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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. How are these fleets moving anyway? They just seem to be crusing at sub-light speed in space. That won't get them anywhere in a million years! Shouldn't they be in constant fold?
  2. Yeah, in DYRL, the flight controller, bridge, flight deck, etc. all had spoken Engrish for the beginning of the film and lost it as the film progressed.
  3. Is Sheryl singing a Fire Bomber song or just rocking the t-shirt?
  4. So thinking about all the languages in the supposed multiculturalverse of Macross, are they actually probably speaking english or some mix of languages instead of Japanese? When Sheryl writes on her mirror in lipstick she writes: "Desolee Grace, Je suis sortie, Je reviens pour le boulot. Bisous!" which is "Sorry Grace, I've gone out, I'll be back for work. Kisses!" Or is she just being fanciful and practicing the Japanese trend of using European languages in different contexts show show class/culture? Wasn't there a character in Macross Zero that had the same last name as Sheryl, was she French? I'm surprised they got it mostly right whereas if it was english it would almost always be horrible Engrish. (is there Flench?). Also, just what is "deculture?". I've heard this a few times in Macross Frontier. The sign off is "see you next deculture" and it's in the Nyan Nyan song. "Nyan Nyan, Nyan Nyan, Ni hao Nyan, gorgeous, delicious, deculture!" What would the actual meaning be? Directly translated, it's "meow meow, meow meow, you well (hello) meow, gorgeous delicious, from-culture!" Is she saying that the food at Nyan Nyan is cultured? Also, is this Nyan Nyan related to Minmei's Nyan Nyan or is it like a franchise or traditional to have one in every colony?
  5. How do these colony fleets move? They don't seem to be travelling very fast, if they wanted to reach their destination, I'd assume they'be folding but it seems like they are just crusing which would take millions of years
  6. Plus render time is a moot issue in today's age where it was back in the early-mid 90s. The kind of cell-shaded CG that are in Macross F - I could render in real time on my home computer with modern videocard. Even if render time is a constraint, it's easily done overnight when everybody is asleep because computers can always be running. I have friends working at one of the big game producing developers owned by EA. It's really simple and easy to just move models around and press play and get an entire scene. It's dirt cheap and fast...especially if it isn't doing anything realistic (like humans/animals/nature) and you are just manipulating ships, planes, and robots. I'm okay with the character art being low-quality. Thats what you get with CG 2D animation these days. It seems to be balanced out by terrific attention to detail in backgrounds and mechanical design. This was usually the opposite back in the 80s where the characters and foreground looked great but the backgrounds were painted by a bunch of farmed out talent in Korea, etc. and it looked horrible with cheap/fake cookie-cutter buildings. What I love about Macross is the world that the characters live in and not so much how detailed the characters looked. The Macross colonies and planets always have fantastic, vibrant, organic cities and landscapes that are both futuristic and classic and places I'd love to live in.
  7. English Fire anyone? I like it. :ph34r:
  8. With CG dramatically cheaper than animation for action after the initial investment, I doubt we'll see recycled action shots. Even if they need to do that, they can just move the computer camera around so it doesn't look recycled. As far as SMS...given the ridiculous acronyms in anime, it might as well be Super Macross Society!
  9. Yes thanks, eagerly awaiting ep 5. One question - should it be translated as micloned or microned?
  10. Except that John Lennon - to the best of my knowledge - didn't go riding into the middle of a raging battlefield in a war and try to sing his songs, recklessly getting other soldiers killed.
  11. WTF, Canada only gets generic cards that are either Cobra or Gi Joe? That's pretty pathetic. Nothing on the card about the individual toy. That's horrible. I'm not going to be buying any of these in Canada... sigh. I hate how toys work this way. It's always been this way since I was a kid. I remember back in 1994, I had to goto the states to buy Exosquad, Star Trek, and Robotech toys because they were too lazy to release Canadian packaging versions or to sell them here.
  12. Klan Klein is the best surprise about this show. They just kept upping the ante on her. First we hear it's a pixie squadron - turns out to be classic Meltran Quedluun's! (sp). Then we see her fight and kickass. Then we see them in the landing bay and we expect it to be adapted for a regular sized pilot but you hear giant footsteps, a booming voice, then it opens and out steps a giant Meltran with classic physics defying bust shocking the hell out of everyone. Next we see her at the party and wonder why she looks so similar, it turns out to be her but micronised and the most hilarious thing I have seen in anime for a decade. I love the idea that she's a deadly no-fooling around giant female warrior of death as a meltran and as a chibi, it's the same but it's channeled into more cuteness and fun than can possibly be imagined.
  13. Is the "try some round glasses" comment supposed to be a joke about Alto looking like Max? (long haired Macross 7 version)
  14. It only makes sense that a lot of us were introduced by Robotech. There is no shame in that.
  15. If you look in the credits of Macross Frontier, the credits for this song are listed but I haven't heard it in the show. Did I miss it somewhere? Did somebody just sing the lyrics without music etc? Or are we probably going to hear it in an upcoming episode? I love getting to hear all these old Macross songs in the show, I almost thought that Ranka's song (the one she remembered from her old ship/colony) was going to be Voices. I am really sad though, that Ai Obete Imasuka isn't the ending theme like it was in episode 1.
  16. Can somebody tell me what Sheryl is chasing Alto for? In the 2nd episode they show her watching video of Alto carrying her but I never saw this happen in episode 1. Is this where she lost an earring or something? Wouldn't it be lost on the stage instead of with Alto??? I really don't get it and am quite confused.
  17. My god! Klan Klein has both the giant Zentradi softness and the loli crazyness!
  18. I made this playing in lightwave ages ago. Also, you can't beat William Cheng's VF-2SS 5 years ago, I was basically going to do what Mr. March was doing but on my website. I got busy with school and forgot all about it. I have like 100 VF2SS pictures on a hardrive somewhere and 5 unbuilt kits in my parents basement. http://members.shaw.ca/decepticon/VF2SS.htm
  19. So I was in one of those Asian DVD shops and checked out the $1 anime section and I find Megazone 23 there! The DVD also randomly and hilariously includes some Studio Ghilbi movie and Jin Roh as well but all I care about is Megazone 23. I've heard about this for so many years (since I was a kid from rumors of it being Robotech the Movie) and loved the Garland design but I had no idea what it was all about until last night. I mean, the story isn't that great, it's a good generic 80s mecha sci-fi set in a futuristic city but the animation... Wow, the animation is out of this world, this is every damn thing I like about animation and what I really am sad you never see in anime these days, it's like another generation of artists completely. You never see shading and coloring and energy like this in modern animation anymore, even looking at it, I could tell it was ARTMIC which is one of my favorite studios - which actually comes from another childhood memory of watching the Captain Power Animated videotapes that came with the toys which are also by ARTMIC. Anyway, the really funny part about this is that the audio on the DVD I bought randomly turned out to be cantonese! I've always enjoyed anime in cantonese moreso than japanese for some reason, I think it's because I'm just sick of hearing Japanese in anime, it's all starting to sound the same. Back in highschool a friend took a trip to asia and brought back a bunch of Initial D VCDs and they turned out to be cantonese as well so he didn't want them and gave them to me. I really wish it was easier to find anime in cantonese, the only other things I've seen are Doreamon and GTO in cantonese, though I'm certain there's an enourmous amount that has to be out there, just impossible to find. I'm going to have to buy the official ADV Megazone discs now and try to re-author them so I can get english, japanese, and cantonese language tracks all on one disc. But yeah, if you haven't seen Megazone 23, go check it out, it was originally going to be a sequel series to Mospeada but was completely changed after they lost financial backing. Great 80s animation at it's best with little touches you just never see anymore (flashing lights, shining metal, hand-drawn computer graphics haha)... and personally, I think it'a superior anime to Akira since they share some common things.
  20. Holy crap, I've been wondering about this for almost two decades since my comics were thrown out. I love you!
  21. I've been digging through boxes in the basement looking at old stuff and I suddenly remembered a comic I had as a kid that I loved but never finished. I can't figure out what it was called. Okay I know this is going to be hard to go on, but during the late 80s or early 90s, I had a series of comics about a team of humans that had robot power suits. They were pretty much human sized (so no giant robots or exosuits or anything, they were just people inside metal), it was a very North American style but gritty/realistic in that late 80s sense. All the suits looked like they were realistic and designed with real functions. One guy's suit looked like bomb-disposal/diver suit, it was fat with a round porthole that was red with some arms, others had more streamlined power suits like one silver one. No silly skin-tight Iron Men looking things, these things were pretty bulky and realistic. It was not a superhero comic, it was a pretty adult comic with serious situations in a dark dystopian but realistic near-future, somewhat reminiscent of the Marvel Robocop comic series but even gritter with great lightning and very good drawing and coloring. There was some evil corporation (as usual) and political intrigue, it all took place in a city. Characters slept together, fought together, main characters died. I really can't recall much of anything. It was probably from one of those independant early 90s comic labels. Can anybody help me out?
  22. You know what I thought of the first time I saw this? Loonatics Unleashed Remember this horrible creation of some WB hacks/execs in trying to update the Looney Toons characters to make them hip and cool in a "modern" animation style? Seriously, I cannot stand modern American animation. Why is it full of this style? Is it supposed to be hip to not be able to draw properly? Or rape childhoods with this kind of thing? For something cheeky and exaggerated as a parody of other genres, this kind of style works (Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack)...What is with this kind of animation style? Why does it have to be so simplistic? I was already frustrated throughout the nineties with the kind of animation we got in most series (Battletech, MIB, Ghostbusters Extreme) but this is just wrong to me. But when you are updated an old established genre like the Transformers or the Looney Toons, and give it this kind of supposedly hip, irreverent, loose infantile animation style I don't know what people are thinking... If this show is a Transformers comedy like Dexter's Lab (this guy looks like Dexter frankenstein'd Star Convoy with Cybertron Prime's head in his basement) and we end up with Robot Hero like toys - okay, I'll probably be laughing my head off (but it wouldn't have the G1 in-jokes we like in the fan-based creations). I was unhappy with the direction the Batman franchise went with the slow kidification and simplification of animation up to The Batman - but the new series is still moderately realistic looking and hey - it's cute and well written. If Prime looks like what he does in that shot, I shudder to imagine what the show will end up like.
  23. It's not about the value of the DVD compared to mainstream commercial releases. It's about fans supporting a great fledgling franchise that struggles for every dollar. This is like the first B5 in half a decade. Support it and hopefully you'll get more. The Firefly fans can only WISH they could have more material post-Serenity.
  24. The workprint bootleg of Highlander Endgame WAS MUCH BETTER than the final result of Highlander Endgame. I should go find the bootleg of The Source before it disappears. I can't find the workprint for Endgame anymore. The Endgame workprint I'm talking about isn't quite the workprint version they released on the DVD set (which was still really amazing, seriously, what movie releases a working/different version on their official release). Highlander Endgame has some of the best extras I've ever seen in a DVD set, it showed you so much about the making of the movie and even includes THE ENTIRE rough working cut that includes missing effects, scenes, the video timer, etc. it's great! It's funny how Highlander unfinished bootlegs always leak out. Maybe they do it on purpose.
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