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Everything posted by SilentCrossHairs

  1. It was an ok ending. They could have at least let Lee get Kara. Cut the guy some slack. His ex blows her head off and he sucked as vice president. But you got to love Scifi. The aliens built the pyramids and we are all descendents from a robot lady. Oh well. But I kind of liked the ending to Farscape better.
  2. Just give me a good space battle scene. Been dying for one for a long time.
  3. UFC- Rampage Jackson gave one of the best knock outs I have ever seen. Chuck Liddell your still the man. Elite XC- I was cought up in the Kimbo saga. Some dude named Night Train showed that you don't need special training to rock another dudes dome
  4. Yeah a good laser blast to the enemies head does.....
  5. Thanks The crazy thing is that I saw this comming. Dick Fuld is a real "Greedy Dick". The thing that caught me off gaurd was the punch to the gut on a globle scale. It looked like every thing had shut down. But it's times like this that puts a lot of things in perspective. Its funny....... I didn't realize I had a nice size collection until I was jobless.
  6. I was a computer technician at the dead and stinking financial firm called Lehman Brothers in NYC. Yes the CEO Dick Fuld, made off like a bandit with 500 million dollars. While my ass has been jobless for 17 months. I knew the firm was going to tank. We were losing $270 million dollars like it wasn't nothing. Thank God I took my trip to Japan before I was laid off. My collecting has slowed a lot. All I want is one more toy. Thats the CM's Bartley's cyclone. Than I'll put the breaks on collecting until I can get a job. I had set up a website so I could repair PCs and Laptops. So Thats putting some green in my pocket. It could be worst I guess. So I'll consider myself blessed. After I take my networking exam I think I'll get my bartending license. Bars are making a lot of money now a days.
  7. That kind of reminds me of a South Park episode. When all the kids wanted a Chimpokomon.
  8. Do not Disturb You make a dam good point. $500??? For something to look at. It's not like this is a priceless painting in all. It is a toy. Something with a resale value of $250. When I see something like this it makes you take a step back and say WTF. Miriya you make good points to. I understands dudes have to make there money and all. I understand the art of the hustle. Take .50 cents and flip it to a dollar. But for me I got turned off when I saw those Macross Frontier DX toys going for a crapload of cash. But hey, if you can afford it, knock yourself out. But $500???? With this messed up economy? I may like my hobby. But I am nobodies crackhead. Hell I'll get my girl something really nice with $500. She's worth it. Toy companies......not.
  9. Please keep in mind. I am not talking about Tiger Force, Python Patrol, Battle Force 2000, and I think they had some type of Ecco troopers thing in which they came with water guns. Those were just silly. But I must say Python Patrol had the best look out of all of them.
  10. I am waiting for those HK- motocycles to come out. Got to have one.
  11. People need to stop eating processed food. That stuff will kill yah. You saw what American peanut butter can do. Anyway, I have a valk already boxed up for shipping. I just don't have the heart to sell it.................. yet. And Pete.......Good point. But if you have to pack into a house like clowns in a yugo. I'm sure that collection is already gone.
  12. Did they ever make a Star Wars action fleet Jedi star fighter? I saw one on ebay a while back. I guess that was a custom. A dam good custom. It cost a pretty penny.
  13. You can just click on my link below to see my Gundam models. But a weird thing though. I like Gundam 00 anime. But I just can't get in to the models. I'm a big fan of the UC and Seed stuff though.
  14. GI Joe toys from the 80s and 90s looked like they where for adults. It had an olive drab or brown look that military toys suppose to have. Now a days I don'tknow if they are going to war or to a rave.
  15. Dude why bother buying Macross stuff from the online stores? Just check in the "For sale" section here. I'm sure you'll find some nice stuff at a reasonable price. People are going to be selling their stuff just to pay rent in a minute.
  16. I am not feeling these new GI Joe toys nor the movie. The toys just look stupid. No originality or imagination. I understand they are trying to stay up with the times but its not working. I remember GI Joe used to stay up to date with their weapon systems. In the 80s you had the Sky Striker (F-14), The Dragonfly Copter (Huey Cobra AH) and The Rattler (A-10). In the 90s you had the Ghost X-19( Stealh Fighter experimental) Night Raven (SR-71), Conquest X-30 (Fighter experimantal) and my favorite the Defiant Space shuttle. Where is that type of military authenticity? GI Joe is straying a little of the beaten path. I hope they come back. Hopefully with a nice F-22, Su-27, Apache AH, and an upgrade to the old school Mauler battle tank.
  17. These folks needs a life seriously. They know if Lucas makes another Star Wars. They will be on line like every other Scifi loon. I'm waiting for the movie where Vader hunts the remaining Jedi. Thats a good two hour movie right there.
  18. Gundam 00 2se Pretty good anime. May start watching Freedom. Since Utada Hikaru sings the sountrack and all.
  19. The VF-19S. When you gotta fly the very best. Except no substitute.
  20. How about erasing cyborg memories ala Ghost in the shell?
  21. Hey isn't the brain surgen the PC guy from the Mac and PC commercial? The plot thickens
  22. For my Garland parts it took a weeks for them to contact me. Than it took 4 days for me to get the parts. That was truely fast IMHO....... I am now an Overdrive fan...
  23. Don't be surprised. I see a lot of weak shows springing out of the BSG camp. The old admiral from the Pegesaus would have popped a cap in all these fools.
  24. Star Blazers , G force , Robotech around 6 y/o or so.
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