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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. I wonder how many people realized this was the Office (UK) spoof.
  2. Lovely. They can't even spell Spike's bloody surname correctly. 406279[/snapback] Wouldn't trust that cast list. Last I heard, there was no Spike and there was a pet monkey character.
  3. That's not Smokescreen classics - that's a recolor of another toy.
  4. I think people didn't get my joke from 1999 when all the fuss was that the YF-21 Yamato toy didn't come with a gun.
  5. Everybody already uses imageshack.us , allyoucanuploadwebshots has no advantages I can see compared to imageshack since you can directly link anyway. Imageshack also has direct url upload as well as integration into your OS if you really want to be able to click on your pictures and just right click upload.
  6. Actually, Lexus does exist in Europe and Japan. As a matter of fact, Toyota in Japan discontinued the Aristo, Altezza and Soarer names in place of their Lexus names (GS, IS and SC, respectively). 405107[/snapback] Yes, that's why I asked about Infiniti because I know Lexus is in Europe.
  7. Infiniti doesn't sell in the UK does it?
  8. Well in the new Transformers Movie, Bumblebee isn't a VW, but a Camero
  9. So Brawl's Police Shield says something like Pacisquod Alcronia (Incorporated June 1865) or something like this which is latin but is definetely not "To Punish and to Enslave". Pacisquod is something to do with making a pact or a bargain and what that entails. I have no idea what the second word is because the Decepticon horns are in the way.
  10. Did anybody save those pictures? http://www.pagenstecher.de/showtopic.php?t...genum=1#2550049 it's all gone from there.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/5033626.stm
  12. What are TFC DRIVE CIRCUITS? I have always wondered what that lever thing was on the center console.
  13. Well none of that is new to anyone who was into anime before it "boomed". CPM, was one of the first back in the day and these are CPM's familiar titles since they started early 90s.
  14. I realize that most cars that combine automatic and manual modes are not true manuals in that they are clutchless and usually use tiptronic or some other form in conjunction with F1 paddles. But I don't see any reason why Doc Brown couldn't have whipped up something that mimicked that alongside something that appeared and functioned like a classic clutch and shift setup. The car can go back in time and has a nuclear reactor on it's back. I think you need to figure out how you can shrink a nuclear reactor to that size before you start making a big fuss over whether a car is a manual or an automatic. As for the Bricklin - most people don't understand what a truely crappy and ill-put together car that was. I do because it was a Canadian car and the American "entrepeneur" who came up with it was nothing more than a con-man, who came here and convinced a province that they could have the priviledge of building a "Canadian Supercar" and employ workers that were out during a recession. The whole project was a flop and a mismanaged company behind the veneer of respectable business. They were put together in an old converted machine shop with the worst tools and quality control. Basically imagine that Bricklin is like an automotive equivalent of something like the Phantom Game Console. And the Bricklin is a car that belongs to the 70s. It has 70s styling, ugly 70s colors (beige, orange, brown). 70s carpet/rug interior, 70s fibreglass, etc. The DeLorean was a car supposedly built for the future and if you watch BTTF, it really hasn't aged at all when you look at it in the context of a science fiction vehicle. The sharp angles and stainless steel body still keep it somewhat in the realm of future fantasy and it still looks great as the BTTF DeLorean even if the stock DeLorean looks far too dated these days. Plus stainless steel was a nice touch that Doc explained helped the car time travel or something.
  15. I don't think more action would ruin the film. Showing more of the city, Spinners in action, some flying sequences would be interesting. I always remember what awed me about Judge Dredd was when they first flew over Megalopolis and they looked down at all the people ranging from mile high rise luxury to the street scum.
  16. Seriously man, I have no idea what you're talking about. Isn't the perfect vehicle one that can be automatic and also manual? Many expensive Beamers and Benz's have that feature. Automatic and manual are not mutually exclusive terms in the auto world. Many luxury and sport cars feature both in the true sense of the word (not sportronic and all that lame stuff). You prefer manual when you are driving the car yourself because you want more control but the car is perfectly capable of drive by wire and full automatic if neccessary. Or maybe the remote control time, the DeLorean did it all in one gear. Who knows what Doc Brown has done to that car.
  17. Sounds more like a continuity error than movie magic. 403773[/snapback] dude, Doc Brown made a car that could freaking go back in time. You'd think he'd be able to rig up some way of automatically controlling the manual transmission without him actually doing something with the remote control.
  18. This is simply a must play. Absolutely amazing. The demo of this game is out, it's been in the making for something like 5 years. Original score, original art, feels like a classic Lucasarts Adventure. http://www.barnettcollege.com/
  19. It's called movie magic - a stunt driver low down in the other seat beside Einstein. Same thing as the gun thing in the Blade Runner thread, it's a movie. Or the car is setup with Doc Brown's magic clutchless shifttronic that automatically shifts up and down when you are running in a straight line to 88mph
  20. Hmm, let's see. Mercedes logo on bonnet - check. Image name ... c111.jpg -check That's a Mercedes Benz C111 with 1.8L Wankel Rotary OR 4.8 a straight-5 turbo-Diesel. Depends what year.
  21. DeLoreans don't technically suck. They are basically a Lotus Esprit under stainless steel...but the Volvo B28F engine really sucks. 130HP! Top speed of 130mph and 0-60 in 8 seconds...but everybody who's driven one says it's as prone to break down just like ans as much as you see in the movie!
  22. Nothing, it's just because it's not true to the movie car. It's like saying what's wrong with a VF-1J that has 4 head lasers. If mean if you goto so many effort for detail and accuracy to all those parts and then the car is an automatic, it's kind of silly. It's like having an automatic Ferrari. The least you could do is buy one of those kits that makes an automatic shifter look like a manual and maybe have a fake clutch pedal since the DeLorean is all about the proper image.
  23. I guess you can wax stainless steel. Sanding with the wrong grit will ruin the brushed steel finish.
  24. Waitaminute... doesn't Marty shift the Delorean on camera in BTTF? I could have sworn in BTTF1 when he is driving in circles in the Twin Pines parking lot he says something like "Lets see if you bastards can do 80" and you see him hard shift the car. Was he just ricer pumping an auto or was the actual screen Delorean a 5 speed? Edit: Now that I think about it the thing would have had to have been an auto... how else could Doc Brown have shifted it when it was being remote controlled... so I guess that means Marty was drop-shifting an automatic transmission then... what a dork. 403548[/snapback] It's a manual in the movie. When he brakes hard in the DeLorean to avoid hitting something there's a shot of his feet and he hits brake and clutch. The auction is for a replica - an innacurate one at that. The automatic ruins it and the car is also the wrong model year, it's a 1983 when the BTTF cars are 1981. You can tell because it lacks the two lines down the hood and has that DeLorean logo on the hood. The 83 ones kinda sucked and are less pretty because of saving money on stamping two lines. Blue flux capacitors also just make you sterile instead of making you time-travel.
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