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Everything posted by Thom

  1. Enjoyed this from beginning to end. It hit all the highs and lows with a great cast to bring it all to life. I watched the last two back to back, and I agree it could have used more time. Was sad to see it end, but then it also gave the feeling, for me, that their 'rest' from the screen was well-earned. I do wonder what happened to Sandra Westgate? I know she's only based on a person the real Colby barely knew, but the last we see of her she's with the rebels in France and being transferred to another theater. Would have like for them to have closed that up. As to the B-17s, I wonder if they didn't show the G's with the chin turrets because their prop planes were of the earlier type? Would look weird if they no chin turrets on the ground but suddenly had them in the air, although, how much would it have been to bolt on a fake chin turret..? IDK, they may have run out of money for that.
  2. I was ho-hum about it, but I like the look of it so far. As others. I do wish this was a lot further into the past, as there is a lot of history too get lost in, and also would not mind a story not tied to the later ones. Stand alone would be grat, but hey, Trinity is in it!
  3. Good to hear, @pengbuzz! I hope Airwolf isn't too long in the hanger, but nice work on Reeves and I will love to see your Reliant going togther!
  4. Too late. Near a cliff. Sometimes Thom can be a real pain... Great find Pengbuzz! Don't forget, the Refit has all those atrocious grid lines all over it, unless that's not a problem.
  5. Well, beside myself can get pretty fun!😁
  6. But then, it's so easy to get behind myself too.... Hard to know which is better.
  7. YES!! Dany and Drogon returning back to Essos to live a happier and quieter life. Much better.
  8. Nice colors and the decals look good on it.
  9. Nicely done mods! Looks like a nice slap/dash version of the full battroid armor.
  10. It's a fantasy movie, so I'll accept some 'armor' for the character and what she can endure. We did see that she was pretty hand's on around her home, so she wasn't a stranger to physical labor. Not saying it shouldn't have been harder to scale a crystal wall, but it was a fun movie overall. Millie B really is good! I'd say the best to come out of Stranger Things. The cinematography and imagery was beautifully done and I liked the little twists and turns with the characters. I liked the ending too! Quite fitting.
  11. Make the suggestion to them.
  12. Finally got back to working on the Me-410. My mojo took a dump and I haven't touched it for two weeks. But now there is a model show coming up next month in 'my area,' and I want to bring it and a couple others. The clear glazings were bathed in Future and set aside to dry, Despite the cover, some debris still managed to get onto the drying Future, necessitating a Windex wash to clean it off and do it over again - TWICE!! While that was drying, I took a razor saw to the wings and cut into the radiator flaps to bend them further open and I cut off the solid wing tip lights. They will be replaced with clear plexi. And then I started putting on the glazings. I used a scalpel to scrape off the Future for a plastic to plastic join and then lightly applied TET. Capillary action drew it into the seam. And then I started fitting the long canopy sections - before realizing I still needed to add some framing and the gun controls inside! Lesson; do not get ahead of thyself! So, here is how she sits now. Once all the canopy parts are in place, I'll start working the seams around the fuse - and hope to not get any sanding dust inside! There are a couple of gaping holes to plug up... Thom
  13. Wait... what..?
  14. It was 'gritty,' but it managed to retain its humor and I think a lot of that has to do with Nicholson. Legendary Joker!
  15. And thankfully not a full year later than planned!
  16. And then its sequel, Robin: Young and the Restless.
  17. Looks like a beefy battleship! Nicepaint work.
  18. Luv it, @pengbuzz! The Lady is certainly coming together in fine fashion, and that includes the crew. Very nicely done. and I love the story about the rotor blades. Had me rolling!
  19. Fake trailer? Dammit, I hate fake trailers! Not even going to click on it if it is.
  20. It is a good idea to leave as little as possible to clean up for those loved ones we leave behind. I wouldn't call myself a hoarder, as my 'hoard' is put up in an attic space (and only a little has spilled over into the bedroom😋) and of course there are plans to build them all, but still, things happen. Both life and un-life... I wonder if anyone has contacted model clubs in their area and made any plans to donate their stash should the unfortunate happen? Would probably need to catogorize it all and keep up to date on which kits are started and which are untouched. But a good sized stash being donated to a model club, esp if they do the yearly shows, could help them out. Donated-on from there or raffled off at the show would help them out some.
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