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Everything posted by hevangel2

  1. yf-21
  2. another one.
  3. Let me post some pictures here directly. The light I'm using come with the cabinet, they are all from Ikea.
  4. Dear fellow MWers, I'd like to share the album of my macross collection with you. I just received my 1/60 M&M today, and I finally completed the yamato line. (Well... not exactly, I still don't have a 1/60 VF-1S Roy, and any 1/72 1st edition, and I havn't got the latest 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru yet.) But, to me, I'm done with the Yamato line for the time being. I won't buy any more macross toy until I go back to HK this X'mas. I'm so happy that I finally completed my collection, so I decided to take some pictures of my collection and here is the album. http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=4288584833 Special thanks to Silth for the cheap display stand deal. Valkyries look really nice on the display stands, especially the VE-1!
  5. hevangel2

    Whoo boy...

    I live in Canada, and I hate the Custom too! They open up my VE-1 package, and make a big cut on the box of my VE-1!!! Lucky that I'm not one of those MISB collector, the toy itself is fine though. Instead of marking gift in the package, you can also mark it as return good and ask the other guy not putting the invoice in the package to avoid custom fee. Once a while, the seller forgot to mark "gift" or "return good" on the package and I end up have to pay the custom fee. I don't mind paying the tax, that's part of my citizenship duty, but why the hell I have to pay $7.5 handling fee? What justify the postal office charge me this outragous handling fee?
  6. Normaly, I just display the valkyire and re-pose them when I feel bored. Somehow, I feel a bit abnormal today when I finally got my 1/72 YF-21 FP, I fly the YF-21 with noises, and even stage a chase with my VF-11B. The 1/48 are too fragile and expensive to play with, they are strickly display items. I have a 1/60 CF (sticker applied) at work, I'll transform it, re-pose it and fly it around when I got bored debugging my code.
  7. Watched Fumoffu up to part 13, the show is ok. If it doesn't carry the FMP name, I'll probably skip it.
  8. you forgot: Hitomi with no clothings.... ~~
  9. I just finished all 26 eposide of Last Exile. I highly recommand it to all fellow MWers. Check out the trailer here. http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/m-serve/last-exi...ram/trailer.ram http://www.jvcmusic.co.jp/m-serve/last-exi...TVdigest_01.ram You'll defintely got hooked by the stylish mecha design and flawless integration of CG/Cel animation.
  10. Just wondering, which eposide does Angel Bird appears.
  11. Wow! I just played the first 3 level of the game at my friend's place today! It is marvelous.. Definitely the best macross game ever made. It follow very closely with the TV and movie story, down to the very details. The control is really smooth, in battoid mode, you get auto lock machine gun, while you can get missile in gerwalk and fighter mode. So far my best strategy is close combat in battoid mode using maching gun, and switch to gerwalk mode and launch missile once the enemy is out of gun range. This strategy is so effective! After playing this game, I truely realize the usefulness of transforming VF fighters in real millitary application. I decided to buy a hacked PS2 and this game this X'mas during my trip to HK. Finally, there is a game that worth me to buy a PS2.
  12. Take care, man. Good luck will come back to you one day. Don't worry about your collection, you can always rebuild them later. Cheers.
  13. The first half of Gasaraki is indeed a geopolitical thriller with some potential, but the 2nd half got watered down and became an archeology mystery, I think the show should stop before they start digging up 1000 years old robots.
  14. Gasaraki has some mecha fighting scenes. However, it has serious flaw in the plot. The first half of the story is quite good, the second half of the story sucks as the main plot unfold and lack of mecha fighting.
  15. I wonder, which version of the monster are they making? The vallina monster from the old TV series, or the transforming monster from VFX2? A non-transforming monster doesn't worth $300, but if it transfrom, I'll probably consider buying it.
  16. Cool.. this reminds me an old japanese cartoon. It sounds something like "G34 guy". The cartoon is about mini-nature robot fighting competition.
  17. I wish I could afford MISB syndrome. Right now, I'm still on my way to complete my Yamato line in my displace cabinet. After I completed the line, I can consider buying an extra one for MISB collection. However, I don't like putting stickers on my yammies too. I found the resell value of stickered yammie is much lower than non-sticker MIB ones. But the resell value of non-stickered MIB is not much difference from the MISB ones.
  18. On the wing of the 1/48, there is a flight number. VF-1S is 001 VF-1A Hikaru is 011 VF-1A Max is 013, I'm wondering, who is 012? Does Yamato make 1/48 with custom wing number?
  19. Gee... you guys are lucky. I havn't got any birthday presents from my parents for many years. And my girlfriend kinda object me collecting yammies, but since she isn't my wife yet, she have no said on where I spend my money. I can't imagine she'd buy me toy as present. She always buy me mature-stuff like clothings or acessories to make me look good, which I don't really care about my look. However, my dad is pretty good in getting me toys from HK when he go back for a visit, provide that I give him specifiy instruction where and what to buy, and most enough money to pay for the toy.
  20. In short, Area 88 is a comic about mercenary pilot fighting a civil in an oil rich middle-east country. The main character is a commercial pilot trainee and got tricked by his friend sign his life away to become a mercenary when his friend want to marry his girlfriend. The comics center around our hero who joined Area 88 (the air base's name), his mission, his relationship with his teamates, and ultimate fight against the bad guy who is secretly behind the whole civil war.
  21. My latest favourate is BoA from Korea. Just downloaded all of her CDs in mp3.
  22. Hi, I have read that the plastic of Yamato valkyire will eventually turn yellow. Is there any way we could stop this process? First of all, we have to ask what makes the plastic turn yellow? Is it sun-light or other causes?
  23. I own all four 1/48. Honestly speaking, I can't really tell the difference of the VF-1S from the suppose to be improved Low Vis and Max. The only obvious fix is the nose cone is tighter, that's all I observed.
  24. Hi guys, Thanks for your inputs. I finally decided to buy VF-11B FP, and YF-21 FP. Let's hope the up coming YF-19 FP will look nice with the company. P.S. Kevin, I read many positive reviews about your on-line shop in this forum. I'd like to buy from you, however the price you are offering is not very competitive. As the law of economy goes, I simply pick from the cheapest (and reliable) deal I found. I'm able to get VF-11B FP for $50+$18 shipping, and still bidding on the VF-21 FP. Hopefully I could get it for $40 + $20 shipping. Not a bad deal, huh?
  25. When will be the shopathon? I'll be in HK in early January (probably the first week). It'd be fun to shop for Yamato with a whole bunch of WMers.
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