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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. I hope he comes with a sharp stick
  2. Dude, that totally rocks the socks of the flimsy as Hell gatefold we got. That's one crappy gatefold, too. They need to take a lesson from the HK companies.
  3. My friend has an HK copy of Kill Bill, and thanks to the miracle techniques of pausing at certain parts, tells me the bride's name is Trixie, and I can't remember her last name.
  4. Oihan, I saw that one, too. For some reason, I think the toon was simply called "Mars." It was definetly a good one.
  6. THe director cut episodes are pretty nice. I've been watching them on that HK Renewal Of Evangelion rip, which kicks ass. It has both the director cut and normal versions of episodes that applies to, plus the remastered video for the whole series. Costed me a little more then this DVD you guys are talking about did, too.
  7. Terrible pity that Michelle Rodriguez died in the first movie. Hopefully they'll clone her or something because she's the greatest (I love her voice .). And is Sherry Birken scheduled to be in this movie? I saw a picture of Alice and Jill with a young girl dressed in a school girl outfit.
  8. Just copying and pasting this summary of the comic I wrote on another forum to forums I thought might find it useful (there has to be some Super Robot fans here ) Copy and Paste dealy from another forum I typed this up on: I went to this Japanese bookstore and found out it was closing, so I kind of binged on the comics. Japanese versions of Getter Robo 1-3, Getter Robo G 1-2, and Getter Robo Go 1-5 (I've read Italian versions of all but Go, which still isn't finished). I also grabbed the Mazinkaiser comic. It was pretty good. It had the originally written Go Nagai one which is pretty funky (I'll explain the stories later, spoilers included), and then it had the Naoto Tsushima written story, which is basically his adaptation of the first Mazinkaiser OVA, but better. Stop reading now if you don't want spoilers The Go Nagai written story is sort of seperate from the timeline, I beleive. Apparently a new enemy has appeared. It starts with Koji driving his motorcycle by the fallen Mazinger Z. Awesome two page spread of that picture. Koji's bummed about all this. Great goes out to kick some ass, and Koji check out Aphrodite A being worked on. Then it get's really wierd. Dr. Hell is watching Baron Ashura being remade. She/he then appears in front of Koji. Looks funky now. His man half is sporting side burns and a mustache and goatee. His woman half is apparently cold and has longer hair. She/he takes Koji to some flying base in space, where there is a city that looks pretty ancient, where Koji meets his grand father, alive an well. I think he's a clone, though, but then again, I think this comic is just a totatlly different story. It shows his gramps, younger, escavating the enemy robots you seen before. OK, wait, scratch all that. Apparently, Dr. Hell IS the enemy. Dr. Kabuto has his own Baron Ashura type, and Dr. Hell has his. OK, so it's a retelling of Mazinger Z, basically. Let me start over. Dr. Kabuto's Baron Ashura brigns Koji to this space ship his gramps is on, which is also a city. He gives him Mazinkaiser. Dr. Hell sends out Baron Ashura with his escavated robots from the beginning I mentioned. Great is in the process of murdering them. Brutally. Koji get's in Mazinakaiser, and it ends. No big battle. It just ends. Naota's adaptation starts. It starts, for those who have seen the OVA, with Baron Ashura attacking the Energy Lab. It briefly, as in two panels, shows Dr. Hells robots taking Mazinger. Then cuts to Aphrodite A and Great Mazinger, and Boss defending the Energy Lab. They get there socks rocked over two pages (in one panel, it shows Great draw his sword, then in the next it's broken ), and as in the OVA, when all looks lost, some huge ass beam takes most of the enemies down. Mazinkaiser is shown, and it's made clear fromt he start that everyone knows Koji is in it. He then whoop's Baron's ass, while screwing up the Lab some more. He uses this funky attack when he leans forward and it appears thunder thunder shoots all over, but I didn't remember Mazinkaiser having a Thunder Break type attack. It shows Koji going absolutly psycho. When Sayaka get's caught in his Hurricane attack, Tetsuya takes action (Baron Ashura is apparently blown away, Team Rocket style). Koji messes up Great bad, and he begins to snap out of it, but enters it again. Tetsuya is about to point blank Breast Fire Koji, but he simply punches through Great's breast plate dealy, sending... blood everywheres. Then, Syaka in Aphrodite A grabs Koji and they have a moment, and along with Tetsuya's screaming, Koji snaps out of it, but let's off a huge Fire Blaster. Baron Ashura, who was actually laying on the ground, is laughing thinking that Mazinkaiser took out the Energy Lab with that, but is surprised when a flying fist grabs his Mazinger by the neck. He bails, and then everyone celebrates! So ends part one. Part 2 starts off with Koji training with Mazinkaiser (I think he did this in the OVA?) Anyways, he misses a rocket punch to a target because Mazinkaiser is to powerful. Tetsuya, who is wearing a bad ass outfit and looks incredibly bad ass himself, is yelling at him because he's too weak. Koji then takes a break and flashes back to how he got Mazinkaiser, which is the same as the OVA, so no need to say it again here. Then, Baron comes back to attack the base with a bunch more of his robots, and Koji doesn't want to launch becaus he's afraid he'll lose control of Mazinkaiser and hurt everyone. Tetsuya again mouths off to him (he's so cool) and heads out with a partially fixed Great Mazinger (it's missing an arm, for starters). He kicks some ass, then a giant ass wheel robot comes in and puts the hurting on Tetsuya. Sayaka and Kouji have a discussion, which ends with Sayaka slapping Koji for being so afraid and to get out there and save Tetsuya. Koji does, and bails Tetsya out, who could've taken the big wheel robot, but Mazinkaiser just had to show off. Anyways, they do a double Breast Fire which takes the wheeled bastard down. Tetsuya collapses, and is taken to the hospital. Third part starts off with Tetsuya being rushed into the surgery room. When he wakes up, everyone is standing around him happy he's alive. Dr. Yumi rushes everyone out so him and his sister Jun can have some alone time. This is a scene I really wish was in the OVA. Jun begins crying and yelling at Tetsuya about how he doesn't care about anyone else and just lives to fight. It shows some flashbacks of Tetsuya battling and looking all around bad ass. This is when Tetsuya says he will stop fighting and him and Jun leave the lab (jsut like in the OVA). A really heartfelt moment that would've slowed down the fast paced OVA, but works great for the comic. Then it cuts to night, with Koji out with Mazinkaiser, picking up multiple enemies approaching. They arrive, though there is a problem: they are all flying! Mazinkaiser can't fly! Koji is getting pelted, trying to hit them with his attacks, but can't. Then, Diana A comes in and kills many of the enemies (she can fly) and Boss comes flying in, SUper Mario World style, and punches a robot. Boss can now fly, too, because on his arms are these jet pack dealies. Everyone thinks they've won, when suddenly, a bunch of bombs start raining down. Diana A is injured and Boss is put out of commision (what else is new?). Mazinkaiser is getting pelted, and since they are so high up he can't get them. So ends part 3, with Mazinkaiser getting bombed. Part four in next post since it was to big to fit here. Part 4 opens up with the bombing continuing, and Diana A and Boss Borot's head getting pelted bad. Koji grabs both and holds them under Mazinkaiser, when all is thought to be lost, here enters... THE MAZINGER SQUAD!!!!!!!!! For those who have seen the second Mazinkaiser OVA, it's those two robots and the one Lori and Lora piloted in it. The female looking one is Mirineso Alpha, skinny one is Baioso Beta, and the chunky one is named Daioso Gamma. The pilots are revealed later, but Lori and Lora pilot Mirineso Alpha(who are much cuter then sexy), and the other pilots I can't tell because there names are in kanji ; Sorry guys! Back to the story, the Mazinger Squad takes out a few ships, but they get trashed fast and the bombing contnues with no one able to stop it. Dr. Yumi then launched Mazinkaiser's jetpack dealy (Jet Scrander or something it's called, right?) and then flies through the ships kicking there asses. Then, Baron Ashura attacks Koji with his special ship. It grabs Koji in it's both and begins flying straight down to Earth, hoping to crush him. Koji shoot's Mazinkaiser's crotch rocket dealy, which blows half of the ship up. It still doesn't kill Ahsura, and he/she crashes what's left of the ship along with Mazinkaiser into the Energy Lab, destroying it. The ship then transforms into a giant, Brontosaurus like robot. Ends part four. Part 5 starts off with showing Mazinkaiser still in Baron's robot's mouth. Kouji is unconcious, and Sayaka is afraid Mazinkaiser will take him over again and cause him to kill everyone. Sayaka starts shooting breast missles and the Mazinger Squad attempt an attack but get swatted away like flies. Sayaka starts screaming for Kouji to get up. Kouji does, but he appears in an all white place. This is basically a different interpretation of when Mazinkaiser busts out the sword. In the OVA, it shows the God or whatever in Mazinkaiser come out and start telling him junk and then Kouji busts out the sword. In this, Kouji is basically in his mind, and the God in Mazinkaiser starts telling him the junk, showing him his friends getting hurt and for him to release the blade and get the Hell up! Kouji does this by pushing the Z symbol in the all white place. This cause a large flash, and the sword shoots out of Mazinkaiser through the Z symbol in his chest. It flies through the robot's head, and Ashura is laughing telling him how pointless that was, but it wasn't. Sayaka caught the sword She uses it to cut the robot's head off, freeing Kouji. In one last ditch effort to win, Ashura self destructs, but it is useless, ans Mazinkaiser is still left without a scratch, as it holds Diana A in it's arms (bad ass picture write there. Naota's art style kicks series ass.). Then, Jun opens a huge ass door on the ground, revealing the underground Energy Lab, where everyone is safe and sound. The pilots are introduced, which I covered as best I could before. Don't hold this as fact, but I beleive one of the kanji is for Yamazaki, but I'm not totally sure on that one. Anyways, everyone decides it's time to end Dr. Hell's reign once and for all, and head for his island. There, Dr. Hell has the two halves of Ashura in different containers. This is where it differs from the OVA. In the OVA, Hell seemed to not care much for Ashura. In this one, he is practically in love with him/her, hugging the containers she/he is in. Anyways, everyone heads for Dr. Hell's base. Everyone, as in the three members of the Mazinger Squad, Mazinaksier, Diana A, and Boss f'ing Borot, who is packing some major heat in the form of two wierd looking pistols and a rocket launcher strapped to his back. A bunch of Hell's excavated robots come and attack the force, and everyone holds them off while Kouji heads for the main base. He screams for Dr. Hell to show himself, and a giant robot bust out instead. Kouji battles it for a while, and the enemy has the upper hand. The lock hands, and Kouji sees who's piloting it, and guess who? Ashura But it isn't like in Mazinkaiser where Ashura goes Mikene. His head is in a little cockpit on the robot, which I think is actually the robot in the OVA that Great Battles which is a bunch of the excavated robots combined (more on why I think this also later). So ends part 5, I think that was? Part 6 opens up with Mazinkaiser dualing blades with Ashura's new robot. Mazinkaiser pulls the blade from the Z on his chest again, the bad ass way, just like in the first OVA. It is the combined Hell robot dealy, because it pulls that skull faced head blades out to dual Mazinkaiser. Anyways, they fight, and Mazinkaiser tries to hit it with his crotch rocket, which the enemy shoots, causing and explosion that sends Mazinkaiser flying. He lands by a HUGE pit that contains a bunch of Hell's excavated robots. The enemy lands in it, and the dual continues. The robots which looked dead actually weren't, and they start grabbing Mazinkaiser. Kouji is about to get engulfed, and all looks lost, when suddenly thunder hits the pit, trashing all the robots in it. Who else could've done that besides Tetsuya in Great (and excluding the fact that nature simply did this, like in Getter Robo G cartoon...). Baron Ashura sends the rest of the robots after Kouji and Tetsuya, but it's pointless. They do the coolest looking dobule Breast Fire I've ever seen. All the robots are trashed, and Ashura is severely messed up. Ashura sends the remains of the remaing robots after the two Mazins, but it's once again pointless. Great and Kaiser do another dobule Breast Fire, point blank at Ashura. Guess what? He survives that too, by shielding himself with the remaining robots. Once again, pointless. Kouji says forget about the Breast Fires, and simply rams the giant Jet Scrander dealy through his head (it was in the beginning of the OVA. Sorry I don't remember all these things names . OK, my mistake, ASHURA IS NOT DEAD!! What's left of his robot is riding on the front of the Scrander, and Kouji takes Kaiser's sword and stabs it through Ashura's head, cutting it in half and killing him. They then fly into a huge hole, and Tetsuya tries to follow, but a huge explosion prevents him. Cut to the inside of Hell's base, where there is an awesome picture. Dr. Hell sits on his thrown on one side of the room. A little bridge goes across to the other side, where Mazinkaiser is kneeling. Surrounding this bridge is a ton of the robots Ashura was just in. Kouji and Dr. Hell have a chat. Hell wants Kouji to join him and use Mazinkaiser's power to help him rule th world. Kouji says no, and rather use it to protect the world, and especially his friends (as far as I can tell, with the little Japanese I understand). Kouji responds to Dr. hell by shooting him in the head. THen, all the robots come to life and start attacking Mazinkaiser. That apparently wasn't the real Dr. Hell, but just a useless shell. The real Dr. Hell is now a giant head that's about ten times the size of Mazinkaiser. These HUGE tubes start shooting up fromt he ground, and Hell explains his plan on using them to destroy the Earth by having them go deep in the ground and proceed to blast the Hell out of everything (again, as far as I can tell with my knowledge of Japanese). The giant Hell head then opens up, revealing Hell in another robot. Kouji FLIPS OUT. I don't know what the Hell he does. The wings on his back change and get GOD DAMN HUGE, which destorys most of the robots hold him. Then, he starts glowing with a huge Z around him, which trashes all the other robots. Kouji is shouting about how this is Kaiser's true power. Hell is simply disintergrated. The whole island explodes, cutting off all the tubes from there source. In the end, Kaiser had shot out the cockpit (Pilder or something, right?) and did the attack which probably would've killed Kouji. Kouji is left floating in the ocen in it. Then thre's a whole monologue going on about how good and evil Mazinkaiser was, how it came to an understanding about Kouji and such. In the end, it shows Mazinkaiser at the bottom of the ocean where Hell's island once lay, hopefully never to be needed again. End. And that ends the Mazinkaiser comic. Definetly an excellent read. Personally, I liked it better then the OVA. Things such as Tetsuya leaving and showing what Mazinkaiser really is were fleshed out a whole lot better. Plus, the comic didn't resort to any stupid fanservice like the middle of the OVA did. Totally awesome read. Anyways, GET THIS COMIC!!! It does Mazinkaiser justice!!
  9. G-Saviour spawned the G-Saviour Gaiden PS2 game, which is still my favorite Gundam PS2 game to date (and I've played all of them up to Titans vs AEUG, which isn't that great.)
  10. I'm getting the Japanese version for Christmas. Yay for original voices! Yay for Vagina!
  11. Or you could have your cake and eat it too by grabbing the HK rip of the Renewal boxset. It's five DVDs and has English subtitles. From what I hear it's an excellent buy.
  12. You won't be able to use the online features with just the online adapter. You need the whole harddrive. It saves the new MS and weapons to the harddrive and accesses them from there. Also, a huge tip for those playing two player mode. You and your opponent start the match by facing each other. GO STRAIGHT AT EACH OTHER!!! Me and my friend once spent a whole fifteen minute match just trying to find each other when we went seperate ways. There's nothing in the levels to distinguish where you are, so it is next to impossible to find each other. I destroyed the Japanese version of the game, so if you have any questions about the game, just ask
  13. The Side Story with the Thoroughbred has four different endings. Two good, two bad. At the level where Bruce uses that big beam rifle, if you protect him wll enough and he doesn't take alot of damge, he lives, and the Thoroughbred goes to A Baoa Qu, which is a bitch because you ahve to protect your ship, and the enemies strategy is to come at you from three sides, and are so far away that if you just stay around the Thoroughbred, you won't pick them up
  14. I've had the Japanese version since the day it was released, and I highly stress just RENTING the game. I got two weeks of fun out of the game, and that's including two player and online play. It took me a few days to master the controls and figure out the scoring system, and with that all Ss came easily. Two palyer and online mode get old fast. Especially online mode, which shouldn't even be called that. it should be called "Download 2 player mode," because all you do is download other people's pilots and the computer controls them ; Anyways, this game suffers from severe lack of replayability. The DVD, too, was a huge let down. Though for those two weeks, it was the coolest game ever. The graphics were stunning, side stories great, voice acting and animation decent (they changed some original character voices, like Dozul.), and was defiently one of the better Gundam games.
  15. Hey guys, I just want to say I was limited to only one KoF 03 poster so I couldn't grab any extra ones Sorry What's this talk of how SNK never changes betwen KoFs? Athena gets a new sprite every year, for one. Character's moves and priorities change every year. We get new villians every year. Every four years we get new characters and a whole new story. Look at this year's KoF. Three totally new characters, MotW characters with all new sprites, Billy and Yamazaki get all new redesigned sprites, Kyo gets his third sprite incarnation (Capcom Shota fans may have to sit down for that one), Athena gets an all new sprite as usual too, new bosses at that. KoF is constantly changing every year. And SNK has some balls to totally revamp the gameplay style and story every four years. The testing was fun, by the way. I mostly tried out the Mark of the Wolves characters. Gato's been heavily downgraded, but that was expected. Tizoc plays the same, and Terry's pretty much a KoF Terry in MotW clothing. I didn't get to try the new characters much, though
  16. I'd do part III since I liked it alot, but I don't know the names of everything!
  17. Two KoF 03 posters, eh? I'll see what I can do for ya guys
  18. frakk yeah! Guns! Now part 2 will be at least somewhat enjoyable for me, unlike the first part. It sucks though my favorite character won't return. The crazy ass dude in the white suit in the animated sequence. The one witht he .45 and the sword. he kicked the bottle and then the fire. That guy was frakking awesome.
  19. The HK set of the show is pretty good. You might want to look into picking that up. At first I didn't want to clikc on this thread because I thought it was somebody asking to explain Megazone 23
  20. Testing starts this Saturday at 10 AM. Free metal Slug 5 and 2003 posters, too!
  21. Hey, anyone else hitting up the 2003 testing in Lakewood, CA? I'll be there
  22. If you don't want to pay 11 bucks an episode, wait till the whole show is done. The gatefold will roll out and be a better deal (or in Macross Zero's case, it'll probably be a single DVD with all the episodes, meaning all five for 11 bucks.) I'm downloading the episodes now and will buy the HK set when all the episodes are in a set, so ic an delete the fansubs and have a hardcopy of the show.
  23. Or folks, AT LEAST wait till macross Zero is released in a gatefold I hope when they do gatefold it it's on nothing less then 2 discs, even though all five episodes could fit on one disc, I want quality And not all bootlegs automatically have crappy subtitles. I've bought enough over the years to see that's not always the case. Especially with the company Animation Video, who's original subtitle jobs I've seen or incredible. And with MI's redone SEED subtitles, I think the HK companies are finally realizing the huge potentional that English speaking markets are.
  24. Hey, is that form the Machine Robo HK sets? If so, how are they? Good subs?
  25. Yeah, the animation quality in Enocunters in Space took a serious drop. It looks like cheap dating game animation now. Though the CG opening is fricking awesome. Anyways, I'm assuming it's just the animation clips from Side Story, but that's kind of retarded. There was a about 20 or so, less then a minute each. And theres two splitting storylines for the Side Story so it won't make any sense at all. But I'm hoping I'm wrong. And hey, if you want to hear the original Japanese voices, you could always pick this up
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