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Everything posted by macrosspilot

  1. you can take that low poly model and apply a displacement map to it using zbrush or mudbox. as long as its 2.5k or more it shouldnt be that bad and you'll get the same results and be able to animate in realtime with minimal calculation lag because its a 3d texture. what 3d application are you using maya, max, lightwave, xsi, also make sure that who ever is giving you the model that they have it already rigged or you can rig it yourself if you know how if not then I cant take a whack at it (as long as its a maya file or an .obj file) I can also texture in displacement too but when is this due let me know soon.
  2. very nice, whats the poly count?
  3. there are a few free models with animation that i have found but you may need several programs and plugins to view them and get it work for gmod heres the link http://www.gerwalk.net/index.php?name=Down...nload&cid=1 these are all really low poly models that may or may not look that good or even work ( but there is a pack in SMD format for halflife 1 in there but its from the robotech: crystal dreams game )but its something and its there for you to try, good luck
  4. if you want more mechanical stuff go for max, if you also want more organic models like characters and organic shaped plus mechanical stuff go for maya, plus there is a website www.highend3d.com that gives you great tutorials for both, but better ones for maya, and also has a Valkrie model in maya that is rigged and free to download without any registration, go for it.
  5. what program are you exporting this model from(3d max, maya, xsi) or do you want one that is already in HL2 format.
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