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Everything posted by Thom

  1. @electric indigo That is an exception looking chopper!
  2. Once again, a perfectly good resolution using the events of the 'parent movie' was ignored just to kill off '89 Bats and Supergirl. Not that they're really dead though. I prefer to think of them as battling evil, in another reality!* 😁 *dimension.
  3. Peng, that looks crazy awesome!! Keep on doing it! And glad to hear the major part of the move is done. Hopefully you can start relaxing a bit now.
  4. @Urashiman I like that Minmei Guard one!
  5. Maybe more 'in-universe', what with women be more neat and all.😉
  6. Maybe it'll be the same box they'll use for the one with the super parts.
  7. I wonder if there could be a difference in appearance based on whether it is a Zentran or Meltran caft?
  8. Lovely box of Macross plastic! As for alternate schemes, maybe you could do a 'space proving wing' or a factory fresh unpainted. Or one of the trainers from Delta or a Tiger Meet scheme. I do like this one.
  9. Thanks @Focslain and @Chas. This is what the Krylon did to the paint.
  10. So, after some repaints/repairs, and remining myself why I should NOT try and use Krylon gloss for a clear coat (it easts pretty easily through Tamiya) I'm getting some parts together. I still need to put some details into the opening in front of this, but it is basically done. And here's Asuka lurking in the background. I still need to paint thrusters and engines and then do panel lining on it. But, closer and closer!
  11. How did I miss these completed shots?! Truly, a great looking plane with an awesome paint job!
  12. Thank you @Chas, and that is an excellently done Cordoba!
  13. I know the figure is '1/72' but about what size is she compared to either 1/8 or 1/12? On SSM it was noted that she looks to 'happy,' so I figure some 'fierce' alternate eye decals would suit better.
  14. Well I hope it's not like the VF-4, where they stop selling the initial release and only offer the one with the 'extras.' Either way it looks like I'll be buying at least one more then...😉
  15. Don't get me wrong, that's cool, but can it be bought separately, or do we need to buy a whole nother kit...?
  16. Oh yes, Wave, bring it on!
  17. Didn't even realize that Wheel of Time season 2 is playing now, up to Ep6. I think I'll wait until it is all out before I binge it.
  18. Very good work on those molds/copies @MechTech. Except for paint, I can't tell the difference! As to the Asuka, I got some paint on her. I was going to go with Tamiya XF-82 Ocean Gray 2, but that turned out too dark. So, I mixed some X2 white with XF-18 Med Blue and that looks a whole lots better! And with the masks off the fore and flight decks. Some little touch ups still to do. Thom
  19. Thanks for those, @sh9000. Except for the computer-ized voices that's some pretty good stuff. Sad though seeing all those ships heading out and knowing most were not coming back.
  20. A few days past, but here is the Warning at the MTV Video Music Awards. They were on one of the secondary stages - but clearly deserve to be on the main!
  21. Totally awesome!! Love the G1 style and the call-outs to other genre. Great bit of work.
  22. I would love that!
  23. That looks so sweet! I wish that was a full figure.
  24. I remember wanting an Alpha and a Beta fighter as a kid. (I know that's not what they are really called, but what does the name on the package matter?)
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