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Everything posted by Thom

  1. If they had built up to it, then it would have really paid off. Instead, having Palpy back (instroduced in the crawl no less!) just came off as a Hail Mary play to try and salvge the story that Rhian unceremonially dumped onto a Dabo Table.
  2. @sketchley Very nice with popping the deets! Looks twice as big. @Urashiman Those seams line on the canopy bug the heck out of me! Nice work getting rid of it.
  3. Just because it may take no part in the overall Skywalker Saga doesn't mean it would be a 'nothing burger.' Might be a whole Double Quarter Pounder and two Large Fries with a side of Coke - just at the burger joint on the other side of town. There are many stories that can take place in the Star Wars universe that could be a complete arc and never even touch upon the Sacred Trilogy. Ennealogy..?"
  4. Just such a classic movie! Thank you Mr Reeve!
  5. I loved when SE33 was facing off against Lod. He does act all 'the pirate' but when he get's his back up, he's a towering metal intimidator! Then he came back in just to deliver that last 'arh.' LOL!
  6. @pengbuzz That is a great looking model! If they made that in kit-form, I'd buy one!
  7. A lot of little eggs (governments) rather than one big egg.
  8. But they are always there which is saying something. I agree that they are spread 'thin' though, as the largest ship I recall seeing from the NR is just a prison ship and that was 'droid crewed. We could say it is because they are trying to not only grapple with the enormity of the filling the role the Empire did, but also to gather the recourses to do so effectively. They didn't beat the Empire on an equal milaty footing, they took out the head. However, having said that, this takes place 9 years after TRoJ... That lends to that they are taking a far lighter touch than is needed, which will lead into the rise of the First Order. Maybe the New New Republic will do it better..?
  9. Actually, the fast response time from someone calling about kids in trouble to two top if the line X-Wings showing up is pretty good. Plus, it has a lot to do with repercussions. If anyone crossed the Emperor your planet could (or would) get smacked, but the New Republic,, like the Old Republic, didn't go into that overbearing, super-control mindset. Also take into accounts the vast reaches of the Empire/Republic and the troubles with policing it all. It could be said that the NR had fewer ships than the Empire with which to police everything, which is doubly difficult when every planet is probably beginning to flex the Independence Muscle and might not want to be controlled by anybody. This includes Imperial Remnants and criminal organizations that may then be employing mercenary outfits made up entirely of out of work Storm Troopers. The Empire chose to close that gap with the Death Star and just smacking worlds into raw mining materials, but the softer and gentler New Republic would find that a lot more difficult, especially if they were trying to show that they weren't just going to be another Galacic Empire under a newer, softer name.
  10. I personally don't mind it, but I understand what you're saying. Becoming a bit canned in their character development, though I see Win as still being a young dreamer who will hopefully mature a bit. And definitely agree on seeing more worlds out there than just the sand-covered ones.😀
  11. Saw Ep3. I think this went a little over to the kiddie-side but it was fun regardless, as it should be. So,... As to 'girl boss...' So what? She has a forceful personality, which isn't a bad thing.
  12. I'm enjoying it, but I liked Season 1 as well, so take that with a grain. I'd rather is was all out now so I could binge it in one go.
  13. My father does that, and so do I sometime. But, sometime, I know it is a story I have told before, but I still get the urge to say it again, mostly because I haven't no new stories to tell...🤔
  14. Silo Season 2 is playing on Apple+ Currently up to ep4 out of 10. So far, it has the same solid writing and acting as season 1 and I am enjoying it.
  15. I just view it as a different story with similar plot points. IMO, it is okay in its own right, though it helps for me that I stopped reading the series after the third or fourth book, so I am not invested in an accurate retelling of something I lost interest in, in book form.
  16. Saw it and liked it. As good as the first? No, but that's hardly a detraction as it is not 'new' anymore. But it was a fun adventure with good action and interactions. Though not as memorable as those from the first one, the songs were good, though it is hard to top 'How Far I'll Go.' I think the guy who did the songs from the first one was not in this one. Will I watch it again in theater? No, but I will buy it on blue-ray when it comes out, and I will hope for a third, as the mid-credit trailer alludes to.
  17. Not interested in the movie, but this clearly will be a better movie for Taylor-Johnson than Kraven.
  18. I really hope in theater on my area will be playing this!
  19. That's how I felt. Too many plots jammed together rather then concentrating on Suture Lady as the main threat. They probably should have had the Ghost Guy for this on and saved Beetle's ex for the third. Seeing as it did well regardless, we might get a third with a good plot.
  20. Nice, how much did you pay for this?
  21. All in. I just hope the ending isn't as anti-climactic as the S2s.
  22. Pinterest has some cool stuff.
  23. I have no info who made this, only that it is a cool looking kit-bash derelict.
  24. It wasn't the best, certainly, but I don't see why they took it off. There are worse shows that are left out there to take up bandwidth.
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