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Everything posted by hevangel2

  1. I don't get it, is it just these 2 figure will be released, or the whole part 1 set will be re-released?
  2. The VB-6 in monster mode looks a little bit weird, maybe it's because the hand and head is much smaller than a normal monster.
  3. You know what, we should show the statistic to Yamato and tell them right in their face, WE ARE YOUR BOSS, BREAD AND BUTTER, BETTER BE NICE TO US WMers! Can we collectively neogotiate some good deal with Yamato, or at least make our feed back and complains be heard. Yamato can't afford to upset us, think about what if all of us just stop buying any more valkyrie...
  4. SDF-1 Macross TV ersion SDF-1 Macross DYRL version.
  5. In ep3, DD and Nora was going to AFOS, I'm wondering, what's the plan exactly? How can they carry AFOS away from Asuka? That thing is so big that it can't be move by 2 SV-51, I even doubt it will fit inside the submarine.
  6. Ar... I just finished the subbed version of ep4. The video quality is not bad, and the translation is pretty good. I feel a bit disappointed by this ep. We don't get to show enough valkyire fightings. The birdman is waking up, the UN won't have time to resupply Asuka before everything blows up. I guess we'll stuck with VF-0. It would be cool that every characters except Roy just die or got raptured by proto-culture at the end of ep5. Otherwise I couldn't think how M0 can tie with the original SDF. Even Shin and Sara (probably with Mao) have a happy ending in M0, I couldn't help thinking in a few years time, they will all die with the rest of the earth in space war 1.
  7. You missed out the clear FP set.
  8. hlj.com already has BT-07 fore pre-order. Guess way, BT-07 is another Subaru. It's even worse than Silversteak, it has the same paint scheme as BT-01! What a rip off.
  9. Just log in to imacross ftp server 4, the filesnames has episode name.
  10. I wonder how can Max see clearly without his glasses after being macromized.
  11. hevangel2

    Yammies per user

    Update for me. 1/60 - 15 1/48 - 8 1/48 fp - 2 1/48 fp clear part - 1 1/72 - 2 unscale q-rau - 1
  12. Ar... Shin in Area 88 eventually end up in a X-29, I don't think X-29 is any good in fighting any other fighters. How about AV-8 vs JSF VTOL type?
  13. Solid hair, it's more expensive on eBay. By the principle of supply and demand, we know that solid hair is more popular, thus it should look beter.
  14. I think the old monster looks better than Koenig in gerwalk mode. The nose is too small.
  15. We got tons bootlegs of 1/55 bandai, I wonder when will we get bootlegs of yamato 1/60 or 1/48?
  16. I wonder who need another Prime after the Tataka 20th Anniversary Edition Prime.
  17. Stay away from this set. This set has seriously QC problem. One of the legs of my monster is crooked. The CMS part 2 is better buy.
  18. One word about the 1/100 VF-0S: Ugly. I can't imagine a VF-0S can be this ugly.
  19. Let me try my long lost japaneses took back in year 1. 1. Captain Max (M7) 2. Gamlin (M7, blue hair guy with VF-17) 3. Max (TV) 4. Erima ?? 5. flowe girl (M7) 6. Basara (street cloth) 7. Isamu (MPLus) 8. Max (M3) 9. Emilia ?? 10. Miria (TV) 11. Sivil (M7) 12. Mylenee (street cloth) 13 Mayer Miria (TV) 14. Kakizaki 15. Sharon Apple 16. Garvil 17. ?? arr...... i gave up.... can't recongize those unfamiliar names down there. Can someone tell me who is number 4 and number 9. I looks like the vote is over-whimed by M7 fans. I'd like to see the 3 part of CM figures are two pairs of Max and Miria, from TV and M7, then maybe with a Sharon Apple (robot form) or Muyung.
  20. He swapped the left and right wing of the Z-gundam, and I think that's the only trick he used. I don't see any obvious part is missing.
  21. What! The Miyatake designed legendary SDF-1 Macross also designed those space monster!?! Something must be really really wrong with him. Maybe he got abducted and brainwashed by aliens.
  22. I wonder what other anime does this Miyatake guy worked on. I want to see whether his other design are equally bad taste as the space monsters.
  23. what a rip off.....
  24. - defense of jump point to Earth in Wing Commander 3. - vs St. Helen in Wing Commander 4. - GP-03 vs team of zaku's in Gundam Evolve 4 - Gundam side story, The First Step betweeen 0079 and Z-Gundam, Char lead a team of reminds of Zion, attack a federation fleet and kinapped the founder of A.E.U.G. - 08MS team, ball vs hi-Zaku.
  25. WoH is realistic in the sense of pure science, but it's way off in the world view. The scenario posed by Planetes is totally realistic. The debris collection is just the lead for the main plot of the story, which is the conflict in space development between first and third world and the space terrorist fight for equality between nations. The science part of Planetes is good, but what make me totally fell for the show is the depth of the social issue it brought up in space exploration. It follow classic sci-fi tradition by asking lots of "what if" questions. It's not an average so-call sci-fi show which is merely an advanture drama or fantasy story loaded up hi-tech props. In response to ewilen, even Planetes is set at year 2075, collecting space debris may still be too much of a work for a robot. You gota see the show to understand what I say. Let me give you an example from the show. In the first eposide, the debris team have to attach a rocket to a space debris to push the debris back to earth in order for it to burn up in the atomsphere. I don't think a robot can handle this job in merely 70 years. The background of Planetes is not just space tourism, rather it potrait a world in which earth had runs out of natural resources. The only place to turn for more resources is space. Mining in moon and mars is the major driving force of space exploration.
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