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Everything posted by SilentCrossHairs

  1. Makes me wonder if Tranformers is going "Empire strikes Back". If they are. This is gonna be great.
  2. Season 3 is definitley moving. Seeing an older Asoka was nice though. I really hope they don't kill her character. Just have her escape to the outter rim.
  3. Big fan of the VF-19EF color scheme.
  4. Yor the hunter of the future......... No lie the worst ever. I think it came out in 84 or 85.
  5. I'm sure the sound booster will be coming next for $95.00. Is it me, or the only thing the white VF-11 did in MAcross 7 was blow up every 2 seconds in the battle scenes.
  6. Well I definitley want a Nightmare. The 1/55 version was too chunky and doofy.
  7. Please do have the movie in 3D.......
  8. Is there such a great need for another Fire Valk. I like Fire Bomba to. But what about Ray,s and Mylene's valk? Its not all about one person or one plane. It was a team effort.
  9. Will be seeing it in New York City on the 27th. Never saw an anime in the movies before. Can't wait.
  10. I must say I do like these RG Gundams as well. Even though you need baby fingers to put them together.
  11. It wouldn't be Gundam without all the pew pew. But it also gives a messege along with the pew pew. Patrick is a cool dude. A clown that has a general as his lady .
  12. Will pass. Lucas needs to make a whole new trilogy. Focusing on Han and Leias kids.
  13. Japan always making the good stuff. Yes it puts a nice ending on the 00 series. Wonder if they are going to make a perfect grade of the 00 Qan [T]. Anyway I'm a UC kind of guy and I really enjoyed the movie. The quote at the end some deep stuff.
  14. The SV-51 would be the victor in a dog fight with the VF-0. The slim agile nature of the SV-51 along with the forward swept canards give this baby a mean angle of attack. The pilot would need a strong g-suit because the turns and Gs the SV-51 could probably pull may be enough to crack the pilots ribs. In order for the VF-0 to pull the same manuvers. It would have to go into gerwalk mode and get the hell out of dodge.
  15. Eddie Gordo fight scene was way to short and yes the movie blows
  16. Of course the live action version will be garbage. So why even bother wasting your money. Unless Hollywood is going to make it 3D of course. Anime is not meant to be a live action movie. That’s why it is "Anime". Hollywood is running out of ideas which are very sad. Hollywood really should stop ruining foreign titles. Let’s see Fist of the North star, garbage. Dragon Ball Z……. garbage. Stealth…….Oh yeah that was taken from Macross Plus well that was garbage. The list keeps going on. Hollywood eats anime and puke it back up so we the customers can pay for it. I will do my part and not give them my hard earned money.
  17. I have built a few MGs in my time but the PG Strike Gundam was a joy to build. I just wish they had a few more PG kits to choose from. Not a big fan of the Strike Freedom or the Double 0 and not familiar with the Astray. But I must say the MG ReZel looks really sharp and has nice lines.
  18. "Machette don't text." Gotta love that movie.
  19. Evangelion 2.22 and Patlabor 4 the movie. Evangelion 2.22 amazing. Patlabor 4 this movie was crawling from beging to end.
  20. Dude I know I'm a little late here. But I almost spit up on my keyboard. That was funny as hell....
  21. All I can say is robotech was cool back in the day. I think every newbee to the series should see it. I grew up on it and enjoyed it from beginning to end. I found Macross on the back of a Heavy Metal cartoon mag. I was like wow that looks like Robotech. As I got older I realized the Mac came before Robo and that Japan is the sizzle when it comes to tranformable mecha combat. I never understood the long blood fued between Mac and Robo fans. I like both. When I want some Cyclone toy love I go to Robotech. When I want some hard hitting Valk and Konig action. I go to Macross. The companies are going to make their money reguardless. So I take a little from both. But I must say I used to reads these boards years before I signed on. You guys used to fight like it was the Clone Wars on here or something. I found that quite enjoyable. You dudes can be funny when you wanna be. Just my two buffalo nickels.........
  22. I guess my problem with Transformers nowadays is that... nobody really remembers the original G1 or cares much for it. All discussion is Bayformers focused, or the latest TV series and the most popular toys are the modern ones... Hm... I have truly become an old, old man.. Pete Your not alone Pete I just finished watching season 2 of the G1 Transformers. Not only that I just started looking at the old M.A.S.K cartoon series. Kids don't know what good cartoons are now a days. I'm not gonna knock the movie TF or GI Joe. It is what it is. We're not getting old. We're getting better.
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