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Mellow Yellow

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Everything posted by Mellow Yellow

  1. I'll just say that you'll never get tired of running around with the Dark Elf female I had a DE female mage and a DE male fighter. The early lvls a mage will own monsters with their magic up until around lvl 12, but it gets harder later on, and you'll probably need to group with fighters. Fighters are the opposite and struggle a bit more early on. I had to sit and rest after fighting only 2 Dire Wolves But when you get higher you'll slice thru everything with ease without resting much
  2. lol yeah, the koreans are crazy The best are the Dark Elf females **bounce bounce**
  3. Bah, I applied for NA closed beta, but haven't been accepted yet However, I have played the Taiwan open beta. The game kicks ass. It's too bad they didn't have castle sieges or dragons in the open beta, guess they wanna save all the fun for when ppl pay. On the last day of Taiwan open beta, my bro and I went on a pk spree in his town. They all ran away, but I caught up to them and filled their body with arrows (yes, the arrows stick in ur body when ur shot!). Silly humans, when will they learn that Dark Elves are the fastest runners in the game?
  4. Can't remember anything from the GoBots cartoon, but the toys were pretty cool. I managed to save a few of them from my mom sending them to Salvation Army hell and the garbage tho. Oh, and about Saber Rider, that show kicked ass. Too bad all the episodes on Kazaa and everywhere are in german The coolest char was Jesse Blue tho (dunno his name in the original). He had this one-man space craft that transformed into sort of a power armor, like the ride armor bike things in Genesis Climber Mospeada. That guy was badass
  5. Alright I finally finished downloading the game from Rob (thx again Rob =) And got it working. You gotta change your regional settings to japanese to play. Theres a bit of static in the sound, and a slight high pitched noise when you click the mouse tho. The game itself is sort of a Starcraft view, and you control your valk shooting stuff all over the map. Oh yeah, for all those wondering how you change regional settings on your computer, go here: http://home.comcast.net/~kagamix2/xp-compa...se_setting.html Edit: I finished the game, and damn that was easy. Ending kinda sucked, but maybe thats just cuz I don't know what's happening in the story
  6. Well, besides the NEC PC9801 games, you can also see the Stampede valk in the Macross DYRL Homeworld mod
  7. Hehe, yeat BT would be cool Has anyone actually played the game yet?
  8. Gah, I copied the links to Overnet, but it shows 0 sources Could be this cursed router of mine, but I managed to open the ports for open status, but always seems to go back to firewalled status eventually. Oh well.
  9. I'd give an arm and a leg to have a model of that
  10. Are you refering to the FN P90? Because it doesn't use a "helical" mag. AFAIK, the only small arm produced so far that used a helical mag was the Calico smg family. AS for the VF-11 gunpod, it could be that only the magazine body is curved, to better fair it into the gunpod body during flight. I agree. I have only seen the Calico using a helical magazine. The Calico system is definatly very "interesting". Generally the design is too unreliable for contemporary military use, but does allow for a "massively" higher capacity for a less "critical" consumer market. Actually, the PP-19 Bizon also uses a helical magazine. http://world.guns.ru/smg/smg08-e.htm I know about this gun only cuz I play the Firearms HL mod
  11. lol, I was having the same problem as well. Thanks =)
  12. Here's the link to The Specialists mod: http://www.specialistsmod.net/ and here's the one to Natural Selection: http://www.natural-selection.org You'll find screenshots there as well BTW the katana owns in The Specialists
  13. I play The Specialists, it's a badass game. 2.0 is much improved over 1.0 cuz now they have like 3 times more maps It also got more matrixey with bullet time and the permanent super jump (on most servers). If you haven't already tried, I would suggest Natural Selection as well. Marines vs aliens goodness
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