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Everything posted by Thom

  1. And I just bought a model from these guys, We'll see how it goes... https://wiseguyshobbies.com/
  2. Love the cross-promotionals they used to do. As a kid, I didn't care, but it's humorous now seeing an Alpha* Jet dressed up as Leader One. Gonna like seeing this one going together! *of course the Alpha Jet actually being the Legioss from Mospeada, thanks to Harmony Gold reworking it into their Robotech.** **which was originally Macross until they got the Rights for the US market...
  3. He's looking real cool! Genius. Pure genius!
  4. Dude, phenomenal work!
  5. The Uraga is more my jam, but that is some great work! Would love to have one of these kits!
  6. Great work on that Bang kit! Looks awesome!
  7. Their wishes would be irrelevant under our laws, but apparently not the Republics. Unless we're talking about special circumstances brought into play with the Force being involved. It seems that if you can access the Force, you enter another level of citizen-hood, in which standard rules begin not to apply. A troubling thought, to be sure. Thankfully, we can trust the Jedi. From the Jedi point of view, they are saving these children from the Dark Side, and if anyone is intent on teaching them the Dark Side, then they are already inherently in the wrong. As to the fire, that's why I'm sure something more hinky went on. That fire spread too fast and too far, through a stone structure, and caused too many deaths.
  8. Very smooth!
  9. Admittedly, not knowing much about the Witches, I was assuming that different covens acted independently from each other, and in that vein, some may be more 'active' than others in the Dark Side. Also, there was mention of their low numbers, so perhaps they were taking a 'pause' in their evil objectives in order to rebuild the ranks, and were then just playing nice. Although, making mention they were outside the Republic for the very reason of nullifying Republic law about testing, means the Jedi were outside their jurisdiction and thus had no power. Of course, that could go either way, either the Jedi conceding that they had no grounds, or using that to go outside their restrictions. Outside the law is outside the law for both sides, so maybe the Witches were conceding for fear the Jedi would push the issue, regardless? Even if they defeated the Jedi there, they could find themselves being hunted pretty quickly.
  10. Oh! I get confused in my old age. Never mind me!!
  11. ?? Good looking mechs there, @SteveTheFish
  12. I didn't get the sense that she always wanted to be 'her own person.' That little routine they go through, that Osha is clearly more aggravated about doing now, must have come about when they were both very much into being twinsies. That is my assumption anyway. As to going to her parents, or other adults about Mae's cruelty streak. kids don't tell their parents everything, esp if they don't want the other person to get in trouble, or if they are down playing the danger just to not face the problem itself. People can be very good at that.😉
  13. You get all the credit!!
  14. 'Marge' has been found! About three weeks passed, but searchers found the P-38 of Richard Bong, named Marge, that was lost for 80 years. It was identified by its serial number, and sadly the image of Marge herself is long gone. But what a find! https://www.flyingmag.com/news/u-s-wwii-ace-richard-bongs-p-38-believed-found/
  15. Nice little production line @nonner242.
  16. I think we saw the break up of that very thing in episode 3. They clearly had a far closer relationship in the past, with their own personal rhymes and songs about them being truly two of one, but Osha clearly had had enough of not seeing herself as her own person. Wanting to join the Jedi may have just been an outgrowth of this that waned over the course of her training. And Mae was getting angry at her sister because she was starting to pull away from her, maybe because Osha noticed her sister's growing psychosis, on a deeper level than just cruelty to animals, and didn't want to be 'one' with that.
  17. Oh yeah, I know they don't film week to week. No one days anymore. And I'd say that being a show runner is different from writing and directing. The writer/director can filter the show runner's creation, smoothing out inconsistencies (or just bad ideas) to something that flows a lot more organically and minus strange leaps in plot. I don't know if it is because she did not write or direct this one, but is one better than the first two, where she did both with episode 1 and part in 2.
  18. Please, don't let Leslye Headland write any more for this show, or direct for that matter. This was definitely a better episode for that. It was nice to see what at least part of the back story is, and I'm sure we'll start to see the other side of what happened in the following episodes. Anyway, better episode this time. EDIT - checking the Wiki page, Headland is not shown in the writer/director's chair for the remainder of the episodes, so yay right there.
  19. Pretty meh about this. Underwhelmed for the most part. I won't quibble and say I was not watching for CAM (Carrie-Ann Moss) but I was... ...and then she was gone in under ten minutes... What an all-out waste of an actress! The one playing the green Jedi Masters should have been there and CAM should have had her role. And then there are the easy-out McGuffins. For me, this show (so far) ranks way bellow the Boba and Obi-Wan series. It has some great sets and costumes, great FX and such, but it needs better writers and directors - and to stop allowing obvious short-cuts to just to push the scenes. Was really hoping for more.
  20. @pengbuzz So that's what happened to Conan!? Some very good mods to that figure, Peng
  21. Unfortunately, that looked like it was just a running series of gag jokes. Does not make me want to watch it...
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