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Everything posted by DeX-kun

  1. oi oi oi...I resent that
  2. I guess I'll just wait for the movie first and then for your scans...well by then I might not be interested in the scans anymore XD
  3. Aaaah I see, thank you.
  4. If you don't mind me asking, what episodes would this have covered if it were animated? I'm just really curious as to what episodes this would have been.
  5. You don't know Megumi Nakajimia!?
  6. Actually...Kaifun is one of my favorite characters Of course I am kidding
  7. Ah so you know that I mostly reside in animesuki lol. Yeah the site contains mostly Sheryl fans. When I first arrived on that site, I was ignorant to the ratio of Sheryl fans:Ranka fans, so I went in there and tried to discuss some aspects of my favorite character (Ranka obviously) and much to my surprise, I was bombarded by rants and they turned my posts into arguments. I've learned my lesson so I mostly lurk unless I find something that I strongly disagree with. Sorry about that lol, I went on my own rant there xD Back to the topic, yes by the way you made my day with the group pics you sent me, I finally found that one pic I saw in an amv of Alto x Ranka that I've been looking for, for such a long time. And arigato for the keywords and advice, much appreciated.
  8. I'm not sure what you meant by unfair shipping lol, could you rephrase? Still obviously you can see I'm a Ranka fan (one of the few lol) and I have a hard time finding good Ranka pics but you've just helped me out loads. Thanks a lot. I searched danbooru and yeah I ran into the NSFW pics I've been to pixiv but every time I search for Ranka pics on that site, I barely get like 2 pages, maybe I'm using the wrong keywords. Anyways I appreciate the help. lmao, wow I'm sorry but that's just wrong.
  9. Oh it's quite ok with me. I'm just glad that you shared all these pics with everyone, I really appreciate it. I've been searching high and low for good Ranka/AruRan pics with decent taste. I've been through a lot of explicit Ranka pics so it's pretty hard to find good ones lol. Edit: Now I can really say I appreciated this because most of these pictures I haven't seen. I just looked through all of them but there is one pic that I saw in an AMV but I can't find it anywhere lol, still you have a great collection. Thanks again.
  10. In the infamous words of Nanase, "Size isn't all that matters! You're cute! *boing*boing* *exits*"
  11. Yeah but that hair is just badly drawn, I don't like the way they made that long hair although I do agree that I wouldn't mind a longer haired Ranka.
  12. No no, don't get me wrong, I meant I don't want an EXTREMELY loli Ranka, then it just becomes disturbing to me xD
  13. How much for the Alto x Ranka pics? lol Yeah I've been searching high and low for good ones, and I mean ones that don't make Ranka look extremely loli. I hate it when the artists seem to make her look 8 years old >_< But if you have some (i.e. Alto x Ranka pics), please share I want to add to my collection xD
  14. That was just epic...that girl can play.
  15. This could also mean that the movie is probably going to be kind of short and they want to know what they should cover the most.
  16. Ozma's favorite song xD "Listen to my Song!" MY SOUL FOR YOU!!!
  17. We actually get to see what Kawamori really desires...he wishes he were that rugged xD
  18. "Kira!" - Ranka from Macross Frontier xD
  19. I was being sarcastic lol, since that person said "Over-dose Anime" I responded by saying if that was an Otaku lol, get it? Otaku's = Anime Fiends and they said Over-dose Anime. Yeah lol, I was just being silly Edit: Oops my bad, maybe you weren't even talking to me
  20. Isn't that an Otaku XD
  21. I hope you're joking here because this is tragic to my mind as I write this response...are you serious? If they don't settle things then I won't get the closure that I've been hoping for since episode 24 of Macross Frontier...
  22. lol no I don't believe so, and I agree that May'N is the better overall singer seeing as how she has that powerful voice and all. Still I enjoy their duets and hopefully the movie will bring more of that to us.
  23. As of right now it's pretty hard to tell, if anything we might get a retelling and then the final moments will be a continuation after what we saw in the series, this is my guess and it's as good as yours lol. What I can say is that most likely it's a retelling with a twist.
  24. You know now that you mention May'N being a diva and all, it's ironic that both May'N and Megumi are like the real life version of Sheryl and Ranka, I mean the way they act in their lives. Although you could say that Megumi is trying to blow up on Ranka's character but Megumi seems to have to personality to be like that naturally. I've heard people talking about how Megumi is "leeching" of Ranka but I honestly don't believe this is the case but it's just a matter of opinion. Back to the Spanish song though, oh I didn't know that she wasn't from Spain but it's just that the accent really is the one from Spain. I had a teacher once that was trying to force that on me and I had to suffer a year of it because she would have failed me lol, I was glad to get the class over with so I went back to normal. I don't know of other countries that probably do that "Sth" sound but it annoys me lol, I just prefer it if it were "S." It's really hard to write better lyrics than the original Japanese lyrics because they usually have a more profound and deeper meaning than English or Spanish, although I think Spanish can come pretty close.
  25. Actually I did a bit of searching myself and I did find it lol, sorry. I heard it but I honestly didn't find it any better than the English version, although it could have been better if she weren't singing with an accent from Spain. I'm fluent in Spanish and I can hear her accent from Spain, because I'm not from there lol. That accent just bothers me so much, it really distracted me from enjoying it. As for the lyrics, it was pretty much the same general idea that was created from the original Japanese version lol, it worked pretty well in spanish though, just not a fan of that accent. Now what I really did enjoy was this high quality live performance by May'N I'm sure it was posted probably a while back but I don't know if it was in high quality so here's the link May'N Live Performance - Diamond Crevasse (High Quality)
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