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Pat S

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Everything posted by Pat S

  1. Found this today... and
  2. Is this the IHP kit, I know it's not the SHE one... http://efsfrgm7.hp.infoseek.co.jp/pramoanotheryf19.html
  3. I don't even know what this is... http://ingaouhou.or.tv/yf-19.htm
  4. I am going to start modifying a YF-19 toy, and re paint when done. Please help give me tips and ideas if you can. I will start dissasembly today and add some pics as I go. I will also add some lineart pics (not scans). I bought a bunch of WAVE joints, I'll take some pics of those too. My goals... 1 More poseability (legs need to have much more movement at the hips and knees). 2 Closer to the lineart. (legs need to look more like the lineart in the intake area, and sleeker in fighter mode if possible). Here are some sources for ideas. 1st is a VF-19A customized with ball joints in the hips. My question is, are the ball joints in the crotch, or in the legs? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8632&hl= 2nd is a custom by VF-19 Pilot!!! who modded his so the legs come further forward. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=8997&hl=
  5. Haha, that claw reminds me of "hentai tentacles".
  6. Pretty funny. I was thinking today that it was odd that none of the other characters wanted to go rescue their family members, just Shaun. "It's electro... prick!"
  7. Speaking of The Last Starfighter, someone built a Starfighter Arcade Machine... http://www.arcadecontrols.org/yabbse/index...;threadid=24691
  8. I like the paint scheme. From those pics, looks like you did a quality job too.
  9. I just bought an original from MajorTom The box says JafCon9 on it
  10. Probably your video or sound card.
  11. LOL
  12. I agree on the start slow and small idea.
  13. Yeah, I think he could have chosen better colors.
  14. My spoiler answers... 1. It was to make the geisha dolls more lifelike, and a hot seller. 2. I understood them to mean it was fake, but then again, I think I saw blood. Though, why'd he want to see it then? 3. Security. They were dubbed there, and the ship captains or whatever they were, used them for defense. Just Togusa hacking as far as I could tell. Pretty good hacker for a guy who hates technology. Maybe if they had the AI Tachikoma's helping, I could understand. It did appear that 10 years had passed between GITS movie 1 and 2. (I missed the opening, so I'm not sure if a date was mentioned). The characters seemed older, so maybe Togusa got with the program so to speak, though it's hard to believe the characters could survive 10 years in their jobs considering all the danger they get themselves into.
  15. $? I agree though. Doom 1 and 2 looked much different than Quake 1 2 and 3, but Doom 3 looks exaclty the same as Quake 4 so far.... and because I was nonimpressed by Doom 3, I'm not likely to buy Quake 4 even though it's being done by Raven and not id. Hopefully Half-Life 2 comes out, and I'm too busy playing it and Counterstrike 2 to notice anything else.
  16. I currently have 3, and have 1 more on the way, out of the 3 I have now, no major problems, and only 1 has paint scuffs on the feet.
  17. The Alpha has a 1/3 defect rate according to our poll, but the other 2/3's say it doesn't suck. In fact, most people who get one with no major defects say they're happy with it, so the only issue I see is a quality control one at the plant. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=10384
  18. No, just the metal bar in the shoulder is cut down. It's hard to describe, there is a sway in the shoulder area added, but the arms can move in any way they normally could. Edit: Ahh, let me look at it again because I've done other mods to it. It may be possible to do the shoulder one without the other mods, but I have to check.
  19. The Yamato VF-11b is way more stable in gerwalk and battloid than the YF-21. I modded mine and fixed the shoulder problem a bit, but the way I did it, unless you're careful, the arms can come off they just pop back in though. The wings are not on in that pic though, and the left shoulder is not all the way in.
  20. It reminded me a lot of Patlabor2 which has already been mentioned. I thought it looked amazing, but feel that the story, while interesting, was probably more worthy of being an episode of Stand Alone Complex, rather than an entire movie. Still, very enjoyable, and I liked the focus on Batou's home life.
  21. Yeah, I started playing Quake1 again a few months ago, there aren't many servers left, but it's still a lot of fun, especially with the new graphics engines and textures out like FuhQuake and Telajeno. They are doing the same thing with Quake 2 now as well.
  22. Looks just like Doom 3. Same engine I know, but, I don't see much difference in style. Hopefully it's multiplayer is more fun than Doom 3.
  23. It's got a weird stance, http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ij8t-kbym/macross/sv51/sv51.html
  24. I would buy 1/48 conversion parts in a heartbeat. Pre-colored, and reasonably priced? Thread over, start making them
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