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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Picked this lil gem up from Etsy. At 3 inches long, it's about 1/4000 and was $20 with shipping.
  2. Little known fact. If you tune the Death Star laser down to its lowest power setting, and I mean low, it is ideal for a 5 minute laser wrinkle treatment.
  3. @tekering I have to say, I don't think this is bad enough for a major cut. Certainly not Obiwan or BoBF bad. @SwannI think she does. But maybe her species can look younger than they are, like space elves. As for the statues, they could still play a role later on even without Ray Stevenson. RIP. A scroll could mention him suddenly vanishing while in search of The Ones,a nd perhaps the character will be 'shown' from then on only as a Force-Ghost voice.
  4. Nope, not that. Now I have no idea what it was!
  5. Now I'm wondering if I'm thinking of the right show... It was flat with a central cargo section that could be jettisoned, but it's been so long ago I may be misremembering. Maybe something from Bionic Six..? Anyway, I've often thought of kitbashing an X-Wing into the Interceptor.
  6. @Chronocidal A very nice 'card model!' Shapes may not be 'right' but it certainly has the Firefox family feel. Maybe that was a prototype, called the Firekit. I also built some cardboard models as a kid, most notably an attempt at one of the hero ships from Galaxy Rangers, and an F-86 Scorpion made from cardboard and skinned in black electrical tape. It's been more than thirty years, so it is long gone but I recall it had a wingspan of about two feet and was able to fly across the street with a good throw! Unfortunately, it was left out on the porch overnight when it rained and the damp softened the cardboard and drooped it. Good memories though.
  7. @pengbuzz Real cool bit of artwork! And if I was in any way a contributor, then that's awesome!
  8. Thanks @pengbuzz! And yeah, those little plaques are quick and easy. I like the artwork you put on the base. Self made?
  9. And Asuka is DUN!! (well, except for her air wing...) So she is done and I just need to paint the stand and do a small air wing, consisting of some planes from this kit as well as the Yamato kit. Thom
  10. @electric indigo or submersible fighter!
  11. A few years down the line, but good to hear the gears are still turning.
  12. @Urashiman Unknowingly thinking ahead!
  13. That's inspired work @pengbuzz! What's its name?
  14. 'Kid's' film...!? I have been enjoying this movie for thirty years and it is the Halloween/Christmas crossover film! But oh damn... THIRTY years!!!
  15. Wow, @pengbuzz that looks like a shipkiller!
  16. Thanks @pengbuzz. The best flaws are the ones that are easy to miss!😁
  17. @pengbuzz That fighter is looking wicked! I don't know why, but it is giving me Last Starfighter vibes.🤩 Thanks @MechTech! For gloss, I just used Tamiya rattle-can clear. Probably should have used an enamel over acrylic, but I'm living dangerously. Some pre-decal pics. I can point out the flaws, but I won't!!😛
  18. @Kurt Looks like it hasn't been a long time at all. Nice work.
  19. Will be nice seeing that fall together @505thAirborne. Nice choice. Getting close to the finish on the Asuka. I got a gloss coat down and a panel line wash done, and starting to put things together. Tomorrow I'll start decalling and then give it a flat finish. Will be nice to get her finished. Thom
  20. In the Viper theme, Double Fang.😉
  21. Finally binged this the other day and I liked it. Solid 8/10 for me. It was a little slow to start, but for audiences like moi who did not watch Rebels, introducing the characters is important. There were a few things that went over my head, but I pick up pretty quick, and I'll be certain to watch t before rewatching then and then season 2. I only have a few complaints... Can't wait - hope - they get a season 2!!
  22. Looking at the art work, it's much more believable thinking of a humanoid figure in the more squat, wider suit, rather than Frontier's taller thinner version, even though the Frontier version does look better to me. That one, the legs look wider set rather than in-line with the upper body, which makes it harder to think of the pilot's legs going into the upper thighs.
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