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Everything posted by Thom

  1. The entire fight didn't take all that long, and I don't think they have communications with Coruscant without someone being on the ship. Yord was the best bet to sound an alarm.
  2. Didn't even finish watching the trailer. I was sure it was fan-made garbage, but it's not fan-made... Clearly. Perlman's Hellboy is still the best,
  3. LOL!! It's alright, dude, I got a spare. And a whole bag of keys!
  4. 'tis but a scratch. Did I win?' Right, the Jedi Masters were training against themselves without trying to think outside the box, AKA, dirty fighting, and teaching that to the Padawans. Comes from centuries of not having a serious opponent and complacency creeping in. I wonder if that could have been a subconscious fault with Sol? He knew Osha wanted to join the Jedi but Mae did not, and perhaps it was a flawed, instinctive response that had him concentrate entirely on Osha.
  5. Took the words right off my keyboard!
  6. Yord's dialogue supports this, noting how Smiley does not adhere to normal rules of fighting. And yes, the Jedi have been training against equals, rather than planning to fight against a superior foe.
  7. I think, to their thinking, they did flood the area with Jedi. With Kelnacca, they had a 7-1 advantage over Mae. And, not having seen a dark Force user for a long time, obviously underestimated him when he showed up. On the flip-side, they were hampered by Vernestra wanting to keep things 'in house.' But still, seven Jedi should have been enough. In some ways though, I'm thinking they over-powered Smiley and under-powered the others. And whenever I hear the term 'Mary Sue' my eyes just about roll out of my head. Are there instance? Sure. But also instances where those complaining in such a way are clearly having mindless 'knee-jerk' reactions.
  8. Why would they need to think they needed reinforcements? They had overwhelming numbers to go after a single Force-user who had killed two Jedi, one on one. They had no idea they would be facing a Sith-like baddie whose power is equivalent to a Master (or two.) It was literally over in a matter of minutes, Plus there was no one on the ship to bring word for help, so the only way to get help would be to get to the ship and go back to Coruscant, which maybe what Yord would have done if Mae had not turned them around.
  9. I don't watch many spy movies, as they are not my thing, but the last I watched, Heart of Stone, was pretty good.
  10. Just the opening? I would love it if they redid all of the animation for the entire first series. Keep the vocals/soundtrack, but redo the aged look to it.
  11. And it really was, esp in regards to Mae suddenly wanting to surrender. But, I think, as soon as she knew Smiley was there (and kicking all Jedi-arse) she realized that being in custody would do nothing but get her more than dead.
  12. Reached a milestone and started closing up the fuselage, after loading up the 'pit, the gear bays and the intake trunking. And opening up the mounting holes for missle rails, strakes and inlets. And looking at it closely, it still looks like an F-8... Started gluing with the tail. I'll move around the seam with TET and that start cleaning that up. Always remember to feed the right wolf. Thom
  13. Doesn't look like it has anything to do with a multiverse. It is literally a movie from one camera, though they do apparently show early history in that spot before the main story starts. Looks really interesting, almost like an old TV stage show. And dang, he looks almost as young as he was in Splash!
  14. Does he glitter? DOES HE GLITTER!? Seriously, this is looking pretty good.
  15. Too much padding. The cape/collar/briefs/boots look fine, but those padded shapes are throwing it off. They don't need it. Supes does not need protective padding, nor does the suit.
  16. That looks outstanding @MechTech! I like both of them. The smaller looks like it could be a prototype/business/small commuter plane, and the second is giving me strong Dropship vibes. I'm sure that'll change once the wings go on, but it is looking great.
  17. That sounds great. I've started using clear UV curing resin for wing tip lights, so I'll have to check this out too!
  18. Some interesting names of note were in the Go-Bots series. Rene Auberjonois, Peter Cullen and Phil Hartman. I never recalled that part about them initially being cyborgs, but then it has been about four decades... @pengbuzz
  19. Oh yeah! That is some great box art. Nice idea to remake the intro scene.
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