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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. AFIK, what we know as the "Director's Cut" is simply a restored version of the original theatrical cut with some minor alterations suggested by Scott. At the same time as the BR retoration was going on, he was working on what would have been the real director's cut, based off of the rediscovery of the fabled workprint. This version was, sadly, stillborn and there was only time to work in a couple of minor chages into what became the director's cut. The only changes are the deletion of Ford's narration (with some minor edits to music & sound to smooth over the gaps in the soundtrack), the unicorn scene, and the elimination of the "happy" ending. 357101[/snapback] The happy ending from Blade Runner was hilariously taken from the Shining. What was sad about Blade Runner was the lost potential for that amazing universe it created. I played the Blade Runner PC game from many years back and that just blew me away, putting me into that universe again, this time with open ended choices and randomness. Make me want to resurrect the "Science Fiction Moments in MS Paint" Thread I'm in this course right now where I have to sit through 8 hours of Chaplin films for 5 days straight and yes, I am hating them all now. 2001 is one of those films that just didn't do anything for me. Simply amazing for the special effects and aesthetic design of the technology (more futuristic than 1986 sequel, or much of industrial design these days)...but the actual film was just blah.
  2. I thought Hypernauts was excellent. The Mecha/Ship designs were really good.
  3. My ROTS Anakin has something rattling inside it
  4. "2 full page on T.H.S.-02 Hybrid Style G1 Convoy, with the expected height of the figure and length in vehicle mode, also the different featires and accessories expected to come with it. Expected to releasing in Mar, we can take order at US$42.5. The design was by Kawamori S. and now the draft color is out as well. Taking order now." Color Lineart Prototype
  5. 99.9% of that is in game animation/graphics, if you notice, the hug part is part of Sakura's grapple and Ryu grapple moves, the frames were edit to make make it "sync". very impressive. very time consuming 354007[/snapback] Can't you just use the sprites from the rom?
  6. Hmm, since they were in the MK world, the damage effects should have been MK spurting blood and not the annoying SF3 strike splotches. Disappointed Akuma didn't pull his (what's it called again?) final move.
  7. FX Blades are still too dim. I saw a fan custom Blade remade with super-bright LEDs that was just blinding and breathtaking. Why can't FX do something like that?
  8. Crokett's most famous and rare signature weapon was the Bren Ten used for Seasons 1 and 2. Demand was so great for this weapon, that the manufacturer went out of business because they were hand-built.
  9. Look, I hate "Colon" Farrell as well and he is indeed a douchebag. SWAT was one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but Alexander trumped that. I also can't stand Jamie Foxx in the role for no good reason except that he's no Tubbs. But in the end, Michael Mann basically created the entire look of the original show in the first place, he's even the one who decided on the pastels! He was the executive producer 84-89, and I figure, if anybody knows what Vice was, it's this guy, and if anybody wants to change it for modern times, nobody has more right to it than him. As long as it's not some new fancy-smancy director the studio hired, trying to do a remake of a classic he has absolutely no conception or care about, I'm fine with it.I'm sure that Mann "understands" what Vice is. Oh wait, I forgot all about George Lucas. But that's a different case. If Michael Mann approached Vice 2006 like George Lucas, he would indeed recreate that pastel world and rape all of our childhoods by doing it all wrong or trying to fix the mistakes of the original by using CG or totally retarding it up like digitally imposing Colin Farrell's head on top of shots of Don Johnson.
  10. You know what is dumb? The Federation letting the Romulans having a cloaking device and then signing a treaty that they wouldn't develop their own. I know Gene Roddenberry wanted the 24th century Trek to be all utopian and show humanity unchained from it's base evils (see Encounter at Farpoint for perfect intro into this overriding theme), but how can Starfleet be so trusting of an invisible enemy who can just waltz in and do anything. Cloaked ships (and we see cloaked people are possible) are 1000% more dangerous and a security threat versus something like Changling's replacing people. This would be like the United States saying in 1963: "Okay Russia, you develop all the nukes and then target them all at us and we'll sign this piece of paper saying we won't do likewise against you". Human beings only survived the cold war because both sides had the weapons, visibly demonstrated they had the weapons, and deterred each other from using them.
  11. The truth is... he'd only gone bald right before the series started. And it took him 2 years to get over his scalp. 352456[/snapback] Actually, Patrick Stewart was bald by 19. And he constantly thought he was going to get fired in the first season so he lived out of a suitcase. True story.
  12. What happened to Manga Entertainment anyway? They totally fell off the face of the earth.
  13. They also screwed up in X2 by showing Colossus, but he had a normal American accent instead of Russian.
  14. You have to understand the different times. Kirk's era was like... 18th-19th century earth. Exploration, constant warfare, danger, imperialism, new frontiers, etc. The Federation happens to be in the middle of a war with the Klingons and surrounded by many more hosilte species. Space was largely unexplored and it really is the final frontier with much more primative technology and experience. Uou can't solve everything by re-routing more technobabble to it, or hoping for a crappy/cheap Star Trek "reset button" script. Picard's era is the 1990s. As we see in Star Trek VI, the human/Klingon war symbolizes the end of the Cold War. The 90s were full of optimism that the era of state-state warfare was over. Picard's Enterprise and Federation is like the floating United Nations, with the firepower and of the United States backing it up. Everything is cheery and pastel colors, even the walls are beige and the carpets are purple. The endemic problem with Next Gen and all the 24th century stories is that they are all formulaic, trying to adhere to a strict vision of the future, which is probably Berman's fault. TOS was much better because as a rare Sci-Fi show in the 60s, it really was more of a showcase for revolutionary science fiction story-telling and space opera with wide and varied fantasy stories every episode. Leave it to Next Gen to kill the invincible Kirk in the most meaningless way possible. Damn you TNG.
  15. Which one was it? Akira Watase?
  16. Aiki Miura is too old at 30 and a ex-porn actress I hate Devon Aoki, Rei might be Japanese (blue hair essential) but Asuka is defintely a red-headed German. Lindsay Loha...hHAHAA just kidding! Scarlett Johansson maybe?
  17. Sorry, but super-massive black holes aren't wormholes (which may not even exist anyway). They crush everything into literal non-existence. Megaload/road? Is pancaked into less than the quintessence of a less than sub-atomic particle. Misa's giant hair curlers didn't help her in the end.
  18. I never bought the Animeigo discs. I rented them from Blockbuster and the initial prices were too high. Maybe I'll get this set when the price for these drop too or when Blockbuster clearances them also.
  19. Unless there is fan service in the real sense.
  20. This guy is Max There's nothing worse than Western products trying to project a psuedo-Anime style in order to jump on the anime popularily bandwagon to make money.
  21. Episode III made me realize I should never ever watch anything Star Wars ever again. To think that everything culminated in this horrible crap and that was Lucas' vision makes me feel sick about the entire series. Episode III has turned me off Star Wars forever.
  22. Clark (teary-eyed): "Lois, why?" Lois: "He wears his underwear on the inside".
  23. I'm sorry, what planet are you from? Because I'm totally not relating to what you're saying. actually I agree with him. Aside from Robocop, which is perfect the way it is, all his movies suck. I'd say he's equivalent to those bands that have the one hit wonders. 345481[/snapback] Except this guy also said that Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and Batman 1989 were crap. I doubt you will find many that agree with that assessement.
  24. Usher has been in a movie? 343339[/snapback] Other than the ones listed, he's also starring in another movie coming out this year. I can't remember it's name because i didn't care, all i know is he's one of the main characters and that's enough for me to purposely forget it exists. 343363[/snapback] Usher also had a role in a cheap TV twighlight zone type show. I forgot what it was. He played a cop or something. Usher did nothing in The Faculty. He was just some generic background black student. Funny how John Stewart is in the movie as some generic teacher before he actually became popular as well. All the stars of the Faculty became nobodies, and some of the background characters became two of the most popular and important, influential icons in today's media.
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