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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Any news on this mod
  2. i wish we were getting the un spacey and so the ships can shot to the other side of the map but how big is the sense range
  3. shadow do u want it closed to all nonmembers of MW or open to everyone i can host it on mediafire if u want
  4. u can host it on moddb.com
  5. i hope u get the game soon
  6. i hope u get it soon cez i cant wait to play
  7. i hate to break it to u but ACE R came out today
  8. i hope u release something soon
  9. that looks good i hope something gets released soon cez i cant wait to blow something up
  10. nice pics shadow and welcome back
  11. i think the mod is still paused right now but im not sure
  12. any updates for this mod
  13. so the un spacy won't be in the beta
  14. what is going to be the motherships for each faction
  15. so we can expect a release soon
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