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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. Thanks Angel's Fury.
  2. Consequentely, bad re-entry
  3. Left his shades at home
  4. Good Re-Entry
  5. Maybe this thread should be changed into the photoshop junkie thread.
  6. I love playing with your toys.
  7. Wow! Awesome angle! Photochops all the way!!! What digital camera are you using by the way? Good lightning and focus.
  8. Nice job French, but try erasing the whole background like this. I notice you used two strike cannons.
  9. Fine Fine Fine, here you go: http://www.transformersource.net/forums/in...p?showtopic=213
  10. Earlier this morning, Diamond Distributors accidentally posted an image of next month's Toyfare on their website and on the cover were Cobra Commander, Skeletor, and right in the middle a ridiculously awesome looking robot with a VF-1J head to die for. Yes, it was a Shockwave homage and even I, who admit to completely detesting BW/BM/Armada/Energon for having nothing but ugly designs in their toylines, I who am a huge anime mecha head, declare this to be good. The only problem is that he doesn't appear to have any molded hands but a square block that is supposed to be a fist or something. Unfortunately, Toyfare says it was an accident and don't want people showing an image of the cover so the best I can do is make a teaser picture for you. This head reminds me of the VF-3000 slightly. It would look awesome on a Valkyrie but it has too many detail lines and extra mecha kibble to work on the sleek/simple VF-1s. I remember as a kid, when I played with my toys, the Taka 1J and Shackwave (yes I had a Taka 1J but had a crappy bootleg Radioshack Shockwave Galaxy Defender or whatever his name was) were the same height and size and shared the same head design so they were brothers.
  11. I liked the Full Metal Panic series quite a bit. Probably one of my favorites despite the low-budget animation. The manga is much better actually, but the beginning sorta jumps in without explanation. I really like the art style in the manga. The thing that caught me about FMP the first series, was that the background music was a parody of the A-Team. But all in all, my favorite part of FMP is FMP 2: Fumoffu. That is seriously the most hilarious anime I've ever seen in a long time. Completely different in tone and texture from the main series but a nice miniseries focusing on the high-school love comedy part of FMP. I haven't heard any plans for that on DVD yet.
  12. Okay, I saw Kill Bill in a University Theatre recentely (missed the original theatrical run) and they cut the film right after the "Directed by Quentin Tarantino" credit. I know there was extra stuff either during or after the credits as an epilogue but I never got to see it. Can somebody tell me what it was?
  13. I thought the maximum temperature on Mars is about 20C because of it's distance from the sun and the lack of atmosphere. Mars is a pretty cold place, especially at night in the double digit negatives. Why is the rover running so hot? Did they really design this thing's computer hardware with so little ventilation/cooling? Is everything packed so tightly that they couldn't even take advantage of the ambient temperature of the planet? My computer got stuck in a reboot loop once when I forgot to switch my CPU fan to higher RPMs when I was playing a game. It crashed and kept on rebooting due to driver failure and registry corruption.
  14. Just all the new stuff. All the old stuff with good ol'plutonium made it. Then there was the Mars Polar Lander which crashed because NASA mixed up metric with standard. When are you guys going to switch to metric???
  15. One has to wonder why the Viking missions were so robust and successful. The Viking landers operated from 1976-1982. Spirit and Opportunity are only expected to survive a few weeks to a few months. Could it be with all our new technology, that there are simply just more things to go wrong? Then again, the Vikings were nuclear. Sure beats the new kids on the block -driving 5 feet and then recharging your batteries for 12 hours and driving another 5 feet. Then you have to cycle your energy overnight to keep the parts warm or else the things would just lock up and permanently die overnight.
  16. OMG!!! Officer's Battlepod! Somebody @ NASA is a fan.
  17. That was pretty freaky in that movie. Far more so than the hilarious results of broken face-shields in Total Recall. His suicide was insanely freaky.
  18. You guys are all wrong! Optimus' right-hand man was Ironhide. But his most dedicated soldier was Ultra Magnus. R.I.P. Robert Stack
  19. Wow, looks great. Do we need to own Secret Ops to play? Because all I have is prophecy. The engine was pretty good as far as I can recall but the Freespace 2 Engine would be much better. Good work anyways! I'm looking forward to it!
  20. I don't know about you fellas but everytime I see the Tatsonuko seahorse logo, I get the munchies for some Japanese seafood snacks. Back to this discussion though, if anybody can translate Spanish: http://www.ps2realm.com/robotech/home/prev...t=display&id=31
  21. Sigh, really...why do conspiracies always pop up? This is really funny guys. Oh by the way, here are some more slides from the presentation. Sure looks real to me.
  22. My blue and white lullaby ducky. Wouldn't trade all the Macross, Gundam, or Trannies in the world for it.
  23. All this destroying paint stuff is driving me over the edge. It is almost a cliche now and the single most often heard excuse. Binaltech's DO NOT CHIP if you transform them gingerly. You don't have to put latex gloves on or anything. Just don't force the parts together. I am SUPER rough with my BT and transform him in under 30 seconds and I have no chips. That was only a problem on the first run batch. The second run batch of Smokescreens corrected the problem areas that previously caused major chipping. The running bar and the hip connectors were masked off from the chrome and paint applique.
  24. Or at least a very Japanese Colonel Sanders lol!
  25. ComicKaze


    There is a B-Club kit that gives you replacement parts but it is rare/expensive. There was a re-casting thread about this months ago but I have heard little to nothing of it. I talked to Bobby who made the kit on MWAT and it was customized far beyond what the B-Club kit offer - IIRC, it might even have been from scratch.
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