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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I've rarely had a problem with Tamiya acrylics. But then I use it mainly for paint and glossing for decals and leave the final clear (mostly) to an enamel.
  2. Nice! An armored valk in trainer colors! Welcome, welcome!
  3. I like your dedication to the canopy-issue, but have you thought of making a solid buck and doing a plunge mold for the canopy? @pengbuzz Sorry to hear there is a set-back. I'm sure you'll overcome it.
  4. I liked it. It had some problems, but it was a fun movie overall. Great seeing Larson back as Danvers and I hope it's not the last time. As I do really hope they will be pulling those threads shown in the credits scenes. So much potential!
  5. True dat, didn't see it (still don't).
  6. Wow, I'm at work and can't get the full feel of the trailer, but that's nice. Some great imagery, and I have yet to seen Millie Brown do something that doesn't impress me. Something else to look forward too!
  7. @wm cheng I'd counter and say I can still see a lot of detail in there. They look good. For the canopy, did you have to add material to the lower edge? @Urashiman A Milia Army..? Yes please!
  8. @SteveTheFish I don't think I have ever seen a VF-5000 before. Very sleek looking plane!
  9. It looks really good. I just hope it keeps away from too 'fanciful' situations and just keeps it real.
  10. I liked that one! Some heavy subject matter and they dealt with it very well. I'd watch a second!
  11. Looking forward to see this on my next weekend off. Always liked Larson as Captain Marvel and I liked the other two in WandaVision and Ms.Marvel.
  12. That's what I think it is too, though I certainly wouldn't mind the OG crew having more than ten minutes.
  13. Getting my proton pack on! (not really, as I don't have a proton pack in real life, but you understand.) Nice to see the cast from Afterlife in this as well and hopefully with more of a merging with original. And after holding off for so long on doing a sequel, it looks like Murray has had a change of tune.
  14. @Urashiman Quickly getting closer to perfection! @derex3592 You truly have a really busy table! The black on that SR-71 looks fantastic and I would love to see that Cat's Eye moving forward. Reminds me of mine sitting so forlorn on the Shelf o'Doom...
  15. @Urashiman That VF-1 is looking great. Love the decals. Great to see your collection growing @pengbuzz, and your plans for more! @derex3592 The BONE sure is a sexy plane. There was a proposal in the early aughts to reengine it and turn it into a missile truck, called the B-1R (regional) Or, wait for it... BONER.😜
  16. This one looks to be set about a hundred years after the last one. They have to get through 2000 more years before the Icarus shows back up.
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