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Cannon Fodder

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  1. Esponjabob

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my Max at HLJ. Good night all.
  2. Esponjabob

    Hi-Metal R

    Monster is up on HLJ. Just pre-ordered one for myself! http://www.hlj.com/product/BANN05211
  3. Esponjabob

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not an expert on this, but do you think it could have something to do with the fact that AmiAmi misspelled Destroid as "Destroyed"? Perhaps it doesn't show up so easily on a search engine and goes unnoticed, thus the low sales?
  4. Esponjabob

    Hi-Metal R

    I read earlier in the thread that preorders for th monster go up on MAR 1st. Does anybody have an idea of what time locally? Thanks in advance!
  5. Captain, how does one go about purchasing one of these kits? Thanks!!
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