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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. It's a shame that Brosnan was contracted to Remington Steele back in 85/86 when Moore finally dropped out and they were looking to him for the role. They could have gotten so many more good Bond years out of him and he was in his prime then. Since Goldeneye, he has aged considerably and now looks rather ridiculous as Bond.
  2. This was recently posted on a variety of news channels. If you've been following this, Infinium Labs used pretty much the same "scare tactics" that Harmony Gold's lawyers used against dealers and distributors a year or two ago who were selling imported Macross products like Yamato. Do you guys remember the ridiculous letters they sent out to people warning them with the threat of lawsuit if they didn't stop selling Macross products because they had the liscense? It had the air of nothing but a scare tactic and lawyers often resort to such means. In the Infinium Labs vs HardOCP.com story, HardOCP published an expose about Infinium Labs and their CEO and months later, Infinium got a gaggle of lawyers to send a letter to HardOCP intimidating lawsuits if he didn't censor, edit, and remove sections of Kyle's article. I was just thinking, as I was reading through that post, it said that HardOCP filed counter-suit with the Declaratory Judgement Act. The lawsuit was filed under the Declaratory Judgment Act, which permits a person or entity being threatened with lawsuits from another party to force the issue to be decided, rather than having to operate under a cloud of uncertainty and intimidation. Could the people who recieved Harmony Gold's letters and threats back then also have used this act to protect themsevles instead of pulling products and importation?
  3. That prototype was completely a hoax created by me. Yamato got extremely irritated and disappointed with Graham because they thought it was leaked (you can't see it clearly anyway and that was my intent). They are very sensitive about this issue and got on his case. Don't vex them.
  4. Man, you Americans don't know how lucky you have it. I haven't seen a full shelf of Gundam since Gundam Wing back in 2001 or whatever. Bandai just like...stopped shipping them up here to Canada. Same thing with MOTU and TF. Hasbro and Mattel both confessed they have neglected this market and all I see are empty shelves or dozens of the unwanted ones at Wal-Mart and TRU when I goto these sections...but at least they are there...unlike Gundam. There are a peg or two of SDs but that's it. I haven't seen MSIA's in 2 years, and we got less than 1/5th of the lineup. There were tons of Gundam toys that never made it up here. It's like after the UC toys failed to sell, either none of the stores restocked or Bandai neglected to restock us. Even before then, the only 12" DX figure we got was Wing. The problem is also that Gundam and Transformers aren't being aired on Canadian television. There is simply no interest. Our cartoon stations are restricted by Canadian regulations and stringent requirements on broadcasting as well as dwindling air time for imports. YTV said that Gundam "wasn't the type of show they wanted" and instead we get YuGiOh and Beyblades over and over again. It's all BS and hypocrisy. I'm not sure we'll even get TF: Energon.
  5. Just to let you know the product everybody is talking, "Future" is basically a floor wax. Look for a wax or thin glossy wax for house cleaning or even cars and dry dipping the canopy in that. It will fill in the microscopic roughs that make something look foggy and clear it up again.
  6. Well Toynami is known to make their money off incredibly ridiculously high margins on ridiculously cheaply manufactured toys. They price-point their products very high for what they're worth. IE: If sold by any other toy manufacturer, the MP Veritech would only be a $20 toy at the most.
  7. The Cat/Dog/Baby translators are made by Takara and sold by Hasbro here in North American TRU's.
  8. I actually own a retail VHS of Dinosaurs. I won it in a contest or something. I'll go look for it.
  9. Yes indeed, the previous confirmation says SAL on it. Thanks for reminding me. Now I have proof. I'm contacting HLJ right away.
  10. What the heck??? HLJ just charged me about $50 to ship a $17 item!!! I specifically requested SAL and I've always used SAL but for some reason, they shipped it via EMS. I bought a DX Siren Gary and I know it's a large item but it still shouldn't cost that much. Has anybody ever had an experience when they asked for SAL (I'm sure I did) but they shipping you an item via EMS instead?
  11. Why can't I have a cool name like Iron Chimera? There must be a premium on cool animals and designations. I'm the freaking "Buckshot Shrew"
  12. Well I guess we'll know which by examining the chemical makeup of the metal used in Valks, right David? I say it is Die-Cast Metal... Hell, even says that on this old "Dyna Flites" airplane toy of mine... And this Matchbox one as well... "Die-Cast Metal Construction." At least they got it right... Aren't Valks made of carbon whatssits?
  13. Or you could be a really wierd dude playing craps in Las Vegas. Some dudes say: "Baby needs new shoes" when they throw the dice. You could say: "Die, cast!!!" (and then flap your cape)
  14. That's such B.S. Macross 7 is far superior to anything in II. Now that's bs. I seem to recall this exact discussion on AFM in 1998 with the exact same people. I agree with Oihan and our battle with Keith continues in a new place and time.
  15. Yeah, DarthTodd, the things you need to know are all in the TV series. These are major plot points that actually make sense if you watch the series. 1) Music, Songs, Kissing, etc. are very important because the Zentradi were genetically created to be unfeeling military giants that fought for the Protoculture. In the series, this is fleshed out by the Zentradi feeling disgusted and being weakened by a reaction in their genetics and some Zentradi defecting to the human side because they are overwhelmed by our culture and the new emotions they are feeling. The problem with DYRL is that they very barely show these things and only the effects. The reason Minmay sings in the climactic battle is to both boost morale and also paralyze the enemy Zentradi fleets. 2) Hikaru does very unmilitary things because he is very young & foolish, only 16. In the TV series, he didn't even want to be in the UN Spacy Navy. The SDF-1 was forced to evacuate Earth and he and Minmay were caught up by accident. He's just a kid in love who was forced to enter the military because of circumstances and he fights with this. There is an episode where he gets his first kill and he's totally frozen and suffering from shock. Minmay is a civilian. Do you know the background and history of why they were in the position they were in at the beginning of DYRL? How the SDF-1 folded and accidentally transported the whole city on the island with them to Pluto and so, had to integrate the city and 50,000 civilians into their ship? In your case, the animation in the Macross TV series will look very dated/cheap as well as the music cheesy so I suggest maybe you watch Macross Plus because I know you'll love it. Very strong adult theme and storyline/mystery/technothriller.
  16. Scarlett Johansson
  17. Really? What's wrong with the story? I don't think you are going to be a Macross fan. I'm a Macross fan for the storyline and not the mecha believe it or not. I don't know if you'll ever watch the original series but it makes the story that is condensed in DYRL more fleshed out. Personally, I don't like Macross Zero at all. You might want to watch Macross Plus if you want something more adult/serious but DYRL was incredibly serious. Can you list exactly what was wrong? It's gotta be pretty bad if it's the worst movie you've ever seen. Maybe you just aren't used to watching oldschool anime whereas I cannot stand anything made after 1999. Don't bother with 7, I can tell you would hate it.
  18. I still can't find the uncensored release of this one. Manga really botched it way back when.
  19. That one was priceless!! "Here, use my hammer." Actually, it was a drill bit! I remade it.
  20. Oh man, I lost most of the art I made for that propaganda thread. It's too bad the old forums are dead. Did anybody keep them? I want my Toynami factory communist propaganda poster back.
  21. And this was in retaliation for the hilarious Robotech.com marketing team who flaunted this picture of the MPC and called it "Kung-Fu Style" on their website. I think it was actually from the proganda thread though. WAAAAAAAH-YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. And here's some things I made for the old HG-Bashing thread. The jokes are kinda harder to understand now. Back then, there was a thread about how Toynami's Rick Hunter bust looked like he was hammered or retarded. The MPC was very crappy too.
  23. Here's something from like 1999 when I first came to Macross World and I was an amateur with a scanner (yes, I scanned my Takas) and Corel Photopaint (Photoshop convert now). I submitted it to be a front-page image for when Shawn used to regularily cycled them but Shawn never replied. Not the best quality on my part. The hardest part was making "Macross World" in DYRL font. Hopefully I got my Kanji right so that says "Super Dimensional Fortess Macross Sekai". Ahh, makes me miss my Takas.
  24. But making comics is more fun.
  25. hehe, I need a book too. I just play around with PS too much. I do everything the hard way and I don't use layers effectively. <_< People always complain that my light sources are always coming from the wrong directions IE:
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