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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. Just kick out Berman and all will be well.
  2. Could you imagine Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx doing this and you not laughing your ass off? And yes remember, NO BELT!!! EVER!!! Don Johnson made Crockett look laid back but slick. Farrell makes Sonny look fat and lazy if you go by that set pic. I can't believe they got that belt detail wrong. And if I'm not mistaken, he's wearing black socks too! WHAT??? Crockett doesn't wear socks at all if he can help it. I mean, that picture makes it look like Colin Farrell IS Don Johnson two decades after Miami Vice. Weathered, fat, and badly dressed, even for the 80s. It's sad when Jackie Chan looks more like Sonny Crockett than Colin Farrell.
  3. Macgyver had another first name according to the script of the earlier episodes, but it wasn't mentioned and Angus only appeared near the end of the series. You could call him "Gus" lol. Also, before his character was defined, he shot guns. He's also a hockey fan of the Calgary Flames. They also mention Macgyver on Stargate.
  4. I hate Colin Farrell. There's no way he can pull off Crockett. I wish they'd get a no-name to do this, that picture of Farrel is just horrible...and yeah, white see-through silk shirt? Huge bling around his neck? What is this??? He's supposed to be wearing a pink-T-shirt! AND WHAT'S THAT? A BELT!???? NO!!!! Damnit, this is going to be horrible. And yes, it has to retain the 80s music if nothing, that was 1/3rd of the pie. The whole premise of Miami Vice was created on a Napkin as "MTV cops". I also don't want to sound racist but Jamie Foxx CANNOT accurately portray Tubbs. Tubbs is "dark Italian" in nature, a Ladies man, almost a European African American, the GQ black man of the 80s. Jamie Foxx just doesn't have the look...but if they're going with Colin Farrell...might as well ruin the whole pot.
  5. I hope all the Jedi die in ep3. The charm of Star Wars was that the whole force factor was a mystisicm that was in the background and it was only possessed of about 3-4 characters and even then, hardly used and never trumped true human spirit or was used excessively. Now everything we've gotten force (no pun intended) fed to us in the prequels makes it a force-fest and hundreds of Jedis all swinging CG glowsticks (originally, they were hand animated by Nelson Shin, director of The Transformers and creator of the studio that animates the Simpsons) and flipping around with wire tricks really ruins it all.
  6. The Next Generation cost $1.5 - $2 million to produce each episode. Calculating for 10 years of inflation (fudge fudge fudge), I'd say it costs about $3.5 million per ep of Enterprise. Perhaps the larger budget episodes cost more.
  7. 20K? NOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo
  8. What's with the celebrities on this show? So far I noticed Macaulay Culkin, Rachael Leigh Cook, Kurtwood Smith... apparetely the entire "That 70s Show" cast will appear soon, then Mark Hamil, Burt Reynolds, Ming-Na, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Erika Christensen, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Pat Morita, Scarlett Johansson, etc...
  9. Come on!!! This is a great joke! Don't forget that all the space-faring vehicles of Macross once belonged to the UN-Spacy!
  10. Fan service? Well, sprites and music is from an H-Game if I recall. Anybody know which game? Looks fun hehe.
  11. I haven't played much since I switched to an LCD monitor and the game is hard to play (dark + response time ghosting motion blur). I might bring my CRT back out and hook up my Logitech Momo wheel and give her another go. Can I get some tips on how to make my car good at drifting? I can't seem to compete in these events really well. I have a 240 but I'm not sure what to do with tuning options. And for an overall impression of the game, I find most of the times when you challenge racers on the street, it's a very tough contest because you have to have a real lead on them and with the world so chaotic, it's just too easy to screw up even if you have a huge lead and then I'll just have to cheat by driving in circles so the computer gets confused. Tokyo Extreme Racer was so much better, so much more fun than this. There was actual a thrill to the street challenges and finding secret racer characters from different racing teams. The characters in NFS are all nameless trash talkin' losers. TXR also had a much better racing system where you build up your bar whenever you're in the lead so it's more of a health meter rather than a distance meter. I found that in NFSU2, I basically stuck to the events because I hated the street racing setup.
  12. There's no Cartoon Network in Canada No Robot Chicken! I downloaded episode 1, is there a second one out now with Voltron in it? I didn't see Voltron the first one.
  13. The first Patlabor OAV series was 7 episodes I believe but the events in those OAVs didn't really occur according to the TV series because events happen a little differently (like the manner in which they recieve the Ingrams), but still, the rest of the eps could fit into the story and are among my favorite Patlabor episodes. Then came the 40 some episode television series which is among my favorite anime series ever. Then come the 16 episodes that are the 2nd series of OAVs. You combine the TV series and the 2nd OAVs to be called the "P-Series" and this is the main brunt of the Patlabor story and continuity line. These OAVs continue and finish some of the TV series' arc. The first movie occurs somewhere between the TV series and the second OAV series as evidenced by the Peacemaker and Zero Labors. The 2nd movie comes afterwards and as it goes, you don't get closure, just the feeling that life goes on and nothing lasts forever. It's a little sad but Patlabor was always wonderful with pushing emotional themes with subtlety. Nothing was ever said outright and in the open between character relationships, you just have to inference most of it. This was one of my favorite series of all time. I don't know if my memory is wrong, but is Patlabor the show with the episode about the red balloon and the girl in red? Or is that Your Under Arrest?
  14. Ahhh, that explains it. It's not attractive, but then again... no Subaru's really are. You don't buy Subaru's for looks. Just for the record, the old Impreza WRC car's cosmetics were designed by the designer of the McLaren F1, and those changes and other things like front and rear spoiler designed by him also were integrated in the production P1. That said, I'm a Mitsubishi fan and I hate what they've done to the Evo.
  15. Damnit, these toys are obviously based on the "modern style of American cartoon animation" which in my opinion, totally sucks and has ruined everything in the cartoon and toy industry...well except Batman because the stories there were awesome. These Joes look like Rescue Heroes with a little more attitude.
  16. Remember, JMS started writing for The Real Ghostbusters Cartoon (horrible episodes at that!) and maybe some Captain Power?
  17. So what should I buy? Generations revised version (what is it called? where can I find it?) or this book?
  18. Has it really been that long? I need a life ... Yeah, I can't believe we've been in this place so long. If I recall, I think Shawn actually drew the Trans Am so that can be his entry. I just added decals, fastpacks, wings, arms, gunpod, more detail, and changed it from a US highway to the Milky Way.
  19. If you were around Macrossworld around 2-3 years ago, you'd get this joke.
  20. Mine's a famous City Hunter pose but the rest are made up. The buildings I made are too futuristic for Japan of the early 80s. And those speed lines I think maybe too excessive
  21. Going through this thread, there's only two or three obvious photoshops or lazy "smart blur tool" cheats because they have way too much detail, fuzziness, and shades of colors that don't even exist in the MS Paint palette. You can tell by the resolution of the pixels and each pixel can only be a solid color in Paint. But that isn't to say that you can make something incredibly detailed in paint. I took over an hour on mine, shading pixel by pixel and exhausting the line tool. MS Paint doens't have to look crappy, as shown by many of the awesome works in this thread. A mouse is a powerful tool.
  22. "This is a .44 Magnum, the Most Powerful Handgun in the World. Tell me something. Do you feel lucky? Punk? Go ahead. Make my day" *cough, wrong show* "I mean... Drop your bra! It's been booby-trapped! Literally!!! MOKKORI!!!!!!!!" hand-drawn with mouse, but took me an hour and now I'm gonna fail my exam!
  23. Just be glad Macross wasn't as bad as Super Robot Life Transformers the game.
  24. What does "original" mean? What is "original" and canon in term of Batman concepts in the various comic universes and artistic styles over the decades?
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