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Tristan Lindo

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Everything posted by Tristan Lindo

  1. We will never get tired of custom valkyries nice work Kurt, keep them coming.
  2. hey guys, where can I download the InuYasha movies fansub??
  3. Very nice work Jung you the man
  4. Hi samuraid, are you planning on selling that VF-11 from studio halfeye?? if you are please PM me
  5. 1.Valkyrie Booster (fits Hasegawa kits...) (1/72) 2.VF-5000 (1/72) 3.VF-11 4.Launch Arm with portion of launch bay (1/72)
  6. now you got me all excited ass well lets make that wish list.
  7. ....got milk????
  8. here you go my friend http://anime.mircx.com/torrent/9224be23ccb...1e4921672e201d3
  9. Vinnie who???
  10. Superlink ep.3 http://anime.mircx.com/torrent/d48b55b9ad5...c0d5593c06d365e
  11. which issue of Hobby Japan is that picture from?
  12. Ashton Kutcher is just another Hollywood pretty boy who cant act. Im not gonna waste my $ on his movie. <_<
  13. Tristan Lindo

    Custom 1/48 CF

    hey jung what is your next project?
  14. yes they are also planning on releasing it on the gamecube. http://www.gamespot.com/gamecube/action/ro...botechinvasion/
  15. here is the story http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13704
  16. Hi there, just found this on the net http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=13573 if it is true ,does anyone here want to get a copy or are you gonna wait till april? I know im gonna wait for the real game to come out.
  17. try download here http://anime.mircx.com/torrent/4b344c5c0bb...533080b444fe223 this video is a little bigger.
  18. I agree , armada totally sucked
  19. Interesting. That would certainly counteract the "I don't wanna be the Axis" phenomenon that has cropped up in Call Of Duty. On the downside, that means that all the weapons are coded exactly the same for both sides. Of course, since no game has actual bullet ballistics (yet) the only real difference between an AK and an M16 would be the rate of fire. Not that it bothers me, but it for sticklers for accuracy it would be a point of contention. just wait till you complete your Special Forces training, then you can fully customize your M4. That is so cool http://www.americasarmy.com/intel/m4mods.php Hmmm....maybe after I finish my delicious dinner, consisting of Doritos and Kokanee beer. LOL
  20. Thanks, I must have missed that little blurb about the "OPFOR." But what do they mean by this comment? Is this supposed to mean that regardless of which team you pick, the other side will appear as the "Godless commie scum?" that is correct soldier, now drop and give me 20
  21. Actually, my friends and I were just discussing that game a few days ago. For a free game, it's supposed to run pretty good. How balanced is the gameplay? The official site doesn't really give you any idea what the bad guys get for weapons. I have been playing AA for over a year now, and I must say it is a pretty good game (and it is free ) The bad guys have AK47, AKS-74U, RPK and RPGs. http://www.americasarmy.com/intel/opfor.php
  22. me to my friend ......me to
  23. HoppyLinkJapan has some 1/72 Yukikazes for sale, but they are pretty expensive http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?PLZX-1 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?PLZX-2
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