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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. This is Batman BEGINS so maybe we'll have a chance to see a pre-rubber costume much like Spider-Man had his jogging suit/sweat pants Spidey-Outfit before he made his real costume (which they never explained how in the movies). Maybe well see a black and grey cloth costume. *wishful thinking* I know we'd all wish the final suit looked like this anyway: with the main color being grey as opposed to all black
  2. I just can't play GTA because the graphics are so outdated and tired looking. Bland textures, low polys, load times, etc... I stayed with the PC version of Vice City, but only because I love the 80s so much and I spent the whole time just riding bikes around the city, but the physics really pissed me off eventually...and I was also frustrated with the fake vehicles when I realized what they were really supposed to be. I guess I'm just spoiled by computer graphics and haven't purchased anything for a console since the Dreamcast and even then, I prefered 2D games on that. I also hate the whole "Cali" hood/thug/latino/rapper cliche atmosphere. The epitome of everything I hate about that culture.
  3. I just laughed for like a minute straight.../;and relief washes over me in an awesome wave". I didn't think there were any other Psycho-fanatics as me. I've memorized the entire lunch @ Pastels scene ("for entres this evening we have a swordfish meatloaf with onion marmalade, rare roasted partridge breast with a sorrel timbale...") and the business card scene ("is that a gram?" "new card, whadya think?" "I like the coloring" "That's bone, and the lettering is something called Silian Rail"). I HAVE TO RETURN SOME VIDEOTAPES!!! HAHHAHAHAHAAA *HACK* *SLASH* REVING CHAINSAW!!! BLOODY BLOODY BLOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!!! I'M SO PRETTY!!! "My mask of sanity begins to slip..." Haha! I love american psycho... Max and I were talking about it the other day. Everything about that movie was just perfect, one of my top 10. The prostitutes could have been prettier I ususally skip those scenes because I was so used to everything looking so perfect in that movie. But then again, that's part of the irony, that Bateman, who has such good tastes just doesn't care and does it purely to watch himself in the mirror.
  4. 1960s technology
  5. I'm sad because I know the version that Hasbro sells over here of the Cybertron/Galaxy Force toys will have reduced features and reduced paintjobs as per what happened in Energon.
  6. I'm looking forward to the hot and beautiful women that you used to meet onshore in Pirates!
  7. It's hilarious that people somehow compare this to the American crapfest of Fast and the Furious... When they overlook the most obvious comparison in Legend of Speed 2. Which definetely took itself too seriously, how I hate Ekin. At least the Evo beat up the Scoobi though.
  8. So after everything in Macross...in Southern Cross...in Mospeada...and even NASA's X-Project Shuttle Replacement... The stupid ship still has giant cone verniers sticking out the back for thrust hahahaha!!!!!!!!
  9. I just laughed for like a minute straight.../;and relief washes over me in an awesome wave". I didn't think there were any other Psycho-fanatics as me. I've memorized the entire lunch @ Pastels scene ("for entres this evening we have a swordfish meatloaf with onion marmalade, rare roasted partridge breast with a sorrel timbale...") and the business card scene ("is that a gram?" "new card, whadya think?" "I like the coloring" "That's bone, and the lettering is something called Silian Rail"). I HAVE TO RETURN SOME VIDEOTAPES!!! HAHHAHAHAHAAA *HACK* *SLASH* REVING CHAINSAW!!! BLOODY BLOODY BLOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!!! I'M SO PRETTY!!! "My mask of sanity begins to slip..."
  10. HOW IS THAT THING MANEUVERING??? IT HAS NO CONTROL SURFACES??? How is that thing not spinning out of control and crashing to the ground, and still able to perform Mig-Like acrobatics with nothing but a lawn-mower handle bar? How is it even achieving lift??? Is it rocket propelled or does it have a propeller in the front? How is he stablizing the darn thing? That's insane!!! Could somebody post a link to the RC VF-1 and Enterprise too for that matter? Thanks?>
  11. It took a lot of work to make any of the cars in NFS:U look acceptable and not totally rice/loser mobiles. That said, I did make some great cars I was very proud of and FYI, there are some limited European models in NFS:U. I loved the Peugeot. Anyway, the worst part of the game, wasn't it's physics which I found thrilling because it really is an arcade game...It was the fact that there was the catch-up feature that let a computer catch up to you by insane margins at the end of race. You'd literally be miles ahead and see the time gauge separating you and the other cars drop really fast like they were racing perfectly at 200mph or something. So basically you had to be an almost perfect driver to ever win the game. That said, that made for some very thrilling and heart-pounding races. I had a lot fun and sweat-filled hours spent in that game. I also especially loved the drag racing and drifting courses mainly for the fact that they had that quality that made you play them over and over again to succeed.
  12. I'm just so pissed off that Roger Ebert can't appreciate the beauty of marionation because while Thunderbirds was on TV in the 60s, he was writing pornographic B movie scripts. Even in his review of the Thunderbirds (which definetely does suck), he had no conception on why anybody would enjoy marionettes and said it was based on an old "puppet show". Super Marionation all the way!!!
  13. GREAT BRITAIN POUNDS (you'll need ~ £150 to buy a MIB set)
  14. It's called the Badlander in Saber Rider.
  15. That Bismark (Ramrod) is the miniature, non-transforming version. There is a larger one that is fully transformable. There are also toys of the characters and vehicles (Colt's Bronco Buster aka Billy Cox's Arrow) and horses (Steed). http://www.yuma-city.de/merchandising/figuren/index.htm Unfortunately, the toys deviate a lot from the show and are hallmark early 80s Japanese robot toys. But as you can see from the toy, the transformation sequence is quite plausible, if only Bandai had used better proportions.
  16. What's fascinating is that the entire story arc of Jesse being a cadet who falls in love with April and turns to the Outriders because of rejection and hubris doesn't exists in the Japanese series! At first I was confused when I read that Jesse was just an evil alien and had little interaction in the original series because there could be no explaining the animation of him trying to force April at the reception or trying to save her in the end. The American series actually has more backstory and character driven plot than the original show (Sei Juishi Bismark). If you pay attention, the episodes that feature Jesse as a cadet (and a few others) are animated by a different studio and reportedly, WEP paid to have these episodes made just for Saber Rider to flesh out the story and to change the dimensions of it. In the original anime, Jesse Blue was called Perios and was never human. He began the series as a Deathcula commander all along (evil vampiric alien race) and never attended the academy and the sequence of him meeting April, getting rejected, getting suspended and quitting the academy, commandeering captured Outrider craft then attaching a bomb to Ramrod, and finally trying to save April's life but is humiliated by Saber Rider doesn't happen. I've heard of American companies butchering animes with edits, dubbing, and airbrushing to make them fit plots, but there's no way WEP could have managled any amount of episodes to create two entire episodes around those themes so they made their own episodes, with great animation! That's first I believe.
  17. The colors and quality are somewhat improved by my image processing but that's also because I'm running the vob files right off through media player. It'll look better on sets with picture controls set right. Like I said, the Anchor Bay Entertainment set from the UK is a low budget one, probably marketed to children. Only cost me 6 pounds but I would pay a fortune for this. Yes, the robot of the week sentai elements do get a little tiring but there is a broad story arc in the series...and it is pretty gripping. It's more toned down in Saber Rider than in Sei Juishi Bismarck, but it's still there. The Outriders capture the human commander and fool the humans into believing they are an offshoot of the same species (Humans and Zentradi anyone?) and sign a truce pact only to betray the humans and crush their military. There is also Jesse Blue, the most promising and talented cadet at the academy who is full of ambition but too much hubris who falls in love and has his heart broken, so he betrays humanity and joins the Outriders. It all comes together in the end in some pretty epic battles. The animation quality and music and yes, the English voice acting are what made me love this series. Fantastic acting that makes you wonder why Anime dubs have sucked so much since and especially nowadays. There were toys created by Bandai for Sei Juishi Bismarck but they were only sold in Japan. 15 years ago, I had to opportunity to purchase the large Bismarck (Ramrod) transforming ship toy in a Used Toy Shop for $40 but I foolishly purchased a boxed Optimus Prime instead. We all know that Prime is a dime a dozen, but Bismarck is a rare gem. There is a German set that is more properly marketed as an anime item, but then again, Saber Rider was HUGELY popular in German for some reason and sales have been good. http://www.anime-house.de/releases/ Then there is the Japanese set which I've only been able to find for something clost to $600 which is ridiculous but the only way to see the original Bismarck. Sadly, I think the Anchor Bay Entertainment DVD I got has the episodes out of order.
  18. Man, I wish an anime company would take this series seriously and release this in a boxset, I don't even know when or if they'll release another volume. Am I all alone in the world? Any other Saber Rider fans out there?
  19. In this scene where you first see Nemesis (the evil, black robbed, cybernetic skulled, villain with the voice of Optimus Prime aka Peter Cullen) addressing Gattler about his failure and he says: "Do you think I don't know every move you make? Every step you take, I'm watching you". hahahaa! (Hey, this is the 80s)
  20. Yes! I know I'm the only fanatic in all the world that gives a damn about this but this (and a girlfriend) are the only things I need to make my life complete. I just got my Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs release on DVD vol. 1 with 4 episodes on it. It's a UK release, the only other releases are the German one by Anime House which is selling pretty amazingly reportedly. This is probably being sold as a children's home video in the UK instead of a strictly anime release (as the German release is) so it's not really that great quality unfortunately. The framerate isn't so great, but then again, that is probably the original animation. This is afterall, a 52-episode weekday animation from 1984 (by Studio Pierrot!). Any fans of this series here? It's my favorite anime of ALL time. Okay, 57 screenshots I painstakingly made! Bwahaha, you know you're obsessed when...
  21. ComicKaze

    fp yf-19

    I posted a picture very similar to the Yamato YF-19 FP but Graham got razzed by Yamato about it so I'll refrain.
  22. Just to add another twist to this discussion. By digitally re-animating the lightsaber blades, Lucas has obliterated the original, hand-drawn lightsaber blade effects created by Nelson Shin... Who later became the producer/director for The Transformers and whose company animated the Simpsons and who died of Food Poisoning.
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