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Everything posted by SilentCrossHairs

  1. I hope they have parts for Garlands to.
  2. Wait a minute. I'm a little lost. Is Bandai coming out with the model fastpacks or the DX fastpacks in Feb?
  3. You may want to do this in the future. Get the latest Norton Ghost software and make an image of your clean install. Than back it up to a DVD or external hard drive. Storing your PC image on your main computer my run the risk of your image getting corrupted. So alway store OS images somewhere external. Just my 2 cents.
  4. "Now for the Alpha, what a piece of JUNK! I opened the box, pulled out the plane and first off the paint is not gloss and does not have a smooth feel to it. That's makes sense because it is supposed to be a stealth fighter. I looked it over and noticed right away the glue spots below the intakes, but I figured I could deal with that because you don't see it unless you turn it over. So I decided to transform it, and it was very stiff, as if over glued. I moved the arms over and tried to fold them down for battloid mode, and one of them wouldn't move. I looked at the joint to make sure that there was something missing. I rotated it and some glue that was preventing it from moving finally let go, and under that was a mess, but I decided to continue on and try to fold it down again thinking I could move on. It was still stuck, so I applied more pressure. First the fore arm broke off, and then the sholder peeled right off as if it was made out of paper. The small hinge that allows the arm to fold down was glued solid." Well hey...I have no beef with Toynami. I liked all four of my Alphas. They were very tight, solid and had a nice heavy feel to it. Transforming them was no problem. As I knock on wood...nothing has broken . I would have gotten a Beta but I got the gray low vis VF-1A instead. So I'll wait until the Beta frenzy is over. Maybe I'll be able to get it at a desent price. Right now my local hobby shop has them for $150.00. A rip off if you ask me. But time heals all wounds as well as lower prices.
  5. 1-Make sure batteries are good 2- Remove then reinstall software (sometimes computers don't pick up the software correctly on the first install)
  6. Shogo gets tired of floppy red and white Garland and steals Rands Cyclone. Will he ever learn?
  7. This is where it cost $180.00 plus tax. New York, NY its a hell of a town The $180+ VF-25
  8. Dam, you must not live in the US and if you do. How did you pull that off?
  9. Wow!! the pilot looks a little cheap looking. For $180.00+ you would hope that the pilot looks good. At least yamato got that part right.
  10. Yes...Amen to that. I am all for chioces.
  11. Looks nice and all. But where are the booster packs. I would like to get one, but it makes no since without the booster packs. I think I'll buy the small transformable model and save the big money for the one with booster packs. It makes no since to me since most of the fights are in space.
  12. Checking out Gundam 00 season 2. I'm liking it. Reminds me of Gundam Zeta in the UC universe.
  13. great movie......I made it into a PSP movie so I can see it on the fly. but I iked the graphics and story line.
  14. It all boils down to politics. Thats too depressing. Well back to macross stuff. It helps dull the pain.
  15. Dam ....I guess the US factory worker is truely screwed
  16. VA I say hell no Yamato.........if loving you is wrong....I don't wanna be right
  17. Dam good first valk The addiction will be hard to break my friend. Yamato toys is a potent drug.
  18. I voted YF-19. It was very different and a breath of fresh air from the regular VF-1. Since the VF-19A was my first toy bought from Yamato. I had to give it special billing.
  19. You think Yamato will open a factory in the US. We need something since the car industry is dying.
  20. I am not rich....So in order for me to get certain yamato macross stuff involves some heavy trading. This hobby thing is worst than a drug. But hey, Yamato is doing some heavy pimping. As long as my stuff is 100%. I cant complain. Don't hate the player...hate the game.
  21. Crap!!!!!! Now I feel stupid for getting it for $115 when it first came out. Still looking for the Luke Return of the Jedi FX light saber.
  22. Dude that was crazy...and trippy to...Glad i saw it when I was tipsy Thank God for Rossetta Stone.
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