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Everything posted by blacklotus

  1. Lucky you. Congrats. Hope your relationship blooms even more. That's what I thought too. But if I ever get a Realdoll, my 1st would be Klan Klan. (The scaled down adult version with the full set, not the loli-micronised one)
  2. Yup. Cherry 2K, and of course, pre-Sex-in-the-City Kim Cattrall's Mannequin are my 2 favourite sexy B movies. Oh wait, there's a 3rd - Zapped - Heather Thomas. Yummy... I'm already working hard, saving and be ambitious for my GF. Yup. Apparently, GFs are all the same, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Blonde, etc - we call it having the 5 Cs in Singapore - Cash, Car, Credit Card, Country Club membership and a Condo in a posh district.
  3. I bought and watched those DVDs, which is why I started this thread. It's old school anime. And those ADV dvds were the 1st time I watched the entire series (for both). When it was shown on TV way back in the 80s, I missed episodes because of school curfew (no TV unless you finished your homework...) I never saw the final few episodes for both series back then. So it's a 'Mission Accomplished. I can finally move on' feeling for me when I finished watching them 2 decades later. Next stops: Gatchaman season 2 and 3, Yamato, Captain Future, Nadia.
  4. I don't know about that. I think I still prefer Melanie Griffith over Pamela Gidley, though both woman and android are deliciously hot back in those days. Ouch! And yes, I've seen RealDolls before. And no, I have no wish to be like that triple-degree Vietnamese-American Macross male fan with overdrew 3 credit card limits to build his own android.
  5. Correct. 2 heads (1 with helmet on, 1 with her long hair down), 1 helmet, 3 bodies (1 in wedding dress; 2 in pilot uniforms, 1 with hand on hip posing, 1 with hands posed as if piloting the Q-Rau) I think I'm right but feel free to correct me. Thanks. Anyway, guess it's time to visit my closet to see the figures again. It's been a while. And 9800yen for a Q-Rau is expensive. Probably will be on bargain soon. They aren't very popular the 1st time around. Only if Yamato had released the green TV version, I'll add a 3rd Q-Rau to my collection.
  6. Just like to comment that I ordered a pair of Ranka Lees upon seeing this interesting thread. No, I'm not into lolis. Hence, I don't watch shows like Kodomo no Chikan or buy figures based on those characters. My preference is for boobalicious women like the cow lady figure and the Queen's Blade Menace shown in this: http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/2009/02/tp0102.html http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/images/tp0102/025.jpg I'm buying because: 1) Megahouse, a subsidiary of Bandai, makes the best accurate PVC figures at the lowest prices. You can compare the prices of their 1/8 figures with the other manufacturers e.g. Orchid Seed, Maxfactory, Goodsmile Company. Megahouse's ones are bigger, better made (except maybe for GSC, but GSC is more expensive), and priced lower. 2) I want to support a company that offers collectors like me a cheap but good quality product. p.s. I also buy stuff from Orchid Seed, Maxfactory, Goodsmile and others. These 4 companies I named ranked among the best in accurate PVC sculpts, paint quality and prices. Yamato is inconsistent, as usual. Taki is priced higher and doesn't acknowledge the sculptors in their product boxes most of the time. As for the others...are those even the same anime ladies figurised?
  7. Most of the time, one can tell if an anime is cut short. Usually, the ending seems rushed, like Southern Cross, the original Bubble Gum Crisis, Tenjou Tenge. If a series feels like dragging out its end, usually it means it's way too popular to end it (aka a cash cow) but the script writers have run out of fresh ideas/plots. e.g. SDFM TV, Tenchi Muyo TV, Ikkitosen 3rd series also known as the fan-service galore series, Nadia-secret of blue water, 3rd series of Jigoku Shoujo aka Hell Girl, 3rd season of Gatchaman. An anime series that I feel is just right: Mospeada p.s. The examples I give are IMO only.
  8. Sob...he will be missed. One of the more memorable villians on screen, and one of the more memorable actors for me, personally, due to the fact that I'm a big fan of Fantasy Island. Sigh... First, Raul Julia. Now another great Hispanic thespian is gone... I must catch the Oscars Award show obituary section later this year. He should definitely be featured there. sigh...
  9. For a short period of time (before the ebay craze), my friend bought the hot low-visibility version at 50% discount from Tokyo Takashimaya. He informed me it was stacked on the floor like some clearance sales. Yeah, so anything can be "unwanted", even the now very hot low-viz version. So, as long as you like the colour scheme, that's all that matters. Cheers.
  10. Yup. Fully agreed. After all these years, Minmay is still the hottest of all the anime idols, imo. I guess being the 1st always has it's advantages. BTW, that's new Mikimoto artwork for Minmay right? :where's the love emoticon?:
  11. Yup. Frontier is the new golden goose for Bandai. So I guess DYRL will be way way down in the BD release schedule list, if it's on it at all. I owned the original LD version. And never bought the DVD re-releases (for any anime titles, actually. Spent too much on my anime LDs already...) Hopefully, if it's released on BD, it's done right.
  12. Wow! I finally found another person who watched Marine Boy. This is my first anime. I watched it in the 70s in Singapore. (I was born in 1970). Left a deep impression on me. (mini-subs that fire multi-warhead torpedoes, sea roaches for enemies (or was it beetles?), cool electrifying boomerang weapon for the main (male) character, and a mermaid named Marina. Yeah, it was dubbed in funny American, but when one is a 6 year old kid, it doesn't really matter since I don't understand half the story plot. The on-screen action scenes is all that matters. This was followed by "Captain Future" in Mandarin. (you know, the one with the space ship that can protrude out X-shape wings. Another one that I watched about the same time in Mandarin as "Captain Future" is about a boy who fights a HUMONGOUS demon/devil with a magic yo-yo. I don't remember the title though. He manages to cut off one of the devil's horns early in the series. That's the only impression I had remaining in my memory bank about that show. pity...
  13. Woah...I didn't know that. Thanks for the info. I've been spending way too much time in the World of Sanctuary lately. (that's diablo 2) Guess I will have more time to save up cash for the summer WHF. Wow...the recent economic crisis caused by the greedy bankers is really hurting us bad now...never knew such a popular event like WHF will be cancelled...
  14. >>Einherjar and yui1107 Thanks for the great Jeanne art and links. I love the full ending. I didn't know there's one. I only had the ADV dvds, not the original Japanese LDs. >>Shun I believe it was on Channel 5, if I remember correctly. Anyway, I guess I can always go to the library and search the microfilms of old newspapers of the 80s. >> everyone who's interested in the SC soundtracks I will be hopping over to Tokyo Japan this year later for either WF or Comiket. If I manage to track down a copy in some obscure 2nd hand shop, I will put up a bt here. But hopefully, I don't get banned or sued... Now to hunt down an "ISBN type" number for that CD...
  15. Thanks for this bit of trivia. I didn't know Macross TV series was also outsourced. No wonder the quality isn't consistent. Some were great, but others look like crap. I was like "Is that Minmay and Hikaru?"
  16. Unfortunately, no. Singaporean. But I always love Aussie women. Olivia Newton John started off the trend. That's followed by Elle MacPherson, Kylie Minogue and Portia De Rossi (Amanda Lee Rogers) whom is married to Ellen Degeneres now (good for them ) . Also, personally, I had relations with a few in my life as well. Also, definitely love Australian bands. My favourite bands include Air Supply (left them out earlier. Oops ) and Bee Gees. I love the fact that Australians are fun loving, laid back and seems to always wear a smile on their faces, I guess the total opposite of Singaporeans - uptight, workaholics and big smugs (e.g. see the Singaporean Govt whom always love to brag we're number 1 in this and that...sigh...no wonder all our neighbours hate us).
  17. I know that. But I believe she's the only blonde in the group. And I like the group because of her singing voice.
  18. Gakken toys were "MADE IN SINGAPORE"!? I never knew. All these years, I never knew.
  19. If I recall correctly, it is by Him.
  20. First off, thanks to everyone here for their wonderful informative comments. I thought no-one will even bother looking into this thread I create, after seeing the words 'Southern Cross' in the title. >> To Roger: I agree with point 2. But I actually love the fact this show's main lead is a teenage lady (Age 17 I believe). It's a nice change from the other big robot/mecha animes of that time, which all have male leads. This is actually what made me watch it in the 1st place. And yes, I'm a straight guy. Wow! That's a lot of toys that will never see the light of day. There's a 1/48 red bioroid toy produced? I didn't know. Any hope of some pictures? And there's supposed to be poseable Inbit kits for Mospeada too? sigh. I would really love to have those crabs. Sketchley corrected me on my economic history lesson as well. Thanks. " >> to totoro242 Thank you. You just reminded me that I have a Lana figure kit stored somewhere in my storeroom. It's been like 20 years already... >> Vifam7 Ok. I didn't know about the loli-fied stuff or the castoffable Lana toy. Was that toy ever mass-produced? It will probably be one of the 1st castoffable toys, and beat the recent Queens Blade stuff by about 2 decades. >> Shun The nekkid shower scenes appear in the early episodes. And yeah, I remember the Aisha skinny dipping scene too from Mospeada. And yes, it was shown on Singapore national TV to children on Saturday as well. Now that I recall, I believe Singapore showed all 3 animes (Macross, SC and Mospeada) in both versions, the Mandarin channel one has the original Japanese storylines, while on the English channel, we have the Harmony Gold Robotech version. >> to kamikaze_kamujin Yes, now I've seen it all. A Japanese Robotech fansite. I never knew these existed. Thanks. Note: This is not a criticism of the fan. More of a criticism of myself for my own narrow-mindedness. >> to Roger again I think subconsciously, I love the show is because of the huge amounts of hovering, since I do have a mild OCD with regards to cleanliness. >> VF5SS Thanks. Ahh...so that's the Logan. I actually have no idea what a SC Logan is until you posted that clip (unless one's talking about the sci-fi novel/show Logan's Run) Again, a big thanks to everyone.
  21. And in ten years time, we'll have ver.3 just like Street Fighter. Silly jokes aside, I believe [QTS] just released a h264 1080p version. No subs or dubs though. Google it as I cannot remember the site offhand. p.s. If it's not legal to mention BT stuff on Macrossworld, pm me and I'll refrain from doing so. Thanks.
  22. 1kg is about 2.12 lbs. So that's about 100,000 lbs. I don't know how many stones though. Got to google it. BTW, that means the galactic whale hunter Zentraedi in Macross7 Dynamite will be about Ultraman size too I suppose.
  23. Thanks for the correction. Still, I rather own all of California than the palace grounds. Remember David Lee Roth's famous song about California Girls?
  24. Yes, but Dess and his 2 trinity brothers died. So in that sense, the Zors are defeated totally. (Leaderless. And the show did stress that the Zors take commands from the top hierarchy, and weren't capable of individual thoughts.) Also, their bio-energy reserves are way too low at the end of the show such that they even have to liquidate their own newborns. In that sense, they are sad. Even worse off than the Zentraedis, imo. Thanks for the info. I guess I love the show for the strong characterisations. The characters are believable. BTW, this is also my first exposure to nekkid cartoon ladies back in the 80s, courtesy of Jeanne. I'm surprised Singapore censors let those scenes broadcasted uncut to children on national TV Saturday matinee time slot.
  25. Thank you. This is the type of info I was looking for. As for the CD, I'm hoping to snag a cheap, still-in-good condition copy off the web. But I guess I will hunt for downloads at the same time. Though both will be difficult, seeing the following is so limited. IMO, the crisis the toy companies faced back then is probably the same we are facing now - an economic crisis. If I remember correctly, 1986 is about the time Japan's huge property bubble just burst (huge in the sense that the small plot of Japan emperor's land is theoretical worth more than the whole USA ), sending lots of firms into bankruptcy. (They are all linked) p.s. I suppose I shouldn't bad-mouth HG too much. They did provide valuable services/incentives for the re-release of Mospeada toys. Thanks for the link too. I shall be visiting there. And I also love Totoro. It was my first anime related soft-toy and piggy-bank.
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