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Everything posted by Thom

  1. I'm not normally a fan of the 'triangle, but this is MACROSS, and you must accept! That being said I am definitely rooting for Ranka. She doesn't come off as bratty or whiny or as a nuisance. She has an effervescent personality, almost always bubbly and optimistic. A trait to be adored along with a certain naiveté. It doesn't hurt that she suits me just fine, green hair/ears and all!! She is a strong go-getter - as soon as she realizes what she wants. Among the three, she's the one running to make the proclamation! As for Alto telling Sheryl to show up and telling her to watch him in his thoughts, I think a previous poster had it right (I hope) that it was to show how he and Ranka have improved and that she should do the same and not give up. Although that's probably a bit wordy. (On an EVIL note, perhaps he was telling Sheryl that he loved Ranka by forming the heart above her name. -place evil emoticon here-) So far all I know about the cliffhanger ending is that Ranka found Alto and Sheryl in the classic cuddling pose that is often misunderstood just as one decides to declare one's love. I won't be making any guesses as to what happened, though any three possibilites are ripe. 1) Sheryl says I love you - Alto says 'So?' 2) Sheryl says I don't love you(looooong shot) Alto says 'Oh?' 3) Alto and Sheryl profess their undying love and Ranka did just miss their kiss. 4) Alto and Sheryl decide they would make much better friends after all and become best buds. Ranka misunderstands and runs away. Alto runs after... but 5) the Vajra attack before he can reach her. I know that's more than three. cue episode 20!
  2. They have pre-orders for this companies VF-25 on Hobby Link. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN955525 There is a 5% off pre-order saving. It's looks really good, though I like what Bandai is up to also.
  3. I know in Flashback 2012, we see Misa and Hikaru and Minmei all leaving on the SDF-2 colony ship, and in reading other forums that it was eventually lost near the center of the galaxy. But does anyone have any idea what happened to them? Are there hints in Mac-7 or Mac-F? And are there any plans for answering this question? Personally I would love a new series focusing on what happened to them. It's a big empty place that needs filling, a tantalizing storyline that I think (hope) many people would want answered. And what happened to Claudia and Global and the Bridge Bunnies? I was tickled pink to hear that they did not die in Macross as they did in Robotech, though it was not 'said' in any words. Misa was simply standing there when Hikaru landed and we're left with the assumption that if she survived, then so did they. In any case I'm glad I got back into the story. I just finished watching Macross and I'm all caught up with Mac-F, until the next episode is released. What day would that be anyway? I've been watching it on YouTube. Now I'm struggling through Mac-7, and I don't hesitate to say that it's only for Max and Millia. It's a shame that due to a fluctuating episode arc they're story was for the most part excised from Macross. Despite their beginnings, i.e. Millia wanting to kill Max BAD, their relationship was actually more 'normal,' as in man meets girl and falls in love. I'll keep watching for them alone!
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