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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. I guess narrowing his eyes is better than this
  2. Sigh...like 10,000th repost...
  3. preserved girls in plastic! yes!
  4. The GT4 programmers probably also modelled the game physics based on the assumption of a 16 year old driver called Takumi who weighs 125 pounds instead of that 260 pound fatso Clarkson. 400837[/snapback] Still, I don't know if even a "pro" driver could make up over 18 seconds difference in the same car. We'll just chalk that up to making the compromise between acheiving absolute "realism" and making the gameplay exciting and providing sensation of speed [w/in the limitations of TV]. There's some stuff that you can do with a car in the games [aside from the rediculous stuff like, ping-ponging off the armco, etc] that just wouldn't fly in the real world; like taking given corners at speeds that just wouldn't be possible in the same car in the real world--street tires, slicks or otherwise. Is it safe to assume this latest game also doesn't have vehicle damage modeling? 400886[/snapback] I also highly doubt that the game has air physics and aerodynamics and the effects of heat on tires and brakes, etc. 18 seconds is a VERY LONG time.
  5. Retribution for building the Zero fighters that attacked Pearl Harbor, that's what. 400444[/snapback] So, Toyota built trucks for the Japanese army in WWII. They only managed to survive because the war ended right before a scheduled allied bombing of their factories.
  6. Bah all look like giant spoilered crap. They ruined those exotics and that Silvia.
  7. I was going to complain about how the new theme song was among the worst pieces of music ever and the original was way better. Then I rummaged up a copy of the original theme and realized that was it. You ruined my childhood. I hope you're happy. 400734[/snapback] That's only the 3rd season theme. You need the Transformers The Movie heavy metal theme to really enjoy.
  8. I wonder if she called out that Mars base guy's name...
  9. Sorry guys, I do like Robotech's soundtrack quite a bit actually. The most redeeming feature about what is otherwise pretty bad. Then again, I love 80s cheeze...the Robotech soundtrack is just so synth and melodramatic, it just makes me weak in the knees with how much I like. I find that with typical anime soundtracks, especially from the 80s, the Japanese composers approach it with a much different philosophy of the music not overwhelming what's on the screen...but being used to American soundtracks of anime shows, I need the high energy, high drama, ballad type soundtracks versus the quiet and almost sleepily boring soundtracks on most 80s anime. Gundam Z and ZZ for instance, aside from the opening theme, basically puts me to sleep. Dale Schacker who did the Saber Rider soundtrack said it best that the BGM should remind you of the show and should remind you of the theme song and be constantly hitting you those riffs. Macross was typical, a sort of dark, background orchestra type soundtrack that was subdued aside from Minmei songs. It doesn't mean I want the Reba West music, but I prefer the rock and the synth and the sheer energy of typical American soundtracks for anime in the 80s. Look what happened to Transformers after the 3rd season ended. The 3rd season was full of hard hitting rock and electronic licks inspired by the amazing movie soundtrack by Vince DiCola. After the American show ended and we got Headmasters, it was almost the same setting but I fell asleep watching the series because they switched it to a completely mind-numbing 80s Japanese orchestra piece with nothing but slow moving string sections and brain pasting repetition. (Very much like Gundam soundtracks are other than for the vocal pieces). I'll take the Macross BGM for DYRL but I don't think I could live through the entire series with that. Part of the allure of Robotech is that the music is very much in your face and dictates your emotions. Maybe some people don't like this, but for me as a kid, it made Robotech much more endearing and moving as a pre-pubescent teenager with it's sappy love themes, warm synth pads accompanied by fast-paced pop/rock/instrumental theme music for each character...(love Rick Hunter's theme and Roy's theme) and that brooding evil music for the Zentradi. That said, I would take Macross's theme song over Robotech's.
  10. That's fake and over a year old.
  11. Hey another Jeremy. What is that? A Joy Division Tribute Band?
  12. Or put a Space Battleship Yamato clause in your prenupts. Both of them.
  13. So that Low-Vis that you model your hands with was only five bucks? Man you gotta share the deal with us!
  14. Don's post (the artist) that's why these images are taken down at tfw2005. Most of these are stolen.
  15. That's one of the few realistic depictions of physics in a superhero show. He has no actual method of propulsion in the air, just a way to make himself weightless. Therefore he needs aerosol cans to propel himself. Would you prefer he flapped?
  16. For what it's stated in the series and it appears, it actually does. It seems like Zentran's main guns' range are around a stable orbit from Earth (50,000 km at most?), while the Macross blasts the 2 scout ships Vlrithai sends from Earth's atmosphere and up to around half way to moon orbit (150,000 km?). Those are both minimum ranges. We have nothing to go by for maximums. Though the fact that the Macross' cannon ripped through a wall of rock, boiled off a large mass of water, and tore through the atmosphere BEFORE punching that zentradi vessel(which it went through like it wasn't there) implies a VERY high range based on power output. And the rock, steam, and air failed to disrupt the beam's coherence signifigantly. I think the functional ranges are limited by sensor accuracy as opposed to the weapon. We had the legendary reaction weaponry. We rebuilt the ASS. We could've added reaction weaponry to the ASS. They didn't really consider the vessel in and of itself to be a threat. They chased it because it was part of the Supervision Army. They let us live because they wanted our nukes. Then they got culturally contaminated and tried to exterminate us. But we had a SEKRIT WEAPON, insider knowledge, and a large deal of zentradi defectors. And yes, luck. Bodol was polite enough to park near the Grand Cannon's attack area, so when it fired, it cleared a path straight through the fleet for easy access to the command center. 398442[/snapback] The beam also manages to make a 90 degree turn!!! I don't know how the Zentran managed so long without actually figuring out nukes. 398601[/snapback] I assume you're talking about the smaller guns on the zentradi ships.They didn't actually DEVELOP their equipment. They did the equivalent of picking it up at a store, and when the store stopped carrying it, they were screwed. 398751[/snapback] Oh yeah, that's right. It's been so long since I viewed Macross. They also can't fix or replace anything once it's broken...ie: broken window Max flies through stays broken for the rest of the series.
  17. Probably IS drawing inspiration from Kup. If that's supposed to be his original Cybertronian form, it would be logical to have that sort of styling(if I recall, that generation of Transformers retained their "native" forms instead of being re-engineered to blend in). 398757[/snapback] You guys have never seen the comics then, this is War Within Prime, the series about the ancient history of Cybertron and the Cybertronian wars after Orion Pax becomes Optimus Prime. Takes place 5-10 million years ago.
  18. She didn't die. The evil demon possessed her daughter and they never escaped the middle "foggy" reality of silent hill. However, they did geographically leave the town of Silent Hill where the evil had been contained previously. The townsfolk were atoning for their sins by postponing the armageddon. Now that they are dead, the evil can spread out geographically out to the rest of the world wherever the girl goes, leaving an evil dimension beneath our layer of reality.
  19. It's true. If they really wanted to win the war early and save bloody earth, all it would have taken is a porno tape to save the human race. Too bad nobody thought of it. They'd culture shock every Zentran to instant death.
  20. Can we say living forever single in an Otaku apartment?
  21. we also had one other legenday weapon......Minmay's ASS! 398538[/snapback] the most powerful weapon as well as a reason that many wars were really started... a nice piece of ass!!! 398546[/snapback] I'd join up and kill for that ass.
  22. For what it's stated in the series and it appears, it actually does. It seems like Zentran's main guns' range are around a stable orbit from Earth (50,000 km at most?), while the Macross blasts the 2 scout ships Vlrithai sends from Earth's atmosphere and up to around half way to moon orbit (150,000 km?). Those are both minimum ranges. We have nothing to go by for maximums. Though the fact that the Macross' cannon ripped through a wall of rock, boiled off a large mass of water, and tore through the atmosphere BEFORE punching that zentradi vessel(which it went through like it wasn't there) implies a VERY high range based on power output. And the rock, steam, and air failed to disrupt the beam's coherence signifigantly. I think the functional ranges are limited by sensor accuracy as opposed to the weapon. We had the legendary reaction weaponry. We rebuilt the ASS. We could've added reaction weaponry to the ASS. They didn't really consider the vessel in and of itself to be a threat. They chased it because it was part of the Supervision Army. They let us live because they wanted our nukes. Then they got culturally contaminated and tried to exterminate us. But we had a SEKRIT WEAPON, insider knowledge, and a large deal of zentradi defectors. And yes, luck. Bodol was polite enough to park near the Grand Cannon's attack area, so when it fired, it cleared a path straight through the fleet for easy access to the command center. 398442[/snapback] The beam also manages to make a 90 degree turn!!! I don't know how the Zentran managed so long without actually figuring out nukes.
  23. LOL, his Secret Identity was supposed to be "Ultra Man" I always thought that was great. Loved the theme song to that show. As for Superboy, at least the second actor they had for him looks more like Superman than the current one in Superman Returns. Superboy: Superman:
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