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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. According to Shun, his name is actually Dick Vilra
  2. I don't think Luca is Christian but rather his name is actually Luke. And his drones are Simon, John, and Peter, not Simonne, Johnanne, and Petero. (or are these just German versions of the 4 disciples?). And I'm guessing that Michael/Mikail and Klan Klein were childhood friends but Klan never grew up while in her miclone form. Just to clarify for some - reaction weapons (funny after 20 years I finally understand the improperly translated Reflex weapons in Robotech) are actually nukes (nuclear reaction weapons)
  3. Episode 7 reuses concert footage from the DeCulture edition of the first episode. It's remixed though and CG'd up and looks good.
  4. Again, episode 4 was as bad as episode 6. I don't know how you can not see that a totally different animation team did 4 as the one that did 5?
  5. Doesn't the F-22 have ridiculous (simulated) kill ratios against F-15s and F-18s? They can take on 15 at a time and I recall testing and non-live fire skirmishes resulted in riduculous 200-1 kill ratios. It's possible to completely outclass older technology. That said, the thing in the Macross universe is that the Zentradi and Protoculture all developed and apex of technology hundreds of thousands of years ago. It still works and works very well. Hard to improve when the bar was set like that.
  6. Looks like someone has taken it upon themselves to segregate the animation talk from the actual episodes discussion. I don't think this is a good idea, it'll just draw more attention to it. I've said before, the quality will go up and down as they allocate their budget to which episodes need the most CG/music or whichever ones are most eventful. Don't worry, things will get better for the important bits. To be honest, I haven't liked animation much since this new style debuted. It's great for CG backgrounds but CG on characters and mecha is just not my cup of tea at all. It just looks so lazy. Okay, we'll use the "fill tool", now we'll use the "brush tool" to add some highlights. There's no more depth of the crazy 1980's shading that went into the pre-painting process of cell design. Modern artists seem to have lost that talent complete.y
  7. We'll literally move on (or perhaps carry on) when the Episode 7 thread comes out :lol:
  8. Of course we're not going to stop. That's the ultimate faulty and weak argument of those people who criticize the critics and want them to stop discussing the merits AND FAULTS of whatever show they are watching. "So uhh, because you think this and this sucks, why don't you stop watching it???". Internet discussions always fall back to that for a certain group. And the rest will keep on talking. What is the harm?
  9. I'm guessing that's sarcasm Putting a chilling effect on discussing animation quality is just the wrong thing to do as is segregating it. I'm convinced the quality will go back up as episode 4 was bad, 5 was great, and 6 was back to episode 6 (or slighly worse). I'll be vindicated on that. The mere fact that animation changes in quality from episode to episode makes it logical that it be discussed in each individual episode thread.
  10. That has nothing to do with the dome but merely the system the ship uses to recycle material including water, oxygen, waste, and other bio-organic matter. In the first episode it shows the map of the ships flying across the galaxy and the Macross Frontier ship AND the Galaxy ship both have the same designation and picture icon - and it's a dome ship.
  11. Episode 4 was just filled with so much CG a lot of you didn't notice how badly the characters looked. I have posted comparison pictures earlier in the threads and can come back with much more (except certain people will get whiny about it because they think it gets in the way of their "discussion"). Episode 4 looks very much the same team that did Episode 6.
  12. So let's just give them to a band of rougue teenage misfits so they can have their own band???
  13. I never said the animation was on a downward trend, in fact I'm pointing out that the animation will go up and down contrary to what you guys think about ep 1-5 and then 6. The animation in ep 4 was the same or worse than ep 6. I'm saying be optimistic, it will improve and the more important stories will get better animation as the show goes on and their weekly budget changes depending on what they need to do here and there. This is nothing new. Just think of it as being like the original Macross. You get horrible animation for a few episodes all the time only for them to pull out all the stops for the big ones.
  14. I still contend it has bounced back and forth. Episode 4 was the same studio in my eyes as episode 6. The character designs look the same (2D and flat). I think Episode 4 just sneaked past a lot of you guys because of the abundant backgrounds and heavy CG sequences...the normal character designs were the same bad style as they were in episode 6. I think that as the budget comes and goes depending on how much CG they need to do, they allot animation here and there in the schedule and it will go back and forth throughout the series. I noticed early on that episode 4 was the worst one in terms of character design and animation long before I saw episdoe 6. Episode 4 had very "off" looking characters (Look at Klan Klein's fullsize face) that seemed to lack accentuation/roundness. All of SMS (especially the bridge bunnies) were drawn in the same "ugly" style in episode 4 as episode 6. Episode 5 was completely different and of much higher quality and detail. Episode 4 has actually been the worst overall in many instances. I'm sure that the bigger episodes in terms of stories do logically get the higher budgets and we'll see that throughout Frontier that the "filler" episodes will go to the cheaper studios. Sheryl looks like crap at the end of episode 4 when she trips Alto. Just a 2D face with two holes for nostrils, I'd never go on a date with that! But she magically becomes more rounded and refined and beautiful in time for Stardate. Then she goes back to ugly in episode 6.
  15. The animation quality will go up again, I'm certain of it. Episode 6 seems to have been animated by the guys who did episode 4. If you look at the faces of the SMS crew and their relative lack of detail and how sloppy their expressions are drawn (sexual harrassment - she enjoys it scene), you'll see it's the same artist at work. Episode 5 had vastly upgraded and better looking characters and detail (Klan Klein looks completely different for example, much less 2D). Episode 5 is back to the quality animation and I think episode 7 will be too. I guess it will see saw through the series depending on where they want to spend the budget.
  16. Dude, you are telling a Robotech fan to watch Macross 7? We'll start having even lower quality threads than this one.
  17. Something Else - the world is appealing. I have always loved the colonies and colony ships of Macross series
  18. Anatomically, things tend to increase in proportion in the human body, but breast size is mostly influenced by hormones and level of body fat.
  19. It's awesome that as of right now, Ishtar is beating Ranka! Macross II rules!
  20. Think of it this way...I shudder to say this but... Macross Quarter = this show's White Base/Argama/Pegasus It's just the typical small ship that flies around holding the main characters and their dozen mecha. It is by no means the Macross 25 which would make no sense to be under S.M.S.
  21. I can live with Macross Quarter. I CAN'T LIVE WITH NUNS!!!
  22. I don't really understand why all of you are arguing the technical aspects of Iron Man when I felt the film was pretty realistic and self-contained. The entire suit was powered by the Arc reactor in his chest. The newer model that he built output more power than the biggest nuclear reactor in the world. The smaller one he builds in the cave outputs 3 GW which is about 4 million horsepower. The improved one that Obadiah steals can output 12 GW or 16 million horsepower. That is more than enough to power his suit and all that he does in the film. His thrusters and flight stabilizers are all powered by repuslor technology and are not combustion/compression engines Tony just managed to accidentally find out that just as his boots could output too much thrust, that his arm stabilizers could also fire repulsor blasts and that's great in the movie! The arc reactor is purely fictional technology, think of it like a flux capacitor driven by plutonium...But it's realistic in the sense that it is self-contained within it's sphere of believability while Spider-Man 2 claimed that the stupid fireball we saw on the screen was a miniature sun/fusion reactor sitting out in plain sight on a random brick and wood building...Now that was silly and unbelievable. The biggest technical problems for me is Tony crashing into a solid sand-dune in the desert while falling about 300 feet inside a steel/titanium suit and only suffering a sprained or fractured arm!!! (he only uses a sling, not even a cast). The other issue that bugged me was Pepper pushing the TRANSLATE button on the computer and it translated the Arabic speech into english perfectly including an accent!!!
  23. You left out Alto needs to be captured and thought MIA and lots of tears and crying happen from Ranka/Sheryl (oh I do love it when the girls are mourning). Ozma and Co. need to be around to go comfort those ladies when everybody think's Alto's dead.
  24. BTW Graham, any news on chapter 6? muchos gracias, arigato gozaimasu, mmm goy sai!
  25. It'll be after he eats Ranka's pineapple salad!!@ Actually, I'm sure that since this show is all into "show you the old hooks with a twist", it'll have Ozma practically die halfway through, leave the hospital to see Ranka one more time...collaspe AND HE'LL LIVE (only to die in episode 24).
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