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Everything posted by Jefferson

  1. Kawamori will be at the french convention Japan Expo from July 4th to 7th. http://www.japan-expo.com/en/actu/a-star-of-mecha-design-as-our-anime-guest-of-honor_2025.htm
  2. Thank you. I find it too. http://oh-news.net/live/?p=161753 But I will miss the Talk Show. Ai oboeteimasu ka, Itsuwari no Utahime and Sayonara no Tsubasa screened as well !
  3. I hope it will be also screened at Osaka and before I left Japan.
  4. Jefferson

    Macross 30

    About 330 pages. I almost finished it. It is really awesome. Even Ravens from VF-X 2 and Chelsea Scarlett from The Ride are mentioned and Maris Stella appears.
  5. I love how Kodachi incorporates both versions in his novels. In The Ride whith Hikaru go inside the Bodolzaa's fortress or he crash on Earth and in Macross 30 when Minmay sing Ai oboe or Ai ga nagareru during the last battle. I think it's the same for Frontier. The TV series and the movies can be used for sequels.
  6. There is a video for the BD-Box on amazon.jp : http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00ANIC62E
  7. In the latest Gundam Ace, it's written "Macross the Sky" instead of "Across the Sky". The mangaka noticed it. https://twitter.com/hiyon_k/status/317271746069811201
  8. I have the feeling that Kadokawa want a sort of flashback just like Gundam The Origin. But I think it's interesting to introduce Macross Zero related material.
  9. I think it's new. The illustrations for the Limited Edition BD of Macross FB7 are available on amazon.jp: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B00AM70OV6
  10. And the cover of Macross ff: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4041206294
  11. The cover of Macross The First 5 on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4041206472
  12. OK thank you. I'll see if I can come according to my budget.
  13. I will be in Japan in July but at Osaka. For those who live in Japan, do you think I can easily be in Chiba for the concert ?
  14. This time, I don't think it was already announced here. The next chapter of Macross ff will be the last one but with more pages (+ 30%?). https://twitter.com/kikuya_megane/status/300861511893676032
  15. Ah I'm sorry. I didn't see the novelisation part.
  16. There's will be a novelisation of the game Macross 30 by Kodachi Ukyô (Novels of Macross F, Macross The Ride and the scenario of Macross 30). https://twitter.com/u_kodachi/status/300489359340224512
  17. I just finish to read th novel. I was astonished by the connexion with the other stories, especially Macross 7. It was really awesome. On the other side, I didn't like the illustration made by Tomii Ôtsuka. I prefer Enami Katsumi's ones.
  18. Since I won't be able to see it before mid-July, where does the episode stop ?
  19. I think that's a difference between old and recent animes. Nowadays, Fan service is mainly suggestive whereas old animes showed easier naked women.
  20. Images were updated on Amazon.co.jp : http://www.amazon.co...34353643&sr=1-2 http://www.amazon.co...34353643&sr=1-1
  21. The 4th volume of The First will be released on June 8th. http://www.7netshopping.jp/books/detail/-/accd/1106157700/subno/1
  22. "Space fantasy" is science-fiction. And science-fiction is not realistic whatever, even if it's real robot.
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