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Everything posted by DeX-kun

  1. His mistakes will come back to haunt him. I've always believed in karma and it seems that Shaloom will begin to feel it's affect. I actually bolded something up there Gubaba, I'm not sure if you were the one saying that because I don't believe Ranka was looking at Alto as a love interest at that moment considering her memory disorder. I seem to remember a similar situation happening to her when Brera was dragging her to that escape pod or something and she says something along the lines of "that day, that person's hands were warm as well." I know it's not the exact wording but something close to it. Basically she was kind of reliving her past Still, at this moment I see Shaloom as a person that dislikes Ranka (maybe not hate but surely he doesn't like her) and I hope that it wasn't the sole reason for his false information.
  2. Thanks for the update here Gubaba again, is there anything like adding rep on this website Since I want to find some way to show my appreciation Anyways, does this mean Shaloom = Ranka hater?
  3. Thanks a lot Gubaba for everything, really. We were all fooled by this for quite a while, that is until you found a lot of mistakes. Well at least I'm glad that Kawamori doesn't seem to be targeted anymore
  4. Well, well, well. "The truth shall set you free!" *cue epic music*
  5. Oh wow, then I could have gone and picked it up since that's just about where I live You should have told me and I could have scanned it for you. It would have been done so much quicker
  6. I had to do a double-take for a second and check if I was actually on Animesuki after that comment about Ranka Annoying, well to some she might of been but I saw her as quite humble and modest but very naive, but that's also something I liked about her . Ranka did have her moment where she broke down and acted kind of annoying but we all have our moments Anyways since this is getting off-topic, when exactly is the Famitsu interview arriving Gubaba?
  7. Ok hold up, I'm a little confused here and I would appreciate it if someone would tell me what all the commotion is about because I can't read this If someone would be so kind as to translate this or at least give a nice summary of what this is about, I would appreciate it. As far as I see, you guys are saying that this is a confirmation that this will be a re-telling?
  8. Booyah! Well, there it is again then. Bah, now I feel ashamed that I believed in those "notes" rather than research some of it myself but it was so extensive and detailed that it was just hard not to believe
  9. Ah Gubaba, you're the greatest once again (as well as Renato XD) Anyways, Ohnogi who? Again, it seems that Yoshino seems to be the person that is the biggest Sheryl fan considering how many times he's mentioned already I can't wait until we get to episodes 12-16, I'm really interested to see those. Actually I'm also interested to see the comments for episode 10 to see if Ohnogi is mentioned there at least Anyways, thanks again.
  10. Well now, isn't this an interesting interview? It seems like Kawamori actually did want to resolve the LT and now the whole Ohnogi thing seems to be swept under the rug so-to-speak. Well this is probably the answer to the movie as well because according to this, we won't be getting a resolution to the LT in the movie either. It's too bad because I really did want to see it resolved Oh well. Gubaba, I would appreciate it if you could translate the Kawamori comments, I'm actually interested in finding out what was on his mind for the episodes
  11. You know what? I think I've just been enlightened. Nanase will become my target of praise. The movie must give Nanase-sama as much screen time as she needs and give her which ever man she desires (obviously not Luca )
  12. If you want all action then might as well watch a different mecha show because I found the triangle to be the most interesting aspect to the series that actually kept me coming back to each episode (of course I don't speak for everyone but this is how I felt.) Ranka is my favorite character in the series but aside from that, I felt that she still contains so much depth and potential and it was too bad that they didn't take advantage of that during the TV series, her character portrayal is what hurt her the most in my opinion. The movie on it's own has a lot of flaws to fix especially in the character development department when it comes to the main 3 (Alto, Ranka and Sheryl.) Sheryl's character development was good but I still felt that her emotions and her personality was kind of a roller coaster ride, a little on the inconsistent side. Still Ranka's potential isn't wasted considering we still have the movie that hasn't been released yet so I hope they do something with her considering she's my favorite character
  13. Most likely it will be a one-shot movie. I have a hard time imagining them making a series of movies or even a side-story. If anything, it could go into the direction of retelling and maybe add a conclusion in the last 15 minutes or so of the film (but this is just wishful thinking by me )
  14. To be honest, I really don't have solid proof of this but I remember reading a translated interview from a magazine somewhere that Ohnogi was mentioned. I'm not too sure about the notes that were released not too long ago since they're translated from another translation, so it's hard to call it official but I do have a hunch that Ohnogi had some type of involvement considering how the focus of the plot changed during episodes 18-24. It would be nice to have some confirmation of this though.
  15. On top of that, there is plenty of material they can cut out from the series itself to make things work. I don't think episode length will be much of a problem if they handle the plot points well enough. People being so pessimistic about the movie is pretty contagious but I for one won't make much of it. I'd rather just wait and see how it comes out, Kawamori has had plenty of time to think about what to do in the movie and I'm pretty sure there are things that he wanted to do with certain characters that he didn't get a chance to do, especially considering how much involvement Ohnogi got in the most important parts of the series. I actually wouldn't be surprised if he was planning things out a little better during the time he handed the "reins" to Ohnogi (but that is purely a guess on my part). I won't get my hopes up but I won't be pessimistic about it either, just wait and see before jumping to conclusions.
  16. Wishful thinking? lol Well that would be amazing, but I doubt that would ever happen
  17. Good job at whoring out this website XD I'm glad to see that they at least seem to be interested in some sort of way.
  18. From my perspective, I think it's difficult to really judge the series for the simple fact that most people here are the more old school fans of the series. What I'm trying to say is that at the age of 10 or any young age (6-12) for that matter, we are more easily impressed with certain series but as we grow older, we tend to raise the bar so-to-speak because our expectations kind of ruin what the series is actually trying to portray. I for one am a big fan of MF but it's mostly because I'm a sucker for romance related anime and the Love Triangle was a big part of the story. Maybe some were turned off by all the focus on the romance and it didn't include all the action they were expecting but I enjoyed the series through my first run because I couldn't wait to see the next episode. When a series makes me impatient to watch the next episode, I think it's a pretty good anime overall but with all the "nods" to past Macross series in my opinion, did MF good in the long run, because it makes people that are new to Macross want to jump back in time and watch some more Macross which in the end leads to more money which is the major goal. I do feel bad for those that felt MF didn't live up to their expectations but maybe you should ask yourself this; What if you watched MF at the same age that you watched your first Macross series? Maybe you'll be surprised to find out that you would have liked it the same, if not more than the original. Everyone has different tastes and it's just a matter of preferences. Now I'm not saying MF was perfect but I don't believe that they were wrong in the homages, especially considering they changed up the outcomes on quite a few occasions, Ozma's near death experience being one of the main examples.
  19. Really? It just looked to me that she/he was putting on his/her glasses (You see what I did there? )
  20. You're welcome No I doubt they would recycle it like this. They will most likely polish the scene a lot if they were to use a recycled scene but those scene were ripped right from the series as far as I can see. Those scenes were just there to fill in the gap for the VA's that were reciting their lines. I agree though that the Sheryl arena seems to look very nice but for some reason it looks like a secret base of some sort xD You bring up a very interesting question and well it is one part of the rumors that they were thinking of breaking up the movie into parts but because of financial issues, it won't be done, but it's just too early to tell anything. I for one wouldn't mind it but the waiting is just too excruciating . They made SDFM into a movie and that series was much longer, so I don't think they'll make it into a series of movies but that's just my opinion
  21. Speaking of the new song "Souda Yo," a member from the Animesuki forums named nanatsusaya posted a link to the preview of the Macross Frontier Movie that was ripped from the Bandai channel for those that haven't seen it yet. We mostly get recycled scenes but there is new clearer footage of Sheryl's new concert arena Enjoy! Also, now we actually have audio for these lines that have been translated by VF-25 Messiah already. I don't know if the audio changes the translations slightly but this is pretty much the gist of each characters line in order I believe. You can start reading these lines more or less after Alto/Yuiichi Nakamura finishes introducing, which is right after it reads "Macross Frontier: The Movie."
  22. wow, thanks a lot for the group pic. That looks great
  23. Oh that's quite alright XD You did more than enough here and I appreciate the effort you put in for it. Thanks, at least it sounds like this will be another hit song for MF but the only problem is that we're getting exposed to it at such an early stage, still I'm glad the song will be good from this response.
  24. Well apparently the new Ranka song called "Souda Yo" was played on the Macross F Super Dimensional Talk Show for a limited time and someone from Japan commented and it seems to be a love song like "Ao No Ether," according to the lyrics. This is a comment posted by the person that created this article as well: Maybe someone else wants to take a jab at a translation for this. Source: GabrielRobins Article
  25. You know that as women with big breasts become old, those breasts lose their...ano...effectiveness XD Whereas a sweet girl like Ranka will look young for a longer time
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