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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Have the first of three model shows that I go to coming up in April in Upstate New York.
  2. Nice work on that cockpit @pengbuzz!
  3. Nice! Thanks for the pics. It looks like a great show. And I get s lot of my models from model shows and can usually get some nicely priced kits.
  4. A Nightmare in beast mode! Nice.
  5. His face is familiar and it took me a moment to connect the roles I've recognized him in, such as on Nancy Drew and in Captain Marvel. RIP, good sir.
  6. In an alternate reality, this is one of the biggest movie franchises of all time - because they used all that 'our guys' cut and cut all that 'our guys' used. And I didn't go see it in theater because I knew it wasn't going anywhere anymore. Just the last gasp that I can watch when it streams. And I'll probably really enjoy it too, and just end up dreaming off all the lost possibilities.
  7. @pengbuzz That cup is barely more than half full! I want to see a full collection of colored pencils and a finished Airwolf, STAT!
  8. Sorry to hear about Supes, esp when you put so much work into it. As you say, it hurts. Modelling can be cathartic - and frustrating! But then that's modelling in a nutshell. But love the idea of doing a 1/32 Airwolf! That's taking modelling into a corner, slapping it around a little bit and showing it who's boss.
  9. That is one sweet display! What a fantastic job!!
  10. Wow, just full of details on there!
  11. Finished watching Foundation season 2, and it was really good. No, I did not read the book series or know how/where it differs, but on its own it's a real good show. I could do to see a lot fewer male butts, but...
  12. @Urashiman Is he paying for those models with hot dogs?! If so, that just mght be a good deal.🤔 And I haven't been able to put a model together in one day in years, so kudos with that too!
  13. Someone kitbashing a 19 and a 21. Cool.
  14. @Urashiman It's still too much fun making the toy.
  15. I'm in the same boat sometimes. Recently, I've considered a couple of times just packing up all the 'stuff' and taking a break. Do what you need to, but also keep in mind you are a great modeller with some really fantastic builds. Thom
  16. This could be the chance to make an A-Wing that you like!
  17. Sparklin'!!
  18. Turn it into a silk purse! In this instance, bash it into an A-Wing!
  19. Sorry to hear that, Pengbuzz! Don't give up on the idea, as there are plenty of Tomcat kits out there! Hope it works out good for you, I think someone else here bought something similar with middling results.
  20. Would have been more apt to take the iconic name off of it and just title it, 'The Fortress.' That's one of the problems with MoTA, for despite how good it is they insist on changing events for more drama, when the events themslves have all the drama you need. Take... spoiler for Ep 3...
  21. @MechTech thanks! I give 50% of the work up to the PE.😏
  22. Sorry you're hitting some trouble on one of the 'cats @pengbuzz. What's happening? @electric indigo No, this is the older ProModeller (Revellogram) kit, which I hear is still on-par with the newer Meng version. Before sanding out the interior for the PE, it did have some very good looking detail, and I'm thinking when (if) I do the other one I have I may try painting supplied details instead. Got the two ends of the cockpit, gunner/radioman's sections together this morn. Thom
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