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Everything posted by McDuck

  1. I'm not going to lie. I was new to M7 and jumped ahead and finished the whole series, movie, encore episodes, and dynamite 7. I couldn't help it, it was addictive! lol I'll take a crack at writing a review of episode 11 or 12 (whatever the current one is) in the next day or so if someone else doesn't beat me to it. Bomba!
  2. Long time lurker first time poster here. I just started to seriously watch M7 for the first time after skipping over it for the other series. So far I'm on episode 2 and am enjoying the subtleties that were eventually incorporated into Frontier. The remastered animation is a plus too. I can't wait to catch up to the rest of you so I can join in the episode 7 and 8 discussion. Robotech sucks!
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