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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. All the movie TFs are pretty fugly.
  2. Yes, sorry, that's what I meant by "Freedom", I meant Peacemaker, brain freeze there. Either would be great to have, but the Zero was just slightly more evil and cool looking. Thanks for letting me know about the Revoltech Zero, I wasn't aware of their other stuff besides their Transformer designs which were too "anime" in their crazy proportions for my liking. Their Zero's legs are too short and it looks stubby, but it's decent and better than nothing.
  3. Sigh, these look great but when is there going to be a toy of the Zero or Freedom? I'm sorry, but once I saw the Zero, I couldn't like the regular Ingrams ever again unless I can have my zero. I was already very disappointed that the Master Grade Patlabor line had the normal Ingrams and even the Gripphon but no Zero
  4. It's all a matter of taste. I am no fan of the new Battlestar Galactica. The music is understated and mind-numbing. The themesong has nothing of the beauty of the original and the theme and all the battle music sounds more like somebody is in a Dragonboat race (or running from a tiger in the jungle in an episode of Tarzan) than a space epic. New Battlestar Music = BLEECH: Insipid, underwhelming, and utterly disappointing...so much so that I cannot stand to hear. In fact, it pretty much ruins the New Battlestar for me. I also find that the original Macross (aside from a few solid themes) is typical of anime music especially of the period for low-budget TV shows. Uninteresting and uninspired generic orchestrated music that puts you to sleep...although it is lightyears ahead of the mind-numbing stuff in Gundam Z/ZZ that strips that series of any and all vitality and emotion. I'm a person who needs dynamic melodies and a lot of variety in instrumentation and sound. I am the type that feels the Blade Runner soundtrack was one of the best ever composed, but synth is only one direction you can take. Having no melody whatsoever, or having no inspiring themes, no frightening overtures, no leitmotiv entirely is thoroughly depressing.
  5. Still no Zero labor. I only want a Zero. And maybe Griffon to fight it.
  6. My problem with MAME is that there are so many games, I don't know what to play!!! And the roms are confusing sometimes, I will think I have all the parts but then it will reject it as incomplete? Anyway, for you guys with the big widescreen televisions, you can better the X-Men arcade game by getting MAME to display both monitors simultaneously without the centreline. It's amazing. Probably the closest to the original game you are ever going to get. Any other games out there that can take advantage of this? Any suggestions on what truely are some of the best MAME games to play? I can never decide what to play when I use MAME. Also, what do I have to download to get all the marquees and especially the preview screens so I know what game is what? I have an audited MAME collection downloaded that was like 13GB but it had no preview screens which other collections I've tried had.
  7. I just bought the 20.1" model here in Canada, the LG204WT. It cost me roughly the same in U.S. dollars, about $250. Retroborg, why do you want an Eizo monitor? I've found that will more obscure brands (even if they are higher quality), you have more difficulty getting support or with RMAs, etc. Before my most recent purchase, I've had all obscure or rare LCDs in my life and I've sometimes regretted it. Contrast ratio and brightness are pretty worthless statistics. Anything above 500:1 and 250 candles is perfectly fine for gaming or watching movies. I've had about 5 different LCDs in my life ranging from 17-22" and with all sorts of specs but you'll know that response time is the most utterly vital part of the equation. In fact, if I were you, I'ld go look for a true 2ms (grey to grey = typical ) LCD. If your LCD has low response times, you'll know instantly and you'll regret it. Even 8ms is too slow in my opinion. I can see the motion blurring and my brain picks up the changes and it gives me headaches and nausea. That Eizo is 6ms grey to grey). The 2ms midtone spec is misleading and useless. The 4 most vital things to look for in an LCD: 1. Response time (2ms preferably), this will stand out the most in gaming, especially FPS games. If you are one of those people that can easily detect motion blurring, response time will be obvious to you and be bad for your eyes and your brain (I've had perfect vision all my life until I bought a 12ms monitor once and it completely ruined my eyes in 2 months and I had to get glasses). 2. Good black level - LCDs all use flourescent backlights to light the screen, but that causes blacks to never be black but be a shimmering, shiny grey. Some LCDs are better than others but if you watch dark movies, it might drive you nuts that there are no true blacks. Night scenes will all look reflective, etc. 3. Backlight Bleed - Another symptom of the previous issues is that most LCDs will have some backlight bleed, you want to find a unit with the least bleed - that is, light from the backlight leaks through the side of the bezel into the screen and you get brighter edges or corners 4. Color reproduction - Most fast LCDs are 6-bit only, they can only reproduce around 260,000 colors naturally and all the rest are interpolated. If proper color reproduction and range are important to you, find an 8-bit panel. The key to many of these things is to see one in action or to try it yourself for a few days, if you can't do that, unfortunately many LCD companies never mention what type of screen they have. There are several types of LCD screens (TN, IPS, etc.) that all have different characteristics and all manufacturers use these. Figure out what kind of screen is in the LCD that you have. Also, 95% of all LCDs in the world are basically made by the same 3-4 chinese/taiwanese companies. If you find a good screen, you may be able to find it underneath a different brand quite easily.
  8. I want a toy of that girl from Sigma 6. For uh...nevermind.
  9. I am a full-fledged Macross fan but when I hear Macross' music I frown because it's moody and depressing and dark like the series (as is most Japan BGM of the era). Robotech music puts an unerasable smile on my face. I grew up with 80s cheese and I can't stop gorging on it. I've rarely seen an anime from the 80s that was later converted (or butchered) in some form or another into an English dubbed cartoon...in which the Japanese soundtrack was actually more entertaining, exhilerating, or more creative than the new soundtrack some random joe studio artist put together for the English version. Something about 80s Japanese sci-fi animes all had very brooding and utterly boring and uncreative (perhaps you would call it subtle) BGM. That whole 80s cartoon scene in America had some great composers and talent in it.
  10. Tony Stark is a messed up alcoholic who looks like he's sweated up and burned out when he takes off the suit. Downey is perfect.
  11. I heard more tonight, different tracks this time. They had a segment making fun of Barak Obama and Hilary Clinton. Barak had that brooding "rebuilding Macross city" type music going behind him. Hilary had some silly Minmei jingle playing.
  12. What is the point of anime and blu-ray? You can't get any higher definition or clearer with details. It's animation! If you put classic animation on blu-ray, you'll just magnify all the defects. If you put even modern computer assisted cel animation, you'll still get simplistic details at best. The only benefit I can see is that some company can throw an entire series onto one single disc in the future when capacities are high enough.
  13. Look the 80s gave us a Super Car, a Super Helicopter, and a... yes. Super Rig (a super semi-trailer that fought crime on the highways). I don't see anything odd about this. But it is very M.A.S.K.
  14. I was watching Letterman last night and they had a short segment called "A Moment with Castro" or something to that effect. There was a splash screen with a short of "stately" look to it with Castro and the title and in the background they were playing the ...ugg, my memory of the Robotech soundtrack titles hasn't been accessed since 1998... the RDF Theme? They also used it for a George Bush clip. It was just a short sample but so distinctive with the horns and the deep synth bass. Are they allowed to do this? Or do they somehow pay royalties for these sound clips? -Edit some googling actually found clips of it: http://robotechnews.blogspot.com/2007/01/r...rman-again.html http://robotechnews.blogspot.com/2007/01/r...-confirmed.html Wow, I KNEW that when I saw that fake Verizon wireless commercial on Letterman a few days ago that I reocognized the tune because I suddenly thought that was the best Verizon wireless commercial I had ever seen. It's My Time to be Star!!! On Letterman!
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