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Everything posted by DYRL?

  1. Prob. not to well.
  2. Great poses everyone. Once I receive a 1/10 RA I will certainly be posting. Glad to see that MisterRynos thread is still going. It seems that they banned him. Too bad. He seems like a cool dude. That >EXO< isn't even as cool as him. He seems to bag on the aussie too much.
  3. That's what I was thinking as well. But it does seem to be 2 different tones. But as Jenius said...it's prob. because it's a proto.
  4. It's killin me how fast these bad boys are coming out. I LOVE the new 1/60! It's too cool!
  5. I'm glad that I decided to throw SDFM back into the DVD player the other day. I have not seen it in so long. I can't seem to get my DYRL? to work though. . Too bad...it's my FAVORITE!
  6. I'll see if I can sell my wife on it for our first born girl.
  7. Now that I am back in town....I've finally had the chance to read over this and the other "Hero" threads. >EXO< - Decent job on this one as well mate. You spelled Ichijo wrong.
  8. Now that I am back in town....I've finally had the chance to read over this and the other "Hero" threads. >EXO< - Decent job on this one mate.
  9. I voted for 19+. I WILL own them all.
  10. DECULTURE!!!
  11. Only cause this was SUPER F**KING ANNOYING!!! "Listen to my song!" - Sheryl MF
  12. Quoted For TRUTH!
  13. I am many many others have done the exact same thing. I was so pissed when I broke mine that I sold it right away.
  14. I LOVE ordering from LOS but it has been a bit "slow" lately. I like the guy and trust him though and will continuously be giving my business to him when the items are already in stock. I agree with you on not being comfortable with the paying for the preorder up front...BUT....I have heard nothing but good things about OverDrive. And...I do believe that the 1D will come with bothe the missiles and the gunpod. I can't figure out why it would not.
  15. BBTS is a bit higher than most...but with this item, I doubt they will rape us. Good call on that one mate.
  16. WOW! GREAT customs mate! I could do without the weathering.....but, that's just my opinion...it does not matter. Also...Cute Dags!
  17. That's strange to hear. I owned a CM Blue Legioss/Tread and the hands held all the weapons wonderfully. Now after seeing sams "boom" I wish I would not have sold it.
  18. Vegas, You amaze me with the beauty of your shots. VF-18S Hornet, Thanks for the Destroid love. I dig the sticker job on the Defender. EDIT: VF-18S: In your sig..."Macross Minay's songs" <----That's not right. Sorry mate.
  19. DAMN MATE!!! You are too cool my man! Always got the coolest pics and poses you do.
  20. That's all I got to say.
  21. I'm a HUGE fan of the Chunky. I think you did a great job there mate!
  22. Damn.....and I thought you were the one with all the answers.
  23. Those are some AMAZING poses mate!
  24. Heh.....Very cool. I'll have to try that out with one of mine.
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