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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. The many faces of Minma(y/i) VS And these are both late 90s pics so you know I'm not being biased with age. YWAARRGH, I don't even want to imagine a picture of them together. I'd rip it in half and keep you know which half :-)
  2. If you feel Miramax ripped you off when you bought your first sets, you can always count on China or...some (DVD-9) DVD-Rs *cough* to help you out with this one. Don't take my word for it. :-) But as for huge boxsets, this is why I never bought LoTR or the Matrix or any of these big hollywood productions. You know they'll crank out set after set ad infinitum to drain your dollars. I'll wait 10 years and buy them. In the meantime, I'll be spending my paycheque on good and properly done boxsets like Back to the Future, Indiana Jones, and Horatio Hornblower.
  3. Snore...boring. It's F-91 over again. Strike was revolutionary in that it was full of straight lines and strong angles. Now it's back to fancy Gundams with too much detail, rounded appendages, and bling bling all over. Much too much like Wing. So Athrun's there but where is Kira? Sigh, I wish they went the Zeta route and introduced some sort of revolutionary non-conformist Gundam model (without mouth vents) that had a wave rider mode :-) Sigh... I really don't like Kunio Okawara. Get Kazumi Fujita or Hajime Katoki!
  4. You guys are making a serious mistake in underestimating the power of this advanced mobile armor. It's capable of unaided flight without anti-gravity generator, fusion propulsion, chemical-burn vernier, or minovsky particle drive when equipped with the special E.T. unit in the forward basket assembly.
  5. Very funny, Graham the TF-hater Cute kame though. It's an Energon chip and no, I don't like them either (Energon, not TFs in general). I seem to remember Powerglide always crashing into the ocean and emerging with seaweeds on him, maybe he picked up a radioactive turtle or something.
  6. Ahh...the Canadian Supersonic Jetfighter. The best of it's time.
  7. Umm...Hasbro liscensed the mold from Omega Supreme Toybox which also produced Sky Lynx and Shockwave (which was ripped off by Radioshack/Tandy Corporation). And as for Energon Omega Surpreme, it's a generic battleship along with a train and a crane. Rip-Off of the SDF-1? Hardly. BTW, it's based on the Magellan, not the Salamis: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/msgundam/magellan.htm Even the colors. And Jedi Knight, please don't mention Harmony Gold ever again.
  8. Actually... he still could be an older Stark... thereby giving the filmmakers an excuse to introduce Jim Rhodes as... WAR MACHINE!!! Have you guys seen Pierce Brosnan with a mustache? He's old enough to be Stark now. I don't want a "young Stark" like in the reinvented comics. But all this talk of superheroes and nothing of Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins??? And they're currently casting a new Superman which may begin production by the end of this year! But back to Spiderman. I sure hope Spidey ditches Mary Jane and they can find a new love interest...like Felicia Hardy! I just can't stand Kirsten Dunst.
  9. Bah! I want Power Suits!
  10. Wow, you guys really don't know about the videogame remix scene. There are insane piano renditions of tons of your favorite videogames as well as remixes in every genre. If you guys haven't heard the minibosses Contra metal, you are missing out on some of the best music on earth. Here's a piano composition that combines like 20 classic game themes but unless you were a real enthusiast, you might not recognize them all: http://www.vgmix.com/song_view.php?song_id=1138 Another site: www.ocremix.org I'm not sure where to find the minibosses metal mixes of games, check google.
  11. I know many of you used to regularily strip the paint off Chunky Monkeys and Jetfire for repainting but what's a safe chemical to use with modern Transformers? I recently bought Transformers Energon: Bulkhead but he has an ugly yellow paint across the nose that exists no where else and spoils the look. I really want to remove this paint. Anybody know what I can do to clean off this paint without damaging the green plastic below? It looks good in pictures, but horrible (at least to me) in person. Here is a review of him that I posted on a Transformers forum expressing my chagrin with the yellow nose :-)
  12. You guys aren't getting the point. Ammo and "Shell" aren't concerns with a railgun. This is a purely kinetic energy weapon. The ammunition for this thing will be nothing more than small metal spike or triangle that is blasted into the atmosphere and comes back down to earth at like Mach 6-8 and slams into the target. Purely by kinetic energy, it will obliterate everything in a huge radius without having to pack any payload or chemical explosive. And you don't need Nuclear. The concept of the railgun ships is that they can completely shunt all power from the engines to the electrical system of the railgun. Current ships cannot divert power from the engines and propulsion in this manner. So it's like Star Trek. Warp Power to the Phasers Scotty! Let's just hope that it doens't cause the Protoculture engines to vaporize on single use. I don't think U.S. Navy warships can turn into modular giant robots just to fire the main gun. :-)
  13. Sheesh, let's just merge these threads and have Terminator vs Robocop vs Alien vs Predator the Movie Extravaganza Underwater with Valkyries!
  14. Congratualations! Where's the picture of his loving parents? :-)
  15. All I wanted was the Federation/Romulan war that was SUPPOSED to happen according to the original Trek timelime...Fought with Nuclear Weapons in space! What is with all this time travel garbage? I'm getting dizzy and bored. TOS and DS9 did the best job with time travel. Like the other poster said, the Eugenics wars or any other volatile age in Earth's history (nuclear winters of the 21st/22nd centuries) would have been great times to return to and provide more background for the ESTABLISHED Trek chronology. I've seen enough damn Nazis and the 20th century for a lifetime. Why can't we fill in the holes on how such a violent and crazy Earth somehow organized itself into a the nexus of a peaceful galactic Federation? They make so much about it in all the 24th century series about how they "overcame" all these obstacles to make the utopian federation which nolonger has poverty or even street crime. Let's see it happen for once (First Contact touched on a boring part of the reconstruction era) and the DS9 episode where they went into the Sanctuaries was also pretty good. That said Enterprise is getting better but I'm still maladjusted to the look of the ship. As others would have said, I would have vastly preferred a 23rd century series. Star Trek 6 is my favorite of the ST Movies and the military look of that period is my favorite aesthetic for Trek. A Captain Sulu era series could pick up after the Khitomer Conference Peace and the upheaval it has on the Alpha Quadrant. And it's really too bad we see so little of the Romulans in any of the series (Nemesis was garbage). They are the only race capable of matching and exceeding the Federation in both technology, politics, and ideology. Another thing would be to bring more ancient galactic races into the mix. Some mysterious ancient galactic mystery with untapped powers left by long-dead races would be really cool. Maybe more Doomsday Machines like from TOS or Iconian worlds. Okay, that was just a lot of BS but everytime I watch Enterprise, I hope that Archer will suddenly Quantum Leap out of there...or at least Sam would appear and coach Archer on what he should be doing next. They are a great actors and a great cast. I simply wish they were given more to work on. They are > than Voyager's crew in every respect. Voyager was simply grating from episode 2 onwards. Please bring back Ira Stephen Behr to the franchise. And somebody fire Rick Berman.
  16. I hear there's no rain. What's Nam without rain?
  17. Fun while it lasted but it could really have used a D-Day invasion map. Russians landing on the banks of Stalingrad isn't quite the same. I could have gone for some North Africa or Italian missions as well. Fantastic game nonetheless. Felt a lot like I was in an Indiana Jones car chase at times with the same music.
  18. This was the case with all the Kaiyodo Virtual On toys as well.
  19. There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain...but because it is Macross and therefore painful to see on Toynami's website. Now how do I translate that back into latin? sed Macross igitur deleo spectare Toyami I give up I've forgotten all my declensions. DAMN YOU TOYNAMI!!! DAMN YOU!!!
  20. The VF-3000 Crusader from Advanced Valkyrie is actually my favorite Valkyrie.
  21. Recently in the news, an F2 accidentally strafed a golf course and put 160 bullets into a car. The JSDF are embarassed at their long safety track record being ruined. The article (I can't find it right now) mentioned the F2 has been used for 15 years? It's interesting that Mitsubishi builds this. Is it completely built by Mitsubishi (who built the Zero in WWII) under liscense from Lockheed Martin or do they only fabricate the custom parts?
  22. The majority of us are Gamlin because even though he's somewhat of a wimp, he's the only rational and truly loving one out of a bunch of total psychos that make up Macross 7. The problem is the quiz is constructed badly and omits Max and Milia, etc.
  23. Dolph's was actual in View to a Kill. I think it's different guy in the living daylights. Dolph Lundgren has a master's degree in chemical engineering! He's actually a genius playing a lunkhead in movies lol.
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