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1 VF-1 2NV

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    1 VF-1 2NV

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Global's Pipe Holder

Global's Pipe Holder (6/15)



  1. Great advice J...
  2. 1 VF-1 2NV

    2 seater 1/48s

    You handed over a sample...right????
  3. you know...those 2 ebayers are members here....LOL!
  4. Undies, socks, deodorant, cologne...
  5. Great...hopefully us americans can bid on some macross toys. Article
  6. Googled RT
  7. Thanks. I am currently shopping for a new laptop. I have a 4-5 yr old Pentium 4 laptop/win xp/1gb ram/40gb hd. I'll probably wait till the end of the year to buy a new one. I understand that there Intel is going to release a new chip next year so I may wait even longer for a discount on the current crop of laptops. Leaning toward a windows computer, but may be swayed to try an apple if the price is right. I spend alot of time on airplanes. I have the ipod touch. I want to convert my dvd library so that I can watch it on my pod. What about Cucusoft, Avex, PQdvd? ANyone try these software titles.
  8. Can anyone recommend a great dvd and video to ipod software? If so, what are it's computer/technical requirements? Also, performance wise which setup is better assuming all is identical except the following: 1GB MEMORY/7200 RPM HARD DRIVE OR 2GB MEMORY/5400 RPM HARD DRIVE
  9. 1. More CMS type figures depicting most, if not all, the characters in the Macross universe, both protagonists and antagonists (sp?) 2. Enemy mecha/ships 3. Whatever...I like most macross and dyrl...
  10. 1/48 Angelbird
  11. No. Half that....
  12. Walmart usually stocks their shelves around midnight.
  13. That's it....no other info. Hey G, wanna trade hard drives !
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