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Everything posted by SilentCrossHairs

  1. What is the name of the song that comes on at 7:32 in Episode 24- Last Frontier? In the Macross Frontier series. I need to have this. Nice song. P.S The song comes on after "Aimo, Aimo". Thanks
  2. I was talking to my friend last night who is in tokyo. She told me that her family which includes a pregnant sister is in Iwaki city Fukushima. Which is an hour away from the power plant. I hope they are far enough from that place. i didn't want to worry her. So I got off skype wiped my tears and said a prayer. Please understand I am not too big on religion. For the short time I was in Japan the people there treated me nicely. My friends from Japan have great hearts. It really suck that something like this has to happen anywhere on this planet.
  3. Even though it was offline, the fire at the fourth reactor was believed to be the source of the elevated radiation. "It is likely that the level of radiation increased sharply due to a fire at Unit 4," Edano said. "Now we are talking about levels that can damage human health. These are readings taken near the area where we believe the releases are happening. Far away, the levels should be lower." On that note I'm going to bed.
  4. Japanese beer (Asahi) taste like Jamaican beer (Red Stripe). I find those very hard to swallow.
  5. Gonna pass on this. Looks like a nice netflix movie though.
  6. Red Cross is your best bet. SInce they have a Red Cross in Japan as well.
  7. Third explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant in reactor #2. Looking at BBC now.
  8. Thanks sketchley......
  9. Hell you can do that in New York. I'm not much of a beer man. But I do mix me up a little something to take to the flix. Its not like they gonna search you.
  10. Mother nature is no joke. And another thing. Is Japan looking at a meltdown now? The water that exploded was the same water keeping the reactor cool right? Sea water may be used as an emergency coolant but sea water is not a good coolant because it is very corrosive. As per some of my reading. Don't they have backup coolant systems for emergencies like this?
  11. Fukushima reactor #3 has just had a hydrogen explosion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMCa-Zo_ZEU&feature=player_embedded
  12. Just came back from seeing it. A very enjoyable movie.
  13. Volcano erupts in southwestern Japan. Earthquakes, tsunami, meltdowns, and now this. Volcano erupts
  14. It seems that a partial meltdown is expected at the Fukushima power plant. Its gonna gut a whole lot worst before it gets better. Dam..... Meltdown expected info link
  15. My thoughts and prayers for the people in Japan.
  16. will definitely check this out.
  17. I wonder if I should even buy this version. Wouldn't they come out with a Ozma version as well? I'm kind of partial to Low Vis types.
  18. It can be other macross items. I just collect toys though.
  19. Dam wasn't gonna buy another toy until I get a job. Hey guys where can I get this thing? My girlfriend's gonna kill me.
  20. Let me clarify. What Macross item or items do you own that is so special that you are never going to sell? Let me start with a list below. I choose these items because to me these are classic Macross designs. When I close my eyes and hear the word MAcross these are the items I will see. Yamato VF-1 Low Vis 1st edition Yamato Konig MOnster 1st edition Yamato YF-19 Yamato VE-1 Elintseeker 1st edition Bandai Ozma Armored Messiah Bandai HiMetal Blazer VF-19
  21. This movie is a go....
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