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Everything posted by hevangel2

  1. All my anime collection fit nicely in my harddisk. Just covert your VHS to AVI or DIVX, and hide it under the hook of your computer. Your wife will never notice all the stuff in your 2 x 200GB harddisk As for the console systems, can't you just pack them in a box and put them in the basement? I'm sure your wife won't complain for yet another box.
  2. That's hilarious....
  3. Gundam Seed is in the list but not the original Gundam nor the Z-Gundam. I wonder who compile that list.
  4. I won't ditch my macross collection any time soon, however it seems I lost my interest in getting yet another re-paint of the same toy. I used to buy new yamatos once it is released, but now I'm just wait for the price to drop.
  5. Just watched ep.5. 2 minutes into the opening, I decided to dig up ep.4. and watch it again to refresh my memory. Ep 4 and ep 5 don't connect well, the story is kinda rushing trough. The dog fight in ep.5 is definitely the best, espeically the scene Shin fight with Nora using trust vector. Too bad both Nora and DD died stupidly. I don't understand, why Nora call Ikonav(spelling?) DD? Where the name DD come from? One more thing I don't quite understand is, after the Asuka raise up in the air, it suppose to go in scamble mode, where all fighters should launch to engage the enemy. How come we still see VF0s staying in the hanger with Mao and those Mayan people. Actually I kinda like the big claw of the monster. It looks pretty cool. Yeah... I have to agree, the end makes no sense at all. Just like the ending of Evangelion. Even though I hate Macross 7, but I'm glad that I watched it. Otherwise I'll have no idea what's going on with all those spirita stuff in M0.
  6. I guess Yamato will release a green Q-Rau next. What a rip off. I hightly doubt anyone will buy the Max figure if it ever get released. Buying guy's figure is just soooo gay.
  7. Wow... that's really nice!
  8. I don't think many people actually send DVD or tapes to HK for bootleg these days, the internet is much more convenient. Rip the whole DVD and send 9GB of data to HK won't take too long. Unless they censor everything internet packet, there is no way to stop anime bootleg. It's funny they censor toys sending to china which are made in china.
  9. Yeap... I have the same problem.
  10. I rather they re-release part 1.
  11. Cool... where do you find it?
  12. The trailer looks really funny.
  13. I'm sure Kira will come back. Don't you think one of the new guy looks surprising like Kira? Probably Kira just got yet another long lost twin. In the end of Seed, I still couldn't understand how Lux and Cagali got seed power. Bandai better explain it in seed destiny. I also think the masked bad guy will come back in seed destinay, he is a clone, probably there are many other clones somewhere.
  14. I'm sorry to hear that.
  15. How come Swindle has a autobat license plate?
  16. Wow... it's even cheaper than the regular one.
  17. If the bootleg and fansub bittorrents are gone, where can we find our source of anime? I rather save money to buy more toys, items than buying official anime DVDs.
  18. You can get hound in Ultra Toy in Pacific Place at Garden City / Cambie in Richmond. CAD$85, they still have 1 left I went there last week.
  19. hevangel2

    1/60 Gbp

    The VF-1J finds his home.
  20. hevangel2

    1/60 Gbp

    Fully dressed VF-1J
  21. hevangel2

    1/60 Gbp

    Old VF-1J with armour parts.
  22. hevangel2

    1/60 Gbp

    I just got my VF-1J GBP, can't wait to share the pictures with you guys. Here is the first one, a half naked VF-1J.
  23. I just tried to swap the armour of GBP and my old VF-1J super out of curious. I found that the old VF-1J is compabale with the GBP armour (except one minor issue), but the new VF-1J is incompatable with the old FP. The peg size of the fist is slightly larger in the new VF-1J. I have to force the big fist into the old one. The new VF-1J use the new gunpod, so the arm piece of the old FP won't fit the new gun pod. However, it doesn't fit the old gunpod either, please take a look at the picture.
  24. hevangel2

    1/60 VF-1J GBP

    Maybe someone had already bought this up. I just got my GBP today, I found out that shoulder doesn't match the one on the box. On the box, the shoulder is black, but in the actual toy is white. I have 2 questions, Does someone get a black colour shoulder by chance? What's the official shoulder colour in TV? Thanks.
  25. Congrats Graham
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