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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. No, but it will provide a self-pleasuring aid for when you lock yourself in a hospital room with the girl of your dreams who constantly rejects you, but is convieniently wearing nothing as the sheets slip off her body... And I just don't like the ipod hype, the craze, and marketing, and the look of the ipod is too self-serving and "chic" for my tastes. I wouldn't be caught dead with white headphones in my years. I'd much rather have a 1GB flash drive that uses replacable AAAs. If you must have a huge harddrive based player, then there are many alternatives that provide many more options like radio, user replacable battery, live recording, etc. and are more of a bang for your buck. But as for me, I personally use a Creative Muvo TX FM Mine has a black unit, blue battery shell, and is 512MB though. The USB key comes in handy quite a bit. There's also an armband to put it on your arm or anywhere else, and I trust flashbased players for heavy abuse and longevity over a harddrive based player.
  2. Hmm, hopefully Hamill will work out a little for the role. The years haven't been kind and he's done a little Shatner fattening up. He looked pretty good 10 years ago in the great Wing Commander games: But lately (can't find a pic), he's looking tired, wrinkled, chubby, and like he lives in a trailer. (this one is 5 years ago at TPM and it's not me, it's from google) I thought people with midoclorians couldn't be ugly At least Skywalker should be fit.
  3. Stop jumping on the Apple bandwagon! It's not too late, you too can avoid becoming an iPod lemming!
  4. I generally view Anno's work for Gainax to be among the worst and most disturbing anime I've ever had the misfortune to watch. He somehow turned the Kare Kano story into another mind**** like Eva, albeit, innovative art direction...Think of it as a romantic comedy but twisted into Shinji's episode 26 dream, alongside with a South-Park style primitive nature animation, coupled with a childhood raping. And don't get me started on Ebichu - the Housekeeping Hamster - aka the badly drawn Hamster that spies on ugly people doing it. I've seen enough animated leg hairs for 10 lifetimes. Oh yeah, and FLCL. Damn FLCL. Seriously, is this guy on drugs or something? Whats up with Gainax? It's the stuff of nightmares on acid. No I don't want to watch some sort of grotesque anthropomorphic alien/human dude get beat up in the head so much that his skull cracks open so wide that giant robot climbs out of the fissure! Don't get me started on Eva Air and Heart...bloody, I don't want to watch a teenage girl, writing in pain from her cloning being boiling to goo and exploding into bits over and over again, or another teenage girl being impaled by a lance or everybody dying, and blood! blood! blood! LCL! LCL! LCL! Bad writing! Bad plot! Depression! Depression! Masturbation! Oh who cares! In the end everybody will be liquified into LCL anyway and be reborn into the frustrations of a junior high boy with overzealous hormones and his frustration with female rejection! What a bloody depressing hopelessly twisted mess! Arrrrgh!!! ANNO AND GAINAX MAKE ME WANT TO KILL SELF!!! AND KILL OTHERS!!! AND DRINK MOUTHWASH!!! AND WATCH STAR WARS SO THAT LUCAS CAN RAPE MY CHILDHOOD!!! At least it isn't as bad as anything Gainax made! ...except for Gunbuster! Oh what promise the young animators and minds of Gainax showed @ Daikon '84! Only to be led into the path of deranged art and sodomy!
  5. It's a mindf*** is what it is. If you didn't like the TV ending, the movie ending will make you feel sick.
  6. Hi Calgarians! I didn't even know about this but I'm not a big GITS fan.
  7. I don't want the Skystriker, I want the Phantom X-19 !!!
  8. There have been Yamato contacts here, but because of leaks and other unfortunate incididents, etc., they don't share things with him any longer. Yamato does not want people to know about the 19 or other projects and won't reply to your e-mails. I know Yamato had a 19FP prototype months ago and generally how it looked but that's it.
  9. Where are the pics of the Yamato fullsize helmet? I can't find them anywhere? Looking good Solscud.
  10. I really want a Type-Zero or Peacemaker. Why won't Bandai make a new one???
  11. What's with all these battle scenes? They're so cramped! It's a cinematic effect, but really... space is huge. In order to have a concentration of ships that much over a planet is almost Zentradi in scale (4 million ships). oh yeah, pissed off Wookies >>> pissed of Ewoks or Jar Jars....but it still sucks that Lucas has to have a mascot race in his movies.
  12. Just use common filesharing programs like Kazaa. This song is everywhere.
  13. I was always under the impression that James Earl Jones acted Vader with a slight English accent as all High Imperials had. Is it just my imagination? I haven't watched the original trilogy in years. It really bugged me when he said: "Yes my Masterrrr". In my head, I always remembered it being: "Yes my Mastaaa".
  14. ComicKaze

    SDF playset

    There used to be a great Robotech site that featured all the mint toys interacting with each other with very professional photography and custom art. They had some great pics of this playset along the figures but it was very...odd.
  15. Yes, the Steam preload was released in parts so one week, it was sounds, next week was graphics, etc. and this started months ago. If you preload now, it'll basically be downloading the whole thing as it's gone gold. "Those who purchase via Steam, will receive the final version of Counter-Strike: Source immediately. Half-Life 2 and other games in the Steam offerings will be made available to purchasers upon their release. ATI/Half-Life 2 bundle owners may redeem their product key for the Bronze offer or apply their key toward the purchase of either the Silver or Gold offers, receiving a credit equal to the price of the Bronze offer."
  16. I don't think you get the game by mail, you get credit towards the Steam Half-Life 2 Bronze package which you download as Steam said for those with the ATi package. Or that credit goes towards and is deducted from the amount of the Silver or Gold packages if you want to upgrade. And yes every HL2 comes with CS:Source.
  17. Retail Boxes Estimated $49.95-54.95 Standard Edition: Half-Life 2 and Counter-Strike: Source. Ships on six CDs, in one of three boxes (Gordon, Alyx or the G-Man). Estimated $74.95-89.95? Collector's Edition: Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source, a Half-Life 2 T-shirt and a Prima book sampler. Ships on a single DVD. Steam Packages $49.95 Bronze: Half-Life 2* and Counter-Strike: Source. $59.95 Silver: Half-Life 2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam. $89.95 Gold: Half-Life 2*, Counter-Strike: Source, Half-Life: Source*, Day of Defeat: Source*, Valve's back catalog currently available on Steam, Complete Strategy Guide from Prima Games, three different Half-Life 2 posters, Half-Life 2 hat, Half-Life 2 postcard, Half-Life 2 stickers, Half-Life 2 Soundtrack CD, and a chance to win a trip to Valve (one trip offered for every 5000 Gold packages purchased). It's a lot of stuff in the Gold Package. But in terms of software, the only differentiating factors are Half-Life 1:Source (Half-Life 1 retooled to run on Half-Life 2's Engine) and Day of Defeat:Source. It boils down to you getting a lot of choice and if you really think all that extra stuff is worth it. Personally, I don't think it's worth the extra $40 for that junk. I could care less about the Back Catalog of various mods and games from 1998+ (which I already own from the original Half-Life), the posters, the hat, the postcard, the stickers, Soundtrack, and the chance to visit Valve (whoo no). In the retail collector's edition, you're paying $20-$40 more for just a T-Shirt (which will be like Large or Extra Large so I'd never be able to wear it), a stupid sampler of the strategy guide, the chance to play an upgraded Half-Life 1 (won't look as pretty obviously), and the bonus of having it on DVD which is about the only positive I see. I'd much rather have a single disc with a hardcopy of these games I bought with my own money than to download it off Steam and stand the chance of losing everything.
  18. Amazing, I've been following the TC since the HW1 days and it just looks so amazing. I can't wait to try it out in HW2 (which I just discovered the joy of again) and stayed up until 5AM playing multiplayer against a friend. Textures look sharp! I hope they're as high-res as the real game or better.
  19. http://media.texansfortruth.org/bushuncensored.mov Is political discussion contraband here? This is more of a funny video.
  20. On drugs and in depression. That's how the writer of Evangelion created the series so you should be in the same state or else you'll just end up f*cked up when you come out of finishing this twisted series that is overhyped, overrated, and perhaps a reason why Japanese teen suicide is so high.
  21. Hey, just wanted to see if any of the old guard from the days of AFM are still here. I know there are a few of you. If you're here and read this thread, post here, espcially if your handle has changed so we can recognize you. I know Keith's definetely here, you can't miss him. And Shawn and Graham of course were there too.
  22. That's you isn't it James? You don't remember me? I've even mailed you videotapes before!!!
  23. Can you explain why you want to do this?
  24. No, this is definetely an urban legend that's been circulating e-mail for years and years.
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