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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. Shatner cracks me up and I'm not even a Trek fan. 326807[/snapback] LOL, he's probably going to sing the unreleased Lyrics by Gene Roddenberry to Alexander Courage's theme. It's horrible!!! Beyond the rim of the starlight My love is wandering in star flight I know he'll find In star clustered reaches Love, sweet love A starwoman teaches I know his journey ends never His Star Trek will go on forever But tell him while He wanders his starry sea Reeeeeeee-member Remember me Remember me Remember meeeee! CHA CHA CHA!!!
  2. Where the heck are the new episodes? It's been like 3 weeks since Episode 6/7 was released!
  3. PowerJet XT7 and Phantom Striker. Wait... Mattel actually paid someone to do a GOOD JOB on the cartoons? *debates rewatching 'em* And the tapes didn't come with the toys. They were sold seperately. For the record, teh eppilepsy effects are badass. How would you shoot stuff without the flicker? 326440[/snapback] The tapes came with the jets. 326689[/snapback] mine didn't came with one unless I threw it away along with the packaging. 326692[/snapback] Hmm, when I get my desktop computer working again, I'll grab some screencaps or maybe record some videos off my old VCR. I really love these. There were 3 tapes in total. You could buy them separately but I recieved one with my X-T7 Jet and I watched it religiously from 1987 until 1999 when I discovered ebay and was finally able to scrounge up the other two episodes.
  4. Please don't judge the show from one episode. Much of it is not too great and they always had the burden of having to sell toys to fund the continuation of the show but there were truely amazing episodes and if you ignore all the flashing effects that paid for the show, it was very moving and epic at times with excellent writing by good sci-fi writers like J.M. Stracynski and Larry Ditillo who tried to go beyond the concept and succeeded several times and especially at the end. Captain Power is one of my favorite science fiction concepts and storylines if you can strip away the toy-selling gimmicks, there was much substance to the show. I was moved to tears once or twice by the show. One where Lord Dredd flies to Dr. Stuart Power's grave and he sheds his own tears...and a lot at the tragic ending story arc of the series. And yes, if you check out the animated episodes from the toy tapes, those are very good themselves. They really flesh out the bleak post-apocalyptic world as you fly through it at fast speeds from a first person point of view inside a XT-7 fighter cockpit. It's basically a rail shooter but animated by one of the great anime studios of the 80s. The detail and quality of animation is really high. The animation mechanical designs for the show's vehicles and concepts were also really cool and remain some of my favorite mechanical designs of all time. The actual live-action show also had great model and miniature work for the Power Jets, the transport drop-ship, the Phantom Striker, Volcania, the Power Base, and the suits as well. They seem really good for American design.
  5. PowerJet XT7 and Phantom Striker. Wait... Mattel actually paid someone to do a GOOD JOB on the cartoons? *debates rewatching 'em* And the tapes didn't come with the toys. They were sold seperately. For the record, teh eppilepsy effects are badass. How would you shoot stuff without the flicker? 326440[/snapback] The tapes came with the jets.
  6. Lord Dredd is the coolest badguy of all time.
  7. I have some great Captain Power pics I will try to find when I go home. Do you guys remember the Captain Power anime? This was included on the VHS's that came with the toys. This was animated spectacularily by the same studio as Bubblegum Crisis, ARTMIC to a huge budget from Mattel. I really wish they would be released on DVD minus the epilepsy effects.
  8. Ranma's anime ending was totally messed up. They just got up and went to school again and at the last moment, waved goodbye and credits, that's it! Horrible! The manga did get to the wedding but there wasn't any closure in that either. What's with Ruminko making so many threads but never closing them? It's frustrating!!!
  9. I think it's nose heavy too. I'd rather pull foward the cockpit and reduce the nose with unifying the color scheme. Sorry for playing with your ship.
  10. I really don't understand the attraction of this series. Even non anime-fan friends are watching it and it seems terribly boring to me. Same with Bleach.
  11. BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER!!! TOTALLY, If I were the marketers, I would have made Keanu's face more prominent on the cover instead of that squished against phone-booth EGREGIOUS charicature that you can't recognize. Might bring in some new fans to enjoy how EXCELLENT these movies are. WYLD STYLLIANS!!! (i can't even spell that)
  12. Why do people like this series so much? I never understood the attraction to it.
  13. But...but...but... EVERY toy nerd knows what a blister card is!!!
  14. I liked the TV movies they made. They are set 10 years after the Robocop movies.Good ideas. Flashbacks to Murphy's past, his partner before Lewis haunts him, and he doesn't know Robo is Murphy. Murphy's son is on the CEO fast track at OCP...All whilst Robo is feeling his age, getting out of date, difficult to find replacement parts, nobody visits the basement anymore. He's old news and just a mothball in the background.
  15. Isn't Hard Boiled already live action?
  16. I think people are a little sick of the genre judging by the poor responses to both Alexander and Kingdom of Heaven. We already had Troy and Gladiator recentely. The genre needs a break, even if it is Miller inspired, the general public won't know that.
  17. Can you please list these movies? All I know of his movies are Shaolin Soccer and Hustle. I'd love to see more of Chow's work. 319916[/snapback] Hmm, that's hard to say because I think all his work from the late 80s to the mid-late 90s is amazing and there are literally over 30 films! My suggestions for you to start would be "God of Cookery" (very much like Shaolin Soccer but all about cooking! You'll love it), "Forbidden City Cop", and "King of Comedy". A lot of his earlier films are very low budget and total slapstick (think anime in real life actions) but cult flicks that are less accessible to english speaking audiences because of the complexity of the language of the jokes which get lost in the translation and all you're left with is the senseless slapstick. The thing is Chow movies always balance totally ridiculous full-out slapstick comedy that seems low-brow with very high quality writing and clever dialogue comedy. Those that don't get it, only see the slapstick and low budgetness of the films and think poorly of them. He has a bunch of God of Gamblers parodies in the early 90s that are hard to get unless you've seen and understand the God of Gamblers series. I've always liked the "Fight Back to School" series also though, it's about Chow as a cop who has to go undercover in a highschool. Most of the classical Chinese historical comedies are more difficult to fathom and he has a few of them such as "Flirting Scholar" which is just jam packed with Chinese puns and wordplays that don't translate at all into English. Then there are more western themed parodies that I enjoy too like "Sixty Million Dollar Man" (wierd mix of Bionic Man and other in-jokes like Pulp Fiction) and "From Beijing with Love" (Bond parody) but they are your typical Hong Kong low-budget affair. Chow likes to so do a lot of visual gags (again, think anime effects in real life) and CG has really changed the style in his latest films. His earlier ones before the use of computers in film, have totally low-budget, oldskool Hong Kong style effects and I thought they were amazing and hilarious. They seem to have a lot more heart than the CG stuff these days. My favorite Chow movie though, is "Tricky Brains" from 1991 where he is a professional whose job is to basically to trick people, as a sort of con-man but he does so in the most hilarious ways...which Andy Lau's straight-laced character finds unfortunately tangled into his life.
  18. This movie is totally overrated. It's actually amongst the worst of Chow films. What irks me even more is how Westerners all think he's a "martial artist" and they label him as such in reviews like all other asian actors are supposed to be. Sure he has good form and studied martial arts for a hobby but he is far from the calibur of true martial artists. He's just a comedian and an awesome one at that. Chow's earlier comedy works are some of the funniest films ever made, however, the language barrier is sometimes difficult to leap.
  19. Show us the pics of T-800, Kyle Reese, and the Predators!
  20. James, I own a Vader ESB FX and my friend smashed it into the corner of the wall and cracked the tube!
  21. Damn you Lucas! I love 2D traditional cels. You have never produced anything good in 3D. Digital blows, even the new anime looks too digital and it's all digitally colored. Take a look at Batman Begins, where they spent the effort to do almost everything they could the traditional way. They even had a real film development firm develope the film in a traditional way and it turned out great. They did they have a 3D Batman hanging onto a monorail? No! They just filmed a guy, launched across a 5-block soundstage attached to a rope with a huge hydraulic hammer. Did they have a 3D vehicle? No, they built real ones! The SW Prequels have been horrible efforts in creating unrealistic and uninteresting 3D and digital imagery that never engages the audience.
  22. What happened to the X-33 anyway? I remember selling some anime and games to somebody who turned out to be a Lockheed Martin engineer and we chatted a bit about how the "horizontal strip of thrust" worked on the X-33 and it was really cool. The Aerospike engine is really like what we see in a lot of animes and science fiction where we have engines without nozzles/verniers. Man, even GI-JOE had a Space Shuttle that looked like the X-33 back in 1987. Was it that old a concept? The X-33 was much cooler than the X-34 designs released so far.
  23. This is probably old news but damn! Forget stupid Guld and his YF-21. Soundwave would destroy him!
  24. No hell + no demons = NO DOOM. This is so pathetic. Bland hygenic greys and blacks. It's like resident evil and aliens. Not the bright bloody firey red fear of DOOM.
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