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Duke Togo

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Everything posted by Duke Togo

  1. You didn't read back more than a page, did you? There were plenty of us who were put off by the horrible dialog and gross overacting that plagues just about every scene that doesn't involve robots fighting monsters. The scientists are flat out horrid, and ruin every scene they are in. And it takes some [sarcasm] real directorial talent [/sarcasm] to get a sub-par performance out of Idris Elba, but somehow del Toro managed to do just that.
  2. The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China are definitely not among his movies I would consider guilty pleasures. They're just flat out great.
  3. Showgirls, but you have to watch it with friends. Drinking helps, too. And yes, A7, I suppose Starship Troopers would count. It's clearly not the book, and it's definitely not the spiritual successor to Robocop that Verhoeven wants it to be, but the cast! THE CAST!
  4. From what I've read, they really beat you over the head with the movie's message, in that heavy-handed Avatar sorta way.
  5. I think I'm gonna wait for the Blu to hit Netflix.
  6. I saw this yesterday, and nearly crapped myself. Then I started reading about X 3, which was the last game of the series... It is not highly regarded.
  7. I waited for the blu to hit Netflix before I saw the first one. If there's good buzz being generated by the second, I may go see it in the theater.
  8. Surviving the wrath of god simply by closing your eyes is kinda silly.
  9. True story: I actually read End of the Circle way back in 1990.
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