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Everything posted by ComicKaze
I'm confused, there was another Darth Vader blog that was entirely humor am I right? That one was pure gold, like how he kept complaining that the Death Star had too many floors or something... This blog is way too serious, thought out...and the writing style reminds of the Tycho's Penny Arcade ramblings ... aka GROSS VERBOSITY OVERDRIVE
Topher Grace to be 'Spidey 3' villain
ComicKaze replied to Fusion's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
He plays an evil Spidey clone and they battle it out for which one is the most skinny and nerdish. -
I think one thing that would have made this movie one of the best and redeemed it from even the small criticisms it is recieving was if Lucas actually used the potential of Vader, and I don't mean Anakin. In all these films, we haven't REALLY seen how evil and feared the Dark Lord is. So he chokes guys every now and then, so what? We haven't even seem him truely kick ass, he and Obi Wan had geriatric battle in ANH and he had small fights with Luke (mostly in dark and shadow) in ESB and RoTJ. I've always maintained that Lucas should have begun EP1 with Anakin at an older age (thus, even less likely as a Jedi candidate but accepted because of his immense strength in the force but utlimately dooming him because of his troubled developmental years) and beginning the clone wars in EP1. EP2 would be a full-fledged war fleshed out in all it's glory and darkness (somewhat like the Clone Wars cartoon), then in EP3, Anakin would turn MUCH earlier and fight with Obi Wan much earlier, ultimately carrying out the merciless Jedi slaughter AS Vader and ultimately kicking serious ass and inspiring fear and terror in the Jedi ranks like they've never known from an enemy they don't know. You could even have some throwback to the "I am your father line" but having some dying Jedi screams of "the chosen one will save us!!!" and then Vader saying "I AM the chosen one!" before really inflicting incredible amounts of pain and suffering.
Star Trek: Enterprise SERIES FINALE is tonight.
ComicKaze replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
What should have happened at the end is after Archer gives the speech, he disappears in a blue flash... Doctor Sam Beckett still hasn't, and will never return home... -
This is how insanely small it is. It's chic but R & L will kill your fingers. What would possibly be a cool thing would be if it came with an NES controller faceplate but DAMN, this thing looks like half the size of an NES controller. Wouldn't it be awesome to mod it into an actual NES controller and fill a flastcart full of NES roms?
Star Trek: Enterprise SERIES FINALE is tonight.
ComicKaze replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The finale was so bad, that it featured two Rikers in 10-forward, as well as 1988-89 hairstyles and uniforms because it was recycled footage. Couldn't they have chosen some recycled footage that maybe DIDN'T INCLUDE Riker already? Idiots! Isn't there a fan petition to get B&B kicked off the show or any future productions in the franchise? And if there isn't one...why isn't there one??? -
Yes, there are shoulder buttons, they are silver.
Looks more like the PS3 than the...PS3.
Well, in the midst of all this hardware news explosion, here is the Gameboy Micro: It's like 2x4 inches or something like that, with a real backlit LCD screen (like the DS) instead of the washed out, passive reflectivity, frontlit TFT like we had on the GBA SP...also, a real headphone jack. I think it looks great, except for the damn curves. Seriously, what's with all the new systems and curves? The Xbox looks like it's squashed in the middle and the PS3 looks like it has a hump-back. The only cool system in the lot is the Revolution, which hilariously looks more than the PS3 than the actual PS3.
What is Artoo Called?
How does the FX Vader look in normal lightning? I've seen pics of it in lit rooms where it was pale orange/pink.
If you have a hobby shop nearby, they should be able to get them for you. If not, online places like Entertainment Earth, Starship Modeler (don't think they allow credit card though), Megahobby, and Hobby carry them. Polar Lights' (or RC2 now)sells directly through DieCast (something) Express... but they charge full MSRP. Ignore the date on the photo... reset my camera and forgot to set the date back Are Arghama and Enterprise in scale???!
Its too bad they couldn't borrow all the sets from the Mirror episodes of Enterprise
What is this amazing starship exeter episode/series stuff they have going on? The model work here seems better than what we got on most of the official productions. Main engineering is sick, they reproduced the whole thing almost perfectly, I almost thought it was a full scale set. And the detail on the destroyed USS Kongo is simply amazing.
aside from the obvious removable blade of a park saber, what is the advantage over the 50% cheaper FX? FX has sounds and a much thicker blade that is more like the movies and lights up and down, plus it's officially liscensed.
Why do Park sabers have that red cap on the top of the blade? It ruins the whole look. Is it neccessary?
Yes, it has been their land ever since their very militarily expansionistic faith conquered it. Yet. . . Words fail me. . . oh wait. . . no they don't. . . Let's sum up: Christianity tranforming the Roman Empire peacefully from within = "evil" Muslims conquering much of the Roman Empire by the sword = "good" Muslims conquering Jerusalem = "good" because it is somehow "their land" Christians trying to (re)conquer the same land = "evil" Wait, I think I can sum it up even better for you: Anything Western (or Christian) Society does = EVIL. Non-Western cultures engaging in the very same behavior = GOOD There. . . that's simple enough. B Fantastic post
My problem is how the film strives so hard to be "politically and religiously correct" but working so hard not to offend anyone. Yes, these are the Crusades, probably the most politically and religiously incorrect time of warfare, suffering, destruction, raping, pillaging, and cruelty in classic human history. These acts were done under the aegis of religion, whether believed in or abused by those involved. Orlando's atheist character and how everything is played out only in terms of business or political gain, where humanitarism (people within these walls) is trumped over the actual issue of the Holy City is completely wrong for the times and the thrust of human behavior up until the post-modern era. People don't fight wars for people, people fight wars for land. For cities, for the holy land and all the bounty within it. If hundreds of thousands die in the slaughter, so it was. I realize that if this film showed either side in a negative light, the controversy about it would be even greater, but as it is, it's merely another costume swordplay spectacle with an all-too wholesome blanket thrown over it all, albeit vastly superior to the horrible film known as Alexander where Alexander had blonde hair, yet forgot to dye his eyebrows. Part of me liked Troy though. Troy is steeped in mythlogy, not real history, and therefore, it's not constrained by reality. It's perfectly fine for mythology to be unoffending and romantic...but Kingdom of Heaven is the crusades, an era after which the world was never the same and reverberates violently with a startling intensity and pertinence in today's world 1000 years later. I really can't stand Orlando, but as a scifi nut, part of me wants to see it just for Alexander Siddig as somebody other than Dr. Bashir.
Aliens Vs Predator 2: AvP Harder
ComicKaze replied to bsu legato's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
At least the *brilliant* guys at Fox didn't do a brainstorming session and come up with an Alien-Predator-Queen-Hybrid-Human-Clone-Monster-Baby-Love-Child as the villain. Seriously, I don't know why AvP has to be in our contemporary or near future world. Aliens is NOTHING without the far-flung future element. Predator would work much better in that environment too. The Aliens universe is so vast and unexplored, I want to see more of it. Damnit, I wanted to see Ripley land on the ruined earth in Alien Resurrection! I heard the original script was to have the conclusion on earth, with the ship crashing or landing in the jungle and an alien element remaining. It's the freaking jungle! Throw the Predator in it!!! And as for Robocop versus Terminator, of course Terminator would win. Robocop is the slowest pile of tin in the world. His only advantage is that he's pretty much a walking tank compared to fragile fleshy humans. The Terminator is faster and stronger and much more adapatable to his environment, not a human brain struggling to assert itself while trapped by a CPU. -
For one thing, Ahnold has another job and he would have cost way too much to even play for a bit-part like Colossus is pretty unlikely and silly. Just get any tall muscle builder and get him to fake a Russian accent - of course they totally screwed this up in X2 when Colossus didn't have an accent! I don't know how X-Men will turn out because singer's gone and the principals are all drifting away and much less interested in reprising their roles, especially Marsden and Halle Berry. Famke reportedly didn't want to do the film without Singer's involvement either. -Jeremy also
And if they ever come out with 18" That 70s Figures, he can double as Red Forman.
Anyone seen GOLDENBOY? it IS it's 10 anniv!
ComicKaze replied to sktchrtst2002's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Reading the manga now. What a great manga. Kintaro is my role model...well except for the toilets. -
Star Wars Episode 3 Spoilers Thread
ComicKaze replied to zeo-mare's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Right, now we know why a legion of the Empire's storm troopers got bushwhacked by the fuzzies. Wookies have no peripheral vision either. Too much hair! -
The acting on the part of the American soldiers was horrible in that episode. Rotary Friend? Either KITT had an RX-7 brother I didn't know about or it's a chopper that flies faster than sound
Star Wars Episode 3 Spoilers Thread
ComicKaze replied to zeo-mare's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I just realized after all these years that Darth has no peripheral vision and he has to spin his whole body around to look behind him. It's worse than Batman!