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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. I wonder if he realizes what a prick he is with his writing style. It's not intellectual. It's disgusting and insulting to his readers. Trust me, I used to be one of those guys who never talked or wrote propely, but rather threw in all the words I knew to make myself sound smart or make myself feel better. Have you ever tried to read his posts? It's no wonder Gabe fills the comic with toilet jokes, he has to make up for that friggin smug "hehe, I know many big words" partner there. It really makes him sound stupid, not smart. You have to draw the line somewhere. Does Tycho legitimately believe that his ad hoc modus of the gratuitous employment of vocabulary and the conceited exhibition of his superfluously ludicrous lexicon is veraciously consumed with any pleasure by his readership? If my mode of language consistently presents a condescending tone of staunch superiority, is not a prodigious, super-colossal ass-kicking the proper remedy as prescribed by common prudence? To postulate otherwise would be disingenuous as indeed, there is nolonger any cause for levity in Penny Arcade.
  2. Dammit! I wanted to do that one! (The Last Starfighter) Wow! I didn't recognize the Death Blossom!
  3. A more cynical view would be that Tomino merely took over at the end so that he could set things up for Char's Counterattack. Indeed, he rewrote the whole thing after Char's Counter was given the greenlight but it still turned out a mess in several places with random things stuck in to connect it to Char's Counter and dozens of wasted filler episodes. But aside from that: "I found that the anime fans around during Zeta Gundam seemed very dark and gloomy, so I made Zeta Gundam. After making Zeta for a year, I myself started feeling dark and gloomy. I wanted to make something that was the opposite, more cheerful and bright. When I was making ZZ, I didn't just make a Gundam series-- I wanted anime fans at the time to cheer up and not be so gloomy. That's the reason I made ZZ. So please don't watch anime and become gloomy!" Yoshiyuki Tomino during Q&A at Anime Expo New York, Summer of 2002
  4. OMG, I just wasted 3 frigging hours on this when I should be studying for my final!!! So who can guess this one?
  5. Is this manga available translated?
  6. ZZ actually became one of my favorite series. At first I wanted to put my eyes out and tear out my hair, but when the kids took over the entire ship with no adults and defeated Neo-Zion by themselves without supervision, it all suddenly made sense. It's every kid's dream. Adults are all either psycho-lunatics, panderers, politicians, perverts, and discipline mongers. Get rid of them, make the most powerful carrier/battleship your personal playground, and you can accomplish any goal. It was just frustrating if you expect any element of realism or militarism in the series. Bright is the universe's biggest wuss and the carefree nature of the kid's to do whatever they wanted, including choosing what side they wanted to be on, free of responsibility eventually taught them responsibility and self-disicpline. Sure Beecha and Mondo betrayed the Argama and their friends, defected to the Zions a few times, then came back, stole more Gundams, and did more reckless things, but who cares, lets just let Beecha be the pilot of the Hyaku Shiki and eventually the captain of the Near Argama as well! LOL. It's just so ridiculous that Char would be rolling in his grave, but he might've enjoyed it if he viewed it from a kid's perspective. Also, I didn't have to care about the people when they died, because they were such comic characters. I loved Massima though, he was my hero. Poor dude should've gone out in a better way. And they never explained what the shock thing was between Iria and Judau. Glemmy died happy though and I see where he's coming from. If a girl's gonna break your heart, sometimes you wish they'd might as well just kill you anyway. The writing quality was horrid though, I agree with the constant rewrites and change in tone all over the place. I read Glemmy's revolt was supposed to be Char's at first until Tomino got the Char's Counter greenlight. At the end,they actually took the Jupitoris which was Patpimus Scirocco's ship and joined the Jupiter Energy Fleet or something. Frustrating ending still as the character were hardly developed, especially Beecha and Elle's relationship and their triangle with Judau. But this is Gundam afterall, not KOR.
  7. *spoilers* So that's it? Judau Ashta just ups and decides to goto Jupiter??? Why? And why is Lu/Ru/Roux going with him? Some sites have said that she's his girlfriend now, but there was absolutely no relationship/chemistry with them or hardly even any interaction at all during the series. What's going on?
  9. Wow, his website says he's never: Taken a pill Got a headache Smoked a cigarette Tasted alcohol Drank coffee Driven a car Bought anything with cash over $25 Turned on a radio to listen to music Watched the Superbowl Played a song composed by a female Got a sunburn Tied a tie/Learned how to tie a tie I say dude, what a classic Chinese piano nerd (like I was at one time but that was like a decade ago when I was 12).
  10. That episode was from the Second Season. His dad was sleeping with Doctor Pulaski or something. - Speaking of her, another failed and veiled attempt by TNG to revive the character of the original. Whereas Spock was McCoy's had a close friendship and the bantering between the two about the merits of being human or being Vulcan hid deep despect and loyalty - Pulaski simply dissed data and hated his guts for not being really human. What a bitch. And yes, TNG was full of garbage and weaksauce characterization like that
  11. Benkyo Benkyp Benkyo!!! Best Anime Ever! I can't believe it's 10 years old. It's a shame we won't see animation like that ever again (hand colored cels).
  12. she looks older and uglier outside the movie BTW, here are examples of better casting:
  13. Well, with the thread about the best Captains, sometimes a Captain is only made great because of the people he commands, sometimes a captain is great irregardless of his support staff and his friends. Which Captain had the best crew and why? First, there's Captain Kirk. His crew is simply the strongest, most charismatic, and most capable, and most diverse. Just the core support of Spock and McCoy could have run any of the other ships just by themselves as a skeleton crew. They know each other so well and work so well with each other, that they can act confidentally knowing what the others will do. It's a camraderie that's difficult to replicate and it shows in the weakness of other series' characters as the producers tried vainly to replicate the diversity and structure. TNG succeeded because Picard had his Spock in Data, who's relationship with his captain was much stronger than that between Captain and Cmdr. Riker and he was a continously growing character. It's no question that TNG hinged on Stewart and Spiner...But Barclay is the coolest of them all! He's like the anti-Kirk, geek-hero. Week and feeble character who saves the day because of his intrinsic goodness and self-doubted but genuine abilities. Plus he was a member of the A-Team. Voyager wasn't up to snuff because Chakotay was never a proper counter-point to Janeway, often seeming more like a male-counselor to the Captain and Tuvok & Seven of Nine were intellectually inferior, rigid, static, and uninteresting to degrees Spock and Data never were. Reminds me of Gundam Seed actually. Female Captain and a catastrophe forces her to choose inexperienced and immature officers who could never be as capable on their own. Archer suffers from the stale mold of Voyager, the Berman-Braga machine of mediocrity where Enterprise and her crew are again, new to the whole experience and thrown into recycled plot-lines. T'Pol was alright, but never a good foil to Archer in that she could never be his best friend like Spock was to Kirk, and also his suboordinate because she was always more rigid and had her own Vulcan agenda. Mayweather is of course the blandest most underdeveloped character in Trek ever. My vote goes to DS9: DS9 was great because they chucked the entire Trek blueprint out the window and it's an entirely different, creative, and energetic animal with every character being a powerful and strong individual, a foil to everyone else, characters that you'd never imagine working together and who were all proven in their previous lives and exploits before coming together. You have the Wolf 359 vetran, warrior-peace-maker, messiah to an entire alien race in Sisko, versatile shape-changing Odo - tough as nails, soft as butter key to entire galactic empire, Kira - determined and hardened ex-terrorist ultimate survivor, Dax - more than meets the eye, really hot babe(s) on the outside, lifetimes of experience and accomplishments on the inside, O'Brien - the ultimate handyman, even more than an engineer and rescued from pressing three buttons on every ep of TNG, Bashir - the fun, cool, and collected genetically engineered super-human in disguise (he's like a Khan who heals people), Garak - jack of all trades elite Cardassian Obsidian Order super-operative with sewing skills, and the whole Ferengi family who's ultimately tied to the leader and richest man on Ferenginar. Collectively, these people stuck with a rotting, rusting, bucket of bolts, broken-down space station that hardly moved in the backwater of space - ended up liberating/saving half the galaxy. No other crew ever did that.
  14. A mark of your greatness is the size of your legend amongst your enemies. Therefore, Kirk. Kirk was arguably of another era. Roddenberry said that Star Trek was Horatio Hornblower in space. Kirk is just too powerful and epic a character. He IS the Starfleet. The Enterprise became the flagship, the emblem of the Enterprise became THE EMBLEM of Starfleet. All because of Kirk. Kirk was dynamic and charismatic in ways Picard could never be. Picard always had his weaknesses, his hesitations, and lines he would never cross. Kirk would cross any line to accomplish his personal mission and yet he was intellectual and diplomatic if he needed to be. TNG showed that ever since Picard got his heart cut out by the Narsiccans, that while he still remained a warrior, he nolonger possesed the heart of a warrior (rofl, did I just write that?). He really wussified a lot. He spent the rest of his life having doubts about the decisions he made. Instead of abandoning the Stargazer after an engagement with the Ferengi, Kirk would've somehow brought all Ferengi commerce to a standstill, taught them a lesson about economics, and they'd profit reap profits like they'd never seen before and start selling Kirk action figures on Ferenginar. Kirk spent his whole life saving the day against all odds. Kirk doesn't use diplomacy to appease other cultures or come to a compromise or agreement, he forces you to change your way of thinking entirely either by beating the crap out of you, proposing some huge intergalactic bet with all the odds in your favor (that you'll lose), or simply convincing you with the force...of...his...argument.
  15. Every site I've been to says bummer about Lois. What a forehead. She looks like that in the film. Those are on-set shots. This honestly pretty much ruins the movie for me. Call me vain but I think Lois should look amazing. Superman is the perfect man isn't he? Come on, even Smallville's Lois is great. BTW, Kate was rejected by Smallville when she tried out for Lois on that show.
  16. I really liked the GFF's Perfect Gundam because of the RX-78 inside. I think it's very simple and clean. Unfortunately, a bratty kid ripped off the leg and it's broken at the balljoint. :( I really want another one but it's hard to justify the expense of GFF's. This is something I made with it a long time ago before it was destroyed
  17. I'm couldn't give a s*** about Star Wars, I'm paying to watch Batman in the spring, I'll probably wait for Ep III on rental like every other SW film I've ever seen. However, because while I'm only casually interested in Star Wars, being a geek predisposes me to be well versed in it by the some fluke of the universe where I like it a lot when I was in grade 6 or something. What do I hate is wasted potential and wasted drama when you have so much potential in a franchise like this. It's not every century you get a 6-film epic. Lucas is creating a product for mass consumption, it is a consumer and fan's right to criticize what he has produced. If you love the film, there's no need to defend it, just enjoy it yourself and relish what you believe others are missing.
  18. All the politics and warfare and conspiracies in the prequel movies really detracted from the central story and I think it's just way too much. This isn't Tom Clancy or Roman Senate Drama, it's simple Greek Tragedy. Episode 1 should have been about a teenage Anakin still a slave but discovered by Obi Wan & Qui Gon by some very random but subtly guided event, much like C-3P0 and R2 landing on Tatooine by seemingly serendipidous reasons but really guided by Leia's efforts to find Ben Kenobi as a backup plan to escaping with the Deathstar plans. We could still have the whole: "he's too young to be trained thing" but he shouldn't have been as young as he was. He could still have been a skilled fighter pilot, etc. Indeed like others said, we needed the greater camraderie, we needed to see the weaknesses yet heroism that we saw in Luke. I feel we could've skipped the whole trade federation thing and the clone wars should have begun or was prexisting in Episode 1, and they shouldn't have been Fett clones either, but I guess they felt like they needed to show the idllyic (and also corrupt) pre-Empire galaxy. I thin it should've been more character play, with Anakin and Obi Wan (very much himself darkened and self-blaming for the death of his own master but refusing to give into hate as a counter-point) as real heroes that the audience cares about. Forget all the immature pettiness and vanity until later, when Anakin is tempted, and by some tragic event (believing Amidelia was assasinated or perhaps tricked into believing she had betrayed him or cheated on him or something) falling so far, and so fast, to the dark side, to the prejudices of youth and inner darkness and vanity that he could never be brought back. The slaughter of the Jedi should be almost universally orchestrated by Anakin feeling his brethren had betrayed him by some tragic misunderstanding but resulting in something he can never go back upon. And finally, Vader shouldn't be clamped to the table with his arms like that, it just looks stupid haha. He should rise out of something like the Carbon Freezing pit with lots of steam looking menacing and ready to slaughter more in cold blood. The whole trade wars -> clone wars -> droid wars is too political and the factions keep changing too much for us to really understand where the jedi actually stand in the midst of everything, not to mention Anakin himself. Lucas should've dropped that stuff and concentrated on the clone wars (something more grisly and grotesque) through 2 films as a violent time where a hero comes of age and eventually falls, giving birth to even darker times until he is redeemed by his son.
  19. What's wrong is with the childhood rapage. I mean, Darth Vader building C-3P0 and the cloned troopers from Poppa Fett PURELY as tie-ins for classic icons is pathetic. "We can only imagine the mixed emotions Boba Fett must have felt in The Empire Strikes Back when he walked on board the Star Destroyer only to find himself among ten thousand of his dead Dad." Bobba Fett was never planned to be an important character, fans just ended up loving him so they decided to weasle him into the pre-quel plots in the MOST INSULTING AND OBSTRUSIVE CONTROVERSIAL WAY POSSIBLE. For me, Lucas lost it the moment the Ewoks appeared and you realized that hey, Star Wars was now really catered to the family crowd and the kids -> therefore child protagonist, cute aliens, Jar Jar, etc. And it's kinda silly how Palpatine has a "game face" like the Vampires on Buffy. I always thought he was wrinkled and wretched in Jedi because of the extreme age and pure evil that had overtaken his body with time. Now you find it's just instant-on.
  20. What about Dr. Hess from Marathon Man? And Clarence Boddicker is just cool because he's such an evil dick in Robocop, then he's the Federation President, now he's Red Forman.
  21. Blofeld was most evil in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", with the grotesque killing of Bond's contact and the tragic conclusion where he freaking kills Bond's wife right after the wedding. No other Bond ends like that. This is a truely great movie and really, the only Bond of any pertinence to me aside from Goldeneye. But for fun
  22. It's cool but really too bumpy with tech kibble dents and buldges to be genuinely aerodynamic.
  23. Kate Bosworth is seriously miscast.
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