our IQs are north of the century mark.
  11. I really enjoyed 9, but it falls apart in the last disc.
  12. Your loss. You know, there's more to movies than battles and explosions.
  13. I was hoping for some first-hand accounts from members'
  14. Supposedly Dredd is doing exceedingly well in DVD sales. That's why there is even talk of a sequel. I think a lot of people (like myself) weren't able to see it in the theater because it wasn't playing nearby, and had to wait for the disc release.
  15. Reports coming in the game patch is now available, and the game now plays at 1080p at 60fps on the PS3. NeoGaf says the difference is huge. Anyone want to confirm this so I can go ahead and finally buy the HD collection?
  16. And Sam Jackson has had the leading roles in how many films?I don't think you guys are getting the concept. It would have been like Lucas casting Al Pacino in the original. Or Russel Crowe in one of the prequels. It hasn't happened.
  17. A script treatment is essentially a summary of a proposed story. They're a step up from an outline, but nothing close to a drafted script.
  18. None of them had the star power that Leo has.
  19. BTW, according to Yune at SDCC, it doesn't sound like they even have a script for this thing yet.
  20. TheForce.net is reporting the rumor (along with LR's story about Lucasfilm looking at Zac Efron and Ryan Goaling), but state fairly bluntly that they don't believe it. Generally speaking, TFN is the bullshit meter for Star Wars rumors. They're the ones who debunked the Abrams leaving SW7 rumors that set the Internet on fire last week.
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