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Everything posted by DeX-kun

  1. Hey sorry to bother you but do you have a link to the spanish version of the song because I'm fluent in spanish and I want to hear it, see if it sounds any good. As for that video, I thought it was great, I understand the lyrics weren't the best but can you really compete with Japanese lyrics, I mean they usually have a very deep and profound meaning in most Japanese songs like this. The singing was pretty good too, but again if you have a link to that Spanish version, I would love to hear it
  2. OOooh ok I see, yeah I've seen that but I think the lyrics for a song like that should remain as a ballad type song because it's just such a nice slow song but when you add a trance type of beat, it's just too fast paced
  3. Hey can you do me a favor and re-post this link because there was something wrong with the ID or something I wasn't able to watch it
  4. Oh you don't understand how much I'm praying for either a second season or something that will keep the series going with this set of characters because I loved this set of characters. The problem is that they're going to have to find someone to replace Michel, either way I want something that will give us an ending where it actually feels like an ending because this was just left WAY to open. Oh and has anyone heard this version of Ranka's "Ai Oboete Imasuka"? The one in episode 25 where she was possessed. This version was really epic and really did a good job at expressing the feeling in that scene. Ranka Lee - Ai Oboete Imasuka (little bug queen)
  5. Agreed once again lol, the thing that I find funny is that Kawamori trolled the hell out of us with that ending. Especially since he started playing the Sheryl and Ranka version of Triangular at the end and we get the "Hey! I won't lose in singing or in love" ending. Yeah Kawamori pretty much pointed a Deagle to my head and pulled the trigger with all that as the final scene of Macross Frontier. Oh yeah, can't forget to mention the whole "This is where it all begins" line. The guy must be planning something for him to do something like that to be honest. I could be hoping for too much but that's all I can do for now.
  6. Thanks a lot for the information Well we'll see what happens in a couple of months, hopefully things turn out better than it seems right now.
  7. Well as of right now all we can really do is just feed off the small potions of information we get here and there lol. If you're right and there is BOTH a OAD AND a Theatrical release, I would be excited because then I could watch that OAD/OVA before the Theatrical version comes out. That should hold me out until the movie does come out. Still all we can do right now is just wait until some new information is released.
  8. lmao, now that you mention these I just realized that. Wow thanks for catching that because I didn't see it that way until now lol.
  9. True, his body was sucked out into the empty void of space where nobody can hear you scream >_>
  10. Much agreed. That's the main reason why we better get an alternate ending in the movie or else I will fall into the depths of insanity, at least in my case lol. My favorite part of the anime was the romance with the action coming in second, what can I say? I'm a sucker for romance lol.
  11. Honestly though, I'm still thinking they're going to release a Theatrical version unless an OFFICIAL page says otherwise. Right after the series ended they announced it and on top of that they said that it was going to be Theatrical. I really wouldn't understand why they would change it seeing as how successful the series did and even how the music still seems to be doing so well after such a long time has passed. They wouldn't disappoint us by giving us a OVA/OAD whatever it is lol, instead of a Theatrical release.
  12. It better have something to give me a sense of closure lol, the problem is that they already said that the movie will pretty much be a re-make of the TV series. What I want to see is a better version of it, either that or I would love to see the story continue from where the story left off at the end of episode 25 where both Sheryl and Ranka said "this is where it all begins." That ending just feels like there should be more lol. Anyway, yes Kawamori better do something otherwise I'm going to lost my mind 0_o
  13. Well it just goes to show you the true power of Battle Frontier lol, still the whole series pretty much had amazing animations and CG.
  14. Thank you very much for the English translations guys, I really do appreciate the time and effort you guys put into doing this even though you guys aren't getting any rewards for it. I'm glad that I was able to read this, although it was a bit different from the anime, it seems to be following the same plot.
  15. I agree, that's why I'm constantly saying "it seems to me" instead of claiming it fact. I avoid stating things as fact because I didn't write the story and I don't know what was going on in Kawamori's head. I'm disappointed at the fact that Kawamori ended this series so soon and that I was actually interested in seeing what would happen next after they landed on that planet. I wish there was something more because the ending didn't give me that sense of closure that I usually feel. Besides the Vajra turning out to be not so bad, there really were a lot of questions left unanswered besides the romance. 25 episodes simply did not do it for me, I felt like it could have gone at least another 15 episodes. The older series at least did things to give endings with closure to an extent but Macross Frontier was a little more open and didn't do the job for me, but what's amazing is that this series still is my favorite anime so far. I've probably done marathons 5 times already and it still doesn't get old for me lol. The number of episodes just isn't enough to satisfy my crave for the lives of all these characters, I wish Kawamori would do something with them and break this "tradition" he has, because in my opinion, it deserves more.
  16. How did you get a video to be your screensaver? lmao I've never heard of that actually. Either way I wouldn't say that it's a bad thing, unless you hate the ending. I didn't hate the ending but I was disappointed.
  17. Times do change but they announced a "Theatrical" release, not a OVA. Either way I shouldn't worry so much but I would just prefer a movie because I think it would just be so much better in the long run. I'm willing to wait and I'll buy the Blu-ray whenever it comes out.
  18. lol actually I've never heard of OAD until it was just mentioned that's why I asked OAD? I'm kind of disappointed if it does end up being an OAV because I'd rather have their movie come out first and then release any OAV's they want. This is turning out to be pretty bad Please if anyone has anymore info about this I would love to know because I was really looking forward for the movie.
  19. Well don't get me wrong, I understand all the fanboy rants but only if it makes sense. Now I had no idea a Sheryl fan had said that but honestly that's less believable than what I said even though they are similar statements. I understand what you're trying to say as well lol, I do love Ranka's character and I support the Alto and Ranka pairing but I'm not delusional. I try to understand both sides of an argument before actually saying anything and I've been to boards where it is full of delusional Sheryl fans lol. As for me, well I base this off the direction of the series, Sheryl was diagnosed with that disease and it was revealed she was going to die and I was expecting Sheryl to die by the end but it didn't happen, now I'm not saying I want her to die but I was expecting it happen before I saw how she was magically cured. I like Sheryl's character and Kawamori has stated in a couple of articles that he had to do some massive rewrites after episode 5 I believe for Sheryl's character, and he even let Ohnogi handle Sheryl's character around episode 18-24 if I'm not mistaken. I just take this information into account and that's why I said what I said, I hope you don't view me as one of those delusional fan boys because I'm the type of person to get the facts before actually making assumptions.
  20. Are you kidding? OAD? Although it would be nice to actually get the movie subbed faster for us, would it make a difference if they made a theatrical version? I mean would it be better and have a better sum up? Either way I'm hoping they fix some of the problems they had in the series and make the movie halfway decent.
  21. Really? Well there are some people that did support that ending but I just felt like he trolled it all the way lol. There wasn't any specific reason he did that because Ranka was actually intended as the "prize" so to speak but it was re-written and we ended up with this. I didn't care if he chose Sheryl or Ranka even though I did prefer Ranka lol, I just felt that it should have been one of the 2 girls because I felt cheated all the way through. Especially how he had the Triangular song playing in that last episode, it was just not right lol. Kawamori is evil and he knows it.
  22. Episode 19? Well get ready for 20 lol, that episode is pretty much epic. I won't be spoiling anything else but you should go to animecrazy.net or some other streaming site that will give you better options for the episodes. I just torrented all 25 episodes and it only took me a day >_> lol either way I did it after I watched the whole series. So far I think I've watched the whole Macross Frontier series about 5 times I just loved it.
  23. Actually what I'm wondering is if the Japanese DVD's for Macross Frontier have english subtitle settings? If they do I would just wait for all the Blu-ray's to come out and I'll buy all of the originals. If they don't I'm just gonna burn the subbed videos I downloaded onto some DVD's. I really do want to buy the originals just to have them as a collection or something because Macross Frontier is by far my favorite anime series so far, even with the disappointing romance ending we got lol.
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